Walking Willows Diary

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Walking Willows Diary The adventures of a rescue German Shepherd dog called Willow


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Please send friend request before mom shuts this page down. I have my own profile. Look for me Willow Walker.

Mom went off without me yesterday. Looking at the photos it was probably a good thing as I would not have been able to c...

Mom went off without me yesterday. Looking at the photos it was probably a good thing as I would not have been able to climb ladders and scramble up and over rocks let alone come back down again safely.
Today we went off together for a final hike check for tomorrow. As an honorary member of The Midlands Hiking Club I am co-leading a hike tomorrow. Got to make sure mom stays on the right path and doesn't lead everyone astray.
So many puddles to play in today. I was in swimming heaven. With tonight's rain it's going to be heaven tomorrow.

Two walks today. I'm in heaven. Mum and I walked to fetch the Willowmobile from the mechanic. Apparently it needed a new...

Two walks today. I'm in heaven.
Mum and I walked to fetch the Willowmobile from the mechanic. Apparently it needed a new water pump. Whatever that means. I was very pleased to see the Willowmobile. Means we can go out again.
This evening my besties, mom and Auntie Heidi did my favorite route. Two dams to swim in. Plus we found a stream running with water thanks to all the rain. Little Willow and I battled it out for ownership of sticks. Zeta was her usual grumpy self 🤣🙄

A late afternoon walk in the plantations. The paths are very wet. Lots of fungi around. Had a fun time sharing sticks an...

A late afternoon walk in the plantations. The paths are very wet. Lots of fungi around. Had a fun time sharing sticks and annoying Little Willow 🤣. I was put on lead as apparently I wasn't behaving myself 🙄.


And in the snail mail were treats. They are super yummy. Mom says we have to eat them slowly and she will ration us? Why can't we just have them all? It's our mail. Huffer Muttley and I are having a discussion about this.


Too much excitement. Nothing better than a personal letter 💟 all the way from Canada


Tail Mail via Snail Mail arrived today for Huffer Muttley and I. All the way from Canada to South Africa. Sooooo exciting. Thank you Auntie Janet and Bernie Black for our special Mail.

Typical slow start to our Sunday. Once breakfast was done, mom and I headed out for a walk. We get to the parking and gu...

Typical slow start to our Sunday. Once breakfast was done, mom and I headed out for a walk. We get to the parking and guess what? Mom had left her cell phone at home. Now that's a problem on many levels. Firstly no photos of me swimming. Very important. No photos of fungi for mom, also very important. No recording the mileage we do and of course for safety we need to have the cell phone. Back home we went. Got the cell and headed back to the car park. We got going eventually. Mom had her fungi eyes on this morning meaning the walk was a ssssslllllooooooowwwww one. Gave me plenty of time to sniff around and chase imaginary things. Mom was very focused on finding the fungi. She didn't do her normal call "where are you" 🤣.
Mom found lots of edible fungi, which made her very happy. Back home we had friends and family over for a braai and mum cooked the fungi. Yummy braai, Huffer Muttley and I got to share with everyone as we were allowed the bones. And I had my ball thrown for me whilst the humans were braaing. I kept them entertained. Even my Nana was able to join us for the braai which was very special.

Humans? What's with them? If it's not fungi they fussing over, then it's berries they picking with the regular use of th...

Humans? What's with them? If it's not fungi they fussing over, then it's berries they picking with the regular use of the word ouch! Well if you pick bramble berries to snack on there is going to be many ouch words. So I had to wait often for these humans while they snacked and chatted and took photos. They did let me swim often and run around. Sorry Mel about wetting you.
And then I get home to a bath? Mom really doesn't get it. I'm swimming. Why do I need a bath?
Oh well we had a great morning and I loved the snacks.

Got my smart new lead on today. Mom had to take Willows Wheels aka Mom's bakkie into HiQ because she hit a huge pothole ...

Got my smart new lead on today. Mom had to take Willows Wheels aka Mom's bakkie into HiQ because she hit a huge pothole on Saturday night. Mom was worried that the tyres were damaged. Happy to report all good. We dropped the bakkie and went back later to fetch it. There is a brand new baby zebra at WESSA. Mom was all ooohs and aaaahs about it

Afternoon walk with Little Willow and Zeta. We got to play in some muddy pools. I got into trouble as I did a runner, so...

