Crags Veterinary Clinic & Shop

Crags Veterinary Clinic & Shop We care.

We had another heartbreaking emergency from Stars yesterday... little Snowy, a very young JRT mix, came to the clinic wi...

We had another heartbreaking emergency from Stars yesterday... little Snowy, a very young JRT mix, came to the clinic with a history of "having 3-week-old puppies and being unwell, not eating for a while"... what we saw surpassed our imagination... starved nearly to death, covered with parasites, with severe biliary and uterine infection, Snowy was still waving her tail to us, sweet little person... surgical removal of infected uterus was necessary, but Snowy's hematocrit (anemia) was so bad, that she would unlikely survive the surgery... there was only one chance for Snowy: direct blood transfusion and then an immediate surgery. Thank you, Hendrie, for staying with me after hours, and thank you, special Bilbo boy for donating your blood to save Snowy's life. Sadly, when Stars arrived to collect her puppies yesterday, two already had died of starvation... but Snowy lived, and she is taking beautiful care of the remaining puppy boy. She is eating already and waving her tail in gratitude to people around her🤗 Please, anyone willing to help with donations towards Snowy's case, or interested in giving a home to the brave little boy, who survived the impossible start in his life, send me a message and I will put you in touch with Stars.


Our very special patient, Mrs. Piggy from Kurland. She grew up with dogs in the house, then when she became too big, she was moved to roam free on the vast polo estate. She is an old lady now, so we need to attend to some issues now and again, but she is such a laid back, sweet patient, we don't mind at all🤗🤗

If you treat your dogs with Peanut butter, please, check the labels very carefully.

If you treat your dogs with Peanut butter, please, check the labels very carefully.

Dental disease can lead to serious health problems, starting with gingivitis, bone absorption and bacteria spreading int...

Dental disease can lead to serious health problems, starting with gingivitis, bone absorption and bacteria spreading into the circulation and travelling to various organs.
Apart from the severe discomfort for your pet and bad smell you encounter daily, advanced dental disease can cause the systemic diseases that in extreme cases can end up with death.
Crags Vet Clinic will be giving 40% discount on dentals from Tuesday 18 June until 31 July 2024. Please contact the clinic on 0664411966 to book an appointment.

Our staff are regularly studying and updating their qualifications, we are proud of you, girls🤗🤗

Our staff are regularly studying and updating their qualifications, we are proud of you, girls🤗🤗


This is the real Old Soul in the dog form... we will never know what this GSD has been through in life, but it was a lot... he was found by the Sunshine ladies wondering the Kurland Village, with a serious, neglected paw injury, severely malnourished, very sad, but so dignified and friendly... he was most likely someone's loved pet, that in some way: stolen, given away, owner died...? ended in the village. Because of his sweetest attitude he was allowed to stay on one street, but as no one's dog, and he was just waiting for his fate to change again... they call him Rascoe... Sunshine brought him to Crags Vet Clinic yesterday for the foot surgery and neuter. But when we met him, and heard his story, there is no way we are sending him back to wonder the streets of Kurland again...


Please, be aware, there is a serious parvo virus outbreak in Kurland Village again. Not surprisingly, we see a much higher survival rate with the dogs that, thank to the efforts of the Sunshine charity, received at least two consequent vaccination in past.

The minimal steps to take:

1.Make sure your puppies are vaccinated properly, which means 3 polyvalent vaccine between 7-14 weeks of age, depending on when you started, with 3 weeks intervals between the injections.

2. Adult dogs, if properly vaccinated within the first year, should either be titer tested or vaccinated every 2-3 years with the polyvalent vaccine. Anual vaccination is not only unnecessary, but according to research, can also have harmful effects on the animal's immune system.

3. Please try to reduce the contact your dogs may have with the village, either via village dogs or your staff. You can encourage your staff to disinfect their hands and shoes before entering your property. If they have sick dogs at home where they live, I would ask them not to have any contact with your dogs for couple of weeks. Then please ask them to contact Sunshine staff to help try save their dogs if possible.

Please, be careful, parvo is a viral disease that spreads very easily and in not properly vaccinated animals, especially puppies, is often mortal. There is no specific treatment, just the supportive treatment to keep puppies alive while their body conquers the virus.

Vaccination does not mean 100% protection, but it significantly increases the chances of survival of the affected dogs.


In my behavioral consults, also observing behaviour of some of my patients in the clinic, I often deal with the "overly, disrespectful friendliness", which many owners seem to ignore, interpreting it as the healthy friendliness and playfulness. It is not so easy to explain the difference, so when I saw this clip, I thought it does just that, brilliantly:) This is what these dogs feel like to other dogs. When they are attacked as the result of their awkward, disrespectful behaviour, it is absolutely natural response from the other dog. It is not the "unnecessary aggression", but frustrated correction of the wrongful behaviour.


