Gratitude -Authentic Leadership as taught by Horses-

Gratitude -Authentic Leadership as taught by Horses- Equine Facilitated Learning - Horses working as Teachers - Authentic Leadership as taught by the Hor

Equine Facilitated Learning in Stilbaai, South Africa - Horses working as teachers to facilitate Humans to be the best of themselves

Scroll down for: Italian, German, French and SpanishME: is this not how life is?WISE ME: no, life in Nature is abundant ...

Scroll down for: Italian, German, French and Spanish

ME: is this not how life is?

WISE ME: no, life in Nature is abundant and full of joy

ME: what can be done?

WISE ME: the school system has to change and support the development of our super genial children instead of numbing them down

ME: how?

WISE ME: children shall learn about energies first and their properties. We live now in an energetic time, and our children dive their attention for almost the whole day in energy devices. Nature's energies, which have been mapped out partially by brilliant minds in the past like: Einstein; Leonardo da Vinci; Tesla; Hawkins; just to name a few, are different. Behind what our children experience is still man at work with the help of AI. This is again a numbing down of our children

ME: how do you know?

WISE ME: I was born able to read energies. I grew up in an energy 'ignorant' reality and understood myself between tribal American Indian realities and wise Priestess Energies. I shifted my hunger for learning to the Animal kingdom around 2006 and since I have been diving into what I see and understand best: the Rhythm of Nature and Life

ME: What do you mean?

WISE ME: We humans are made of energy. If you take the energy part out of the body there is no life. If you allow someone to convince you that all that exist is the body you will then concentrate on all that is exteriority ignoring that part of you which is eventually your life force. When people reach this point they can be very easily manipulated and made to work for a system without questioning it, because they are trapped into a need for it. The Rhythm of Life is not listened nor followed any longer and people are prepared to pay fortunes to see the life force being in action outside of their bodies, like a distant movie in TV, Video Games, Mobile Devices, ... outside of their bodies

ME: And then what happens?

WISE ME: it is a slow death of the soul, people are just like robots walking around and not even questioning any longer. So Sad to observe

ME: is there a way out?

WISE ME: yes there is and it takes discipline and work, but it is there for everybody to access, we just need to take the right steps and keep on going! Just look for those who have done the steps: they are waiting with their Hands and Hearts open to help you to get in Rhythm with all that is and be free from a society which is slowly but surely destroying humanity. it is time to wake up now! The whole of Nature is awake, the majority of Humans are asleep

In Gratitude,


Scorri verso il basso per: italiano, tedesco, francese e spagnolo

IO: non è così che va la vita?

IO SAGGIO: no, la vita nella Natura è abbondante e piena di gioia

IO: cosa si può fare?

IO SAGGIO: il sistema scolastico deve cambiare e supportare lo sviluppo dei nostri bambini super geniali invece di intorpidirli

IO: come?

IO SAGGIO: i bambini devono prima imparare le energie e le loro proprietà. Viviamo ora in un'epoca energetica e i nostri bambini immergono la loro attenzione per quasi tutto il giorno nei dispositivi energetici. Le energie della Natura, che sono state mappate parzialmente da menti brillanti in passato come: Einstein; Leonardo da Vinci; Tesla; Hawkins; solo per citarne alcuni, sono diverse. Dietro ciò che sperimentano i nostri bambini c'è ancora l'uomo al lavoro con l'aiuto dell'intelligenza artificiale. Questo è di nuovo un intorpidimento dei nostri bambini

IO: come lo sai?

IO SAGGIO: Sono nato in grado di leggere le energie. Sono cresciuta in una realtà energetica "ignorante" e mi sono compresa tra le realtà tribali dei nativi americani e le sagge energie delle sacerdotesse. Ho spostato la mia fame di apprendimento nel regno animale intorno al 2006 e da allora mi sono immersa in ciò che vedo e capisco meglio: il ritmo della natura e della vita.

IO: Cosa intendi?

IO SAGGIO: Noi umani siamo fatti di energia. Se togli la parte energetica dal corpo non c'è vita. Se permetti a qualcuno di convincerti che tutto ciò che esiste è il corpo, ti concentrerai su tutto ciò che è esteriorità ignorando quella parte di te che alla fine è la tua forza vitale. Quando le persone raggiungono questo punto possono essere facilmente manipolate e costrette a lavorare per un sistema senza metterlo in discussione, perché sono intrappolate in un bisogno di esso. Il Ritmo della Vita non viene più ascoltato né seguito e le persone sono disposte a pagare fortune per vedere la forza vitale in azione fuori dai loro corpi, come un film lontano in TV, videogiochi, dispositivi mobili, ... fuori dai loro corpi

IO: E poi cosa succede?