Afternoon walk with Little Willow and Zeta. We got to play in some muddy pools.
I got into trouble as I did a runner, so it was back on the leash for me 😒. Then the mist came in and the humans got lost🙄 We got back to the bakkie eventually, and all was good. We, us doggies, had lots of fun. I think the humans did too.

Mmmmmmmh I don't think I'm so popular after this walk. Mom says I'm stinky. 🙄. Well what's a dog supposed to do? Puddles...

Mmmmmmmh I don't think I'm so popular after this walk. Mom says I'm stinky. 🙄.
Well what's a dog supposed to do?
Puddles + mud = fun. Seriously my human! What else does she expect.
I'm a dog. I love having fun. And isn't that why mom rescued me? To go walking with her. I'm a princess but not a prissy one. I like getting muddy and dirty. My besties Bernie Black Callie Ellis Little Willow Heidi Olivier and Kop Ohlala Vegans all get to do fun stuff. Today was my turn.
Anyways mum and I had a great walk. She fungied and I ran and sniffed. Another good adventure.


Was hot today. Very very very hot. A quick short walk at the river was very refreshing. Yay for swimming.

Mom had to drop off the bakkie early this morning for a service. We walked back home stopping at Maggies for a cappuccin...

Mom had to drop off the bakkie early this morning for a service. We walked back home stopping at Maggies for a cappuccino for mom and a milk for me. On the way, typically mom, she found a large mushroom called a Kowa.
We then proceeded home only for mom to find more.
Guess what mom had for lunch today? 🤣. No prizes for guessing.


We went for an evening walk with my besties. It was supposed to be a short walk as Huffer Muttley was with us. Turned out to be a little longer than a short walk, but Huffer and Zeta did very well. We did have a rather large obstacle. Look at me....up and over. I'm so brave and clever.

I had to get all "dressed up" this afternoon. My Auntie Sonja van Tonder and Uncle John got me my very own hand crafted ...

I had to get all "dressed up" this afternoon. My Auntie Sonja van Tonder and Uncle John got me my very own hand crafted leather collar and lead. Very smart and so soft. I got dressed up thinking we going for a walk. No says mom that's for special occasions. What? Why can't I just wear it and go for a walk? Mothers can really be such spoil sports. I was hoping to show my new collar and lead off. Oh well will have to wait until I get to go out where I can't swim. Thank you Auntie Sonja and Uncle John for the gorgeous formal wear.
PS I did get to go for a walk in my usual trail harness. 😁

A wonderful adventure today. So many puddles. Lots of places to swim. Sticks to play with. My bestie Little Willow and I...

A wonderful adventure today. So many puddles. Lots of places to swim. Sticks to play with. My bestie Little Willow and I played and played. Wide open spaces to just run and have fun. Mom and Auntie Heidi were so chilled. They laughed at us, threw sticks for us and just let us be doggies. They had a good time too.

Mom's a professional procrastinator. This morning was a typical procrastination Saturday. It was pouring with rain, so I...

Mom's a professional procrastinator. This morning was a typical procrastination Saturday. It was pouring with rain, so I resigned myself to slothing around the house. But No! Mom decided it was walk time. Whoooooop whoooop. Off we went rain and all. Mom in her gumboots and rain jacket and me just being me.
Mom's gumboots have got drawings of cats on them. Really? Cats on gumboots? Well I supposed her nick name is Ali Cat.
Mom fungied. Some of that fungi is really stinky. Even for a dog. Yuck.
I ran, chased, smelt, and swam. We met friends of mom's at the Karkloof Market, Gilly and Linda. They had coffee and pancakes. Mom shared her pancakes with me. Then we started back home. So many puddles. So many smells.
When we got home I got a good rub down with a towel. Just love those rub downs. Yes, another good day with mom.


This is why I walk my 'experienced' aka old human every day. Us doggies gotta look after our humans. They feed and love us, so have to ensure they stay healthy.
Thank you Venessa Cuthbert for this information.

*Did you know?*

▪️Both the legs together have 50% of the nerves of the human body, 50% of the blood vessels and 50% of the blood is flowing through them.