And here is a part of a lecture about feeding the raw fish rich in omega oils. Salmon and sardines are particularly valuable, and while the former is often too pricey, raw bait sardines are readily available, relatively cheap, and really valuable as a part of the dog and cat diet.


This weekend I attended the international virtual conference on the pain management in the veterinary patients. I am sharing these short clips, because the obesity related problems are among most common in my practice. The first clip talks about the two ways how the excessive weight affects pain, through the excessive weight on the vital structures, especially joints, but also through lowering pain threshold and increasing inflammation in the body, therefore making animals experience pain more drastically.

Happy Easter, Everyone😊

Happy Easter, Everyone😊

The second lot of fledglings leaving the nests nests now, please, read and consider... also please remember, that the bi...

The second lot of fledglings leaving the nests nests now, please, read and consider... also please remember, that the birds do not have a sense of smell like mammals do, so even if you touched/handled the bird, the mum will NOT reject it it because it might smell like you.

The important message below, also as a clarification: it is not really a rest, I am travelling to CT to spend some time ...

The important message below, also as a clarification: it is not really a rest, I am travelling to CT to spend some time with my mentor and friend Jane Goodall, we haven't seen each other for nearly 10 years, so it is the very special occasion for me. I will still be at work in the morning of 29th, and back in Crags on Sunday the 3rd. In case of emergencies, please use the vets in town just this once, I have to see Jane this time, on her 90th birthday too:))
The photo below is from circa 2000, from my time as the Gombe vet and writer... missing it in many, but not all, ways:))

"The Crags Vet Clinic will be closed for training from 13:00 on 29 February to 13:00 on 1 March 2024. Dr Magdalena will also be taking a well deserved rest for the first time and she will not be available at all from the afternoon of 29 February. She will be back on Monday 4 March."

Happy Christmas to all our patients and their parents. The Clinic received the most wonderful Christmas present, you can...

Happy Christmas to all our patients and their parents. The Clinic received the most wonderful Christmas present, you can see him now at the reception, where it welcomes everyone. Have a wonderful Christmas🤗🤗


As the vet and as the breeder, I am signing with both hands under the statement here. I love my flat-faced patients, they are all cute, full of beans, quirky, bossy and sweet... and they are all, I mean it, ALL of them, suffering from some level of lifelong disability. Usually more than one.

Some dogs, especially working breeds, have a drive so strong that it overcomes their self-preservation... chasing a dove...

Some dogs, especially working breeds, have a drive so strong that it overcomes their self-preservation... chasing a dove, young dobermann Max crushed into the pile of bricks so hard that he sustained life-threatening injuries: hemothorax, broken ribs and extensive, I mean EXTENSIVE soft tissue damage. Initial stage when his life was under threat, lasted about 10 days. Then we needed to deal with the huge skin and muscle loss on the lower chest, including the exposed sternum bone... it took 4 months and multiple plastic surgery procedures, and today Max is out of bandages, happy and full of beans, chasing the birds just as he used to.... we might still need to do a minor skin fold reduction, but altogether I am very happy how this horrendous wound healed up:)

We have the new exciting range of the fresh meat for dogs and cats: beef, chicken, ostrich and mutton from the Pets Minc...

We have the new exciting range of the fresh meat for dogs and cats: beef, chicken, ostrich and mutton from the Pets Mince George. Packed nearly in the 500 g bags, and very reasonably priced:)

This also applied to chickens and parrots, etc. Important piece of information for the bird handlers/owners.

This also applied to chickens and parrots, etc. Important piece of information for the bird handlers/owners.

🐦 Helping Injured Birds: A Vital Reminder 🐦

Hey there, fellow nature enthusiasts! 🌿 We've seen a heartwarming surge in care for our feathered friends this year, but there's a crucial tip we'd like to share with you all. It could make all the difference for those precious birds in need – especially the little ones!

📸 Take a look at this snapshot – do you spot that tiny hole just behind the bird's tongue? That's known as the Glottis. This tiny opening is the gateway to the bird's trachea or airway, leading right into its lungs. Our avian pals have unique anatomy compared to mammals, and it's vital to understand this when lending a helping hand.

When you encounter a baby bird with its beak agape, offering a drop of water might seem natural. But here's the thing: dripping water into a bird's open mouth can lead to disaster. Unlike us, birds can't cough up excess water. This means the water you offer could end up in their lungs, causing a dangerous bacterial infection. The consequences can be fatal – gradually depriving them of proper oxygen and causing harm.