ME SAGGIO: è una lenta morte dell'anima, le persone sono come robot che camminano in giro e non si pongono nemmeno più domande. Così triste da osservare

IO: c'è una via d'uscita?

ME SAGGIO: sì, c'è e ci vogliono disciplina e lavoro, ma è lì perché tutti possano accedervi, dobbiamo solo fare i passi giusti e continuare ad andare avanti! Basta cercare coloro che hanno fatto i passi: stanno aspettando con le loro Mani e i loro Cuori aperti per aiutarti a entrare in Ritmo con tutto ciò che è e ad essere libero da una società che sta lentamente ma inesorabilmente distruggendo l'umanità. È tempo di svegliarsi ora! Tutta la Natura è sveglia, la maggior parte degli Umani dorme

In Gratitudine,


Scrollen Sie nach unten für: Italienisch, Deutsch, Französisch und Spanisch

ICH: Ist das nicht das Leben?

WEISE ICH: Nein, das Leben in der Natur ist reichhaltig und voller Freude

ICH: Was kann getan werden?

WEISE ICH: Das Schulsystem muss sich ändern und die Entwicklung unserer supergenialen Kinder unterstützen, anstatt sie abzustumpfen

ICH: Wie?

WEISE ICH: Kinder sollten zuerst etwas über Energien und ihre Eigenschaften lernen. Wir leben jetzt in einer energiegeladenen Zeit, und unsere Kinder widmen ihre Aufmerksamkeit fast den ganzen Tag Energiegeräten. Die Energien der Natur, die in der Vergangenheit teilweise von brillanten Köpfen wie Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Tesla, Hawkins, um nur einige zu nennen, kartiert wurden, sind anders. Hinter dem, was unsere Kinder erleben, steckt immer noch der Mensch am Werk, mit Hilfe der KI. Dies ist wieder eine Abstumpfung unserer Kinder

ICH: Woher wissen Sie das?

WEISE ICH: Ich bin mit der Fähigkeit geboren, Energien zu lesen. Ich bin in einer energie-„ignoranten“ Realität aufgewachsen und habe mich zwischen der Realität der amerikanischen Indianer und den Energien weiser Priesterinnen zurechtgefunden. Ich habe meinen Wissensdurst etwa 2006 auf das Tierreich verlagert und vertiefe mich seitdem in das, was ich am besten sehe und verstehe: den Rhythmus von Natur und Leben.

ICH: Was meinst du?

WEISES ICH: Wir Menschen bestehen aus Energie. Wenn man den Energieteil aus dem Körper nimmt, gibt es kein Leben. Wenn man sich von jemandem einreden lässt, dass alles, was existiert, der Körper ist, konzentriert man sich auf alles Äußerliche und ignoriert den Teil von sich, der letztendlich seine Lebenskraft ist. Wenn Menschen diesen Punkt erreichen, können sie sehr leicht manipuliert und gezwungen werden, für ein System zu arbeiten, ohne es zu hinterfragen, weil sie in einem Bedürfnis danach gefangen sind. Der Rhythmus des Lebens wird nicht mehr beachtet und befolgt, und die Menschen sind bereit, ein Vermögen zu zahlen, um die Lebenskraft außerhalb ihres Körpers in Aktion zu sehen, wie einen fernen Film im Fernsehen, in Videospielen, auf Mobilgeräten, ... außerhalb ihres Körpers

ICH: Und was passiert dann?

WEISES ICH: Es ist ein langsamer Tod der Seele, die Menschen laufen wie Roboter umher und stellen nicht einmal mehr Fragen. So traurig, das zu beobachten

ICH: Gibt es einen Ausweg?

WEISES ICH: Ja, den gibt es, und es erfordert Disziplin und Arbeit, aber er ist für jeden zugänglich, wir müssen nur die richtigen Schritte unternehmen und weitermachen! Suchen Sie einfach nach denen, die die Schritte getan haben: Sie warten mit offenen Händen und Herzen darauf, Ihnen zu helfen, in den Rhythmus mit allem zu kommen, was ist, und sich von einer Gesellschaft zu befreien, die die Menschheit langsam aber sicher zerstört. Es ist Zeit aufzuwachen! Die ganze Natur ist wach, die Mehrheit der Menschen schläft

In Dankbarkeit,


Français:Faites défiler vers le bas pour : italien, allemand, français et espagnol

MOI : n'est-ce pas ainsi que la vie est faite ?