▪️ It is the largest circulatory network that connects the body.
*So Walk daily*

▪️Only when the feet are healthy then the convention current of blood flows , smoothly, so people who have strong leg muscles will definitely have a strong heart. *Walk*

▪️Aging starts from the feet upwards.

▪️As a person gets older, the accuracy & speed of transmission of instructions between the brain and the legs decreases, unlike when a person is young.
*Please Walk*

▪️In addition, the so-called Bone Fertilizer Calcium will sooner or later be lost with the passage of time, making the elderly more prone to bone fractures.

▪️Bone fractures in the elderly can easily trigger a series of complications, especially fatal diseases such as brain thrombosis.

▪️Do you know that 15% of elderly patients generally, will die max. within a year of a thigh-bone fracture !!
*Walk daily without fail*

▪️ Exercising the legs, is never too late, even after the age of 60 years.
*W A L K*

▪️Although our feet/legs will gradually age with time, exercising our feet/ legs is a life-long task.
*Walk 10,000 steps*

▪️Only by regular strengthening the legs, one can prevent or reduce further aging.
*Walk 365 days*

▪️ Please walk for at least 30-40 minutes daily to ensure that your legs receive sufficient exercise and to ensure that your leg muscles remain healthy.

You should share this important information with all your 40+years" friends
& family members, as everyone is aging on a daily basis.

This darling but dazed little half-collared Kingfisher, mom and I found on our morning walk. Thank goodness for organisa...

This darling but dazed little half-collared Kingfisher, mom and I found on our morning walk. Thank goodness for organisation's like FreeMe KZN karkloof road. Please support FreeMe. They do incredible work with wild animals in their rehabilitation and returning to natural habitats


A few weeks ago the humans were talking as they usually do. They think us dogs don't understand. Little do they know. Anyway, Auntie Heidi said she was going to go swimming regularly. So I got to thinking and working on mom. Took me awhile but I eventually have got it right. I get to go swimming almost everyday. BONUS.

We found this little fella yesterday on our patrol. Mom is such a, what is it you humans say, a woosie?  She saw it, cal...

We found this little fella yesterday on our patrol. Mom is such a, what is it you humans say, a woosie? She saw it, called me back, warning that they can be dangerous and we were in its territory so we had to step back and leave it alone. Then we realized it wasn't alive. Mom couldn't see anything to show why it had died.


When your name is you can do anything you like 🤣


I won this round between Little Willow and I 🤣

Went swimming and playing with my besties,  Little Willow, Zeta and Clive. Sadly Huffer Muttley couldn't join us as we h...

Went swimming and playing with my besties, Little Willow, Zeta and Clive. Sadly Huffer Muttley couldn't join us as we had to walk too far to get to the dam.
We played and played. My swimming is improving. I managed to swim out to fetch sticks. Mom was so proud of me ❣️

It's been awhile. We did a 'research' walk today. I was allowed to smell and run around to my hearts content whilst mom ...

It's been awhile. We did a 'research' walk today. I was allowed to smell and run around to my hearts content whilst mom foraged for fungi. We had such fun.
We've had to take care of my Nana. Need to be close to my Nana so we can't go to far away. Today was awesome.

Hello hello hello. Remember me? Mom went on conference for work. When she came home we went to play ball which was so co...

Hello hello hello. Remember me? Mom went on conference for work. When she came home we went to play ball which was so cool. Huffer Muttley came with.
Since then it's been a bit quiet. In mom's words since she got back from conference "life went pear shaped". Whatever that means in human language. I do know it means life has been very confusing. My Nana not well so mum and I have not been walking a lot lately.

Missing my mom who is away for work. 💔

Missing my mom who is away for work. 💔


A quiet day ending with a stroll. What's a stroll? Well I certainly found out. It's a very slow walk for the more senior of the doggies to enjoy an outing. Huffer Muttley and Zeta were no fun. They didn't want to play. They just plodded along. Huffer huffing and Zeta in her own head space. Little Willow didn't come so I had to amuse myself. Was a bit disappointing when I realized that Zeta was on her own.
Anyway, it was fun even though it was slow. Got to do a lot of sniffing which is good. Thanks Auntie Heidi Olivier

4 humans and 3 dogs under sunny skies with kilometers of places to run, sniff and swim. The humans didn't do that, us do...

4 humans and 3 dogs under sunny skies with kilometers