🛑 It's sad that we've seen cases where good-hearted individuals inadvertently harmed birds by offering water in this manner. We get it – it's an act of kindness driven by compassion, but it can have unintended dire consequences.

🐣 So, what's the right approach? If you spot an injured or orphaned bird, you can best contact a licensed rehabilitator facility immediately. Not only is this a legal requirement, but it's also the most thoughtful way to assist the bird. Proper care for wild birds demands specialised knowledge and training; these experts know how to help.

🦅 If you happen upon an adult bird awake, alert, and on its feet, you can provide a shallow pan of water. Remember, birds close their Glottis when they swallow, which prevents water from reaching their lungs. However, please resist the urge to approach a bird and introduce water directly into its mouth. This reflexive response isn't what it seems and could actually cause harm.

🌊 Licensed rehabilitators utilise safe methods to hydrate dehydrated birds – often through subcutaneous injections of medical fluids. Pouring water into their mouths isn't the way to go, as it might lead to more harm than good.

🌟 Let's make sure our actions match our intentions. Next time you encounter an injured or orphaned bird, remember this golden rule: contact the experts. Your thoughtful concern can truly make a difference in these birds' lives. Spread the word, and let's continue caring for our feathered friends correctly! 🦜❤️

At CVC we regularly receive calls about wildlife casualties, and there seem to be many misunderstandings and misconcepti...

At CVC we regularly receive calls about wildlife casualties, and there seem to be many misunderstandings and misconceptions, which I would like to explain from the perspective of wildlife vet and rehabilitator over many years.

Firstly, if you see an injured/sick wild animal, please do not leave it there. Countless times vets are called about such casualties, but when we arrive, the animal moved or was taken away, and is nowhere to be found. Especially if it is a road accident, leaving the injured animal unattended could even end with another car hitting it in a meanwhile. Please, if you really want to help, stay with the animal and call the vet to join you there.

Secondly, wildlife cannot be treated the same as our domestic animals. Capture is always very traumatic for them and in many cases after the assessment, we decide to leave an animal in his/her current situation. Either they will die, intervention or not, and capture and removal from their environment for treatment would be plain torture over their last hours/days. Social/young animals usually have the best chance of surviving under the care of their group, so we stabilize them and let their group take care of them afterwards. Even if they die, this way they avoid the extreme stress of handling and had a chance to remain free, not spend the rest of their lives in captivity. And the level of healing we see in wild is astonishing, sometimes the best solution is to leave them and monitor, and only intervene if they are clearly not coping. There are also laws about removing animals from their natural habitat and moving them to private facilities, and these rules are mostly in place to protect the wildlife from being kept as pets, which is not only wrong for them, but also illegal. As cute as it is to keep the mongoose, monkey, buck, at home as a pet... for them it is not a good solution... unfortunately, very few proper rehabilitation/sanctuary facilities operate locally, and some take animals to financially gain from them, and the animal welfare is very sadly manipulated to fit the marketing programs based on human emotions.


I didn't know that:))

Origin of the word VETERINARY
The word "veterinarian" originates from Latin. In ancient Rome, horses used in the army (loading beasts) that were very old would gather in a place where they could enjoy and rest. These animals were called "veterinus".
The people who cared for these animals were called VETERINARII (veterinarius), which was a derivative of the word VETUS / VETERIS, "old", because of this the profession of animal care was called that.
259 years after the creation of the first school of veterinary medicine the first two veterinary schools, Lyon, on August 4, 1761, and the École Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort (Paris), were created by French Claude Bourgelat, lawyer and lover of horses, who did not accept inefficiency in the empirical treatment of his breed horses, and used his influence to convince King Louis XV to create the School of Veterinary of Lyon, which began operating in 1762, with its students recruited among horsemen, specialists in the care of the helmets of the horses, horsemanship being one of the subjects studied.
The second country was Austria in 1768, followed by Italy in 1769, Denmark in 1773, Sweden in 1775, Germany in 1778, Hungary in 1781, England in 1791 and Spain in 1792. At the end of the 18th century, there were 19 schools of veterinary medicine across Europe.
The first recognized veterinarians graduated from major veterinary schools founded between 1762 and 1821, such as the Royal Veterinary College in 1791 in London, and Lyon School became a symbol of modernity.
Source: Dr. Oscar Brogna.

After the exhausting 12 days since our tiles exploded up to the ceiling, the Crags Vet Clinic shop is open again. New ti...

After the exhausting 12 days since our tiles exploded up to the ceiling, the Crags Vet Clinic shop is open again. New tiles are very pretty, and we also did some internal decor changes, come check it up😊😊

Max (in the CVC shirt due to his self-inflicted extensive chest injury) posing in the new clinic shop😉


The Crags

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 12:00





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