MOI SAGE : non, la vie dans la nature est abondante et pleine de joie

MOI : que peut-on faire ?

MOI SAGE : le système scolaire doit changer et soutenir le développement de nos enfants super géniaux au lieu de les engourdir

MOI : comment ?

MOI SAGE : les enfants doivent d'abord apprendre les énergies et leurs propriétés. Nous vivons maintenant à une époque énergétique, et nos enfants consacrent presque toute la journée leur attention à des appareils énergétiques. Les énergies de la nature, qui ont été cartographiées en partie par des esprits brillants du passé comme : Einstein ; Léonard de Vinci ; Tesla ; Hawkins ; pour n'en citer que quelques-uns, sont différentes. Derrière ce que vivent nos enfants, il y a toujours l'homme au travail avec l'aide de l'IA. C'est encore une fois un engourdissement de nos enfants

MOI : comment le sais-tu ?

MOI SAGE : Je suis né capable de lire les énergies. J'ai grandi dans une réalité « ignorante » de l'énergie et je me suis compris entre les réalités tribales amérindiennes et les énergies sages des Prêtresses. J'ai déplacé ma soif d'apprendre vers le règne animal vers 2006 et depuis, je me suis plongé dans ce que je vois et comprends le mieux : le rythme de la nature et de la vie.

MOI : Que veux-tu dire ?

MOI SAGE : Nous, les humains, sommes faits d'énergie. Si vous retirez la partie énergétique du corps, il n'y a plus de vie. Si vous permettez à quelqu'un de vous convaincre que tout ce qui existe est le corps, vous vous concentrerez alors sur tout ce qui est extérieur en ignorant cette partie de vous qui est finalement votre force vitale. Lorsque les gens atteignent ce point, ils peuvent être très facilement manipulés et obligés de travailler pour un système sans le remettre en question, car ils sont piégés dans un besoin de celui-ci. Le Rythme de la Vie n'est plus écouté ni suivi et les gens sont prêts à payer des fortunes pour voir la force vitale en action en dehors de leur corps, comme un film lointain à la télévision, des jeux vidéo, des appareils mobiles, ... en dehors de leur corps

MOI : Et ensuite que se passe-t-il ?

MOI SAGE : c'est une mort lente de l'âme, les gens sont comme des robots qui se promènent et ne posent même plus de questions. C'est si triste à observer

MOI : y a-t-il une issue ?

MOI SAGE : oui, il y en a une et cela demande de la discipline et du travail, mais elle est là pour que tout le monde y ait accès, il suffit de prendre les bonnes mesures et de continuer ! Cherchez simplement ceux qui ont fait les bons pas : ils attendent avec leurs mains et leur cœur ouverts pour vous aider à entrer en Rythme avec tout ce qui est et à vous libérer d'une société qui détruit lentement mais sûrement l'humanité. Il est temps de se réveiller maintenant ! La nature entière est éveillée, la majorité des humains sont endormis

En remerciement,


Español:Desplácese hacia abajo para ver: italiano, alemán, francés y español

YO: ¿No es así como es la vida?

YO SABIO: no, la vida en la Naturaleza es abundante y llena de alegría

YO: ¿qué se puede hacer?

YO SABIO: el sistema escolar tiene que cambiar y apoyar el desarrollo de nuestros niños supergeniales en lugar de adormecerlos

YO: ¿cómo?

YO SABIO: los niños deben aprender primero sobre las energías y sus propiedades. Vivimos ahora en una época energética, y nuestros niños sumergen su atención durante casi todo el día en dispositivos de energía. Las energías de la Naturaleza, que han sido parcialmente mapeadas por mentes brillantes en el pasado como: Einstein; Leonardo da Vinci; Tesla; Hawkins; solo por nombrar algunos, son diferentes. Detrás de lo que nuestros niños experimentan todavía está el hombre trabajando con la ayuda de la IA. Esto es nuevamente un adormecimiento de nuestros niños

YO: ¿Cómo lo sabes?

YO SABIO: Nací capaz de leer energías. Crecí en una realidad de ignorancia energética y me entendí entre las realidades tribales de los indios americanos y las energías sabias de las sacerdotisas. Cambié mi hambre de aprendizaje hacia el reino animal alrededor de 2006 y desde entonces me he estado sumergiendo en lo que veo y entiendo mejor: el ritmo de la naturaleza y la vida.

YO: ¿Qué quieres decir?

YO SABIO: Los humanos estamos hechos de energía. Si sacas la parte energética del cuerpo, no hay vida. Si permites que alguien te convenza de que todo lo que existe es el cuerpo, entonces te concentrarás en todo lo que es exterior e ignorarás esa parte de ti que, en última instancia, es tu fuerza vital. Cuando las personas llegan a este punto, pueden ser manipuladas muy fácilmente y se las puede hacer trabajar para un sistema sin cuestionarlo, porque están atrapadas en una necesidad de él. El Ritmo de la Vida ya no se escucha ni se sigue y la gente está dispuesta a pagar fortunas para ver la fuerza vital en acción fuera de sus cuerpos, como una película lejana en la TV, los videojuegos, los dispositivos móviles, ... fuera de sus cuerpos

YO: ¿Y luego qué pasa?

YO SABIO: es una muerte lenta del alma, la gente es como robots que caminan por ahí y ya ni siquiera se preguntan. Es muy triste observarlo

YO: ¿Hay una salida?

YO SABIO: sí la hay y requiere disciplina y trabajo, pero está ahí para que todos puedan acceder a ella, ¡solo necesitamos dar los pasos correctos y seguir adelante! Simplemente busque a aquellos que han dado los pasos: están esperando con sus Manos y Corazones abiertos para ayudarlo a entrar en Ritmo con todo lo que es y liberarse de una sociedad que está destruyendo a la humanidad lenta pero seguramente. ¡Es hora de despertar ahora! Toda la Naturaleza está despierta, la mayoría de los Humanos están dormidos

En agradecimiento,


I think l can speak in the name of all the Horses: please remove your presence from us!!! You are not worthy of being an...

I think l can speak in the name of all the Horses:
please remove your presence from us!!!

You are not worthy of being any close to us!!

And you shall never again set foot in the close vicinity of a Horse again in your life!!!

Thank you

Charlotte Dujardin, Britain’s three-time Olympic equestrian champion, has been shown repeatedly striking a horse on the back of the legs with a whip in distr...

Self Centred vs. SelfishI feel I have been a giver all my life I feel I have given more then I have takenI have gone in ...

Self Centred vs. Selfish

I feel I have been a giver all my life

I feel I have given more then I have taken

I have gone in overdue several times

and what about balance?

All the give and energy spent where did it go?

Well . . . the Universe made a plan and guided me in quite incredible adventures

Looking back I see how it all balanced out and I learned the lessons I was meant to learn

I did what I felt I need to do

And I always followed my Heart and the drives of my Authentic self

Getting older I was training more so that I had more stamina to do what I was doing

I had an energetic dip though as I was still living in Noordhoek

The commitment I had to the work with the Horses and all that I was doing from building or renovating to mothering to work with the Horses brought me to a point of exhaustion which I was able to overcome as I was in Riversdale at the farm

Riversdale was a -for me at that time- wild and in parts virgin land which taught me so much

I am really thankful of all the wanted and unwanted adventures I got there

I remember running retreats there and suddenly wild animals decide to join in and be part of it

In Riversdale I realised how magical nature is and I learned to dive into the forests and feel one with it

I remember running in the forest with the Herd of Horses running behind me and the respect the Horses were giving me even if I was not physically nor verbally asking for it

I could see how suddenly I was seen as the leading mare and not because I trained the Horses to see me so, but because I became for them a trustworthy mare with the personal development I kept on doing

And so they would call me to join their forest adventures and they were sharing with me what they felt it was for me important to be aware of

On that farm, on that Land, I found me

And I can see the power that land has

I hear the feedbacks people give me of their experience on that Land

And I have seen the Land chase People away

I have seen People doing miracles on that land

I find so fascinating when after some retreat time -in which my energies shift quite a lot- I go to the Horses: they feel attracted to me and want to know what I did and are curious about my shifts

And what is also fascinating is that they are tankful. I even remember during one of the quarantines we were running at the Gratitude Wellness Village as I turned on classical music a Horse thanked me for it and he was delighted to hear that sound

When I hear a Horse being thankful for something, it feels like a warm blanket

That is Gratitude as I know it: I have you as you have me, no agenda, no nothing

Trust, Respect and deep connection on a mission this is my relationship with Horses

This connection is becoming stronger and stronger and they manage to call me over the ocean and put me what they feel I shall be, when the time is right

That is why when people ask me where I live or what I do, my brain goes blank: I live everywhere and no-where and I work at the side of Horses

Horses have brought me in such amazing spaces and showed me some things, that they are capable doing, which go far beyond to what one can experience while using them for some sort of ego-gratification

These experiences triggered my curiosity and let me understand why very often Horses have been depicted close to figures present in sacred scriptures

What Horses show me is what gives me strength to go on and share their voice with the Humans willing to listen

Sadly it is still very few Humans which listen and sadly the majority of the Horses are still used for ego-gratification, but this is what we -the Horses and myself- still have to endure until Humans will realise that their ego is on a self-destructive path and leads no-where

The ego might drive you to win a rosette, to fill up your walls with memories of winning, but experience done, it is a very short lived high

Ego victories are ego losses for someone else

That short high becomes then addictive: more, higher, faster, bigger

But at the end what do you have out of it? Did you become a better person because of it?

I remember during a quarantine time I momentarily crushed because of exhaustion and I stopped and realised all the Horses in transit were working at the asking of inflated egos

I remember how energy depleting it was

Though my husband convinced me to do it telling me: think about those Horses passing by here, they will be thankful that they get a possibility to be fully themselves even for a very short while

And I have seen that

I have visited Horses after they went out of our Quarantine station. I remember them by us, and now they are dissociated again, just as they arrived by us

Why so?

Horses are extremely skilled and intelligent beings and when they come by us they can be fully themselves and they communicate with us

We see Horses for who they are and not for what they are doing, and at the same time we respect their life choices

It is difficult at times to find words to describe the work Horses do and the amazing opportunity they give us to develop ourselves into someone which is living a life of integrity driven by authentic powers and in rhythm with the co-creative forces of the universe

In Gratitude

I am going to share how I learned to work for the Horses and in doing so l became fully myself and my brain started to work much better because of the change...

The end of Abuse, the coming of the 1000 years of Peaceare Abuse and Peace the two faces of the same coin?in the reality...

The end of Abuse, the coming of the 1000 years of Peace

are Abuse and Peace the two faces of the same coin?

in the reality that I experience they are

Abuse is the yang side

Peace is the yin side

Abuse is heated and hurts

Peace is as candid as snow and cold

so if Peace is coming now, what will be the next step?


Peace can be experienced only because Abuse is there

but I don't want Abuse to be there any longer!

does that mean that Peace cannot be there any longer?

if feel the very next step is then No-thing-ness

I feel at ease in Nothing-ness


because it is a reality I am aware of and familiar with

I thrive in No-thing

I feel a very deep sense of ease

I feel light

I feel free

So yes!

the 1000 years to come are about being No-body doing No-thing

No does not exist without Yes, so what is the next space?


is there anything complementary to 0?

is 0 the essence of it all?

what about time would stop?

there is no before and no after


am I in this 0?

is 0 the space I am into?

is 0 my personal space?

when you abuse me you don't take notice of any personal space around me

but how is it I create you to do so

how is it I am not strong enough to stop you from invading my personal space?

am I scared to be alone?

do I feel the strength of the Herd and you are my Herd?

is this why I allow you to trap me in a stable and use me?

I feel abused every time you make me do something I don't feel like doing

I feel abused when you put a piece of iron in my mouth and you pull me around

I feel abused each time you stick nails into my hooves and put me iron shoes which don't allow my hooves to expand and work properly

I feel abused each time I don't understand what you want from me and you punish me for it

I feel abused when you let me without food enclosed behind bars in what you call stable

you are the perpetrator of my suffering and either I find a way to get away from you -commit su***de, I kill you or make your life so hard until you leave me alone- or I have to stay here and endure the mistreatment

though you look at me and you tell me you love me

each time you come to me you tell me you feel so much better

do you ever wonder how do I feel?

how can you call this a relationship?

how can you call this love?

if relationship and love are control then I am not interested in being in a relationship nor in love

then I rather stick around Horses and immerse myself in Nature

the rules of Horses and the rules of Nature are easy

Horses and Nature are peace

Horses and Nature have being experiencing Peace since ever

Horses and Nature are in Rhythm with all that is

And I am fully me when I am with Horses and Nature

my human times are finished!

and humans as such are also finished

humans are just a mistake

humans are poison

humans were made perfect and managed to make themselves imperfect

manipulation is the main poison humans use

manipulation will destroy humanity at large

you want to control something?

control yourself


in gratitude


Gratitude Wellness Village, R 305 Droevlakte

Opening Hours

Monday 07:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 07:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 17:00
Thursday 07:00 - 17:00
Friday 07:00 - 17:00
Saturday 07:00 - 17:00
Sunday 07:00 - 17:00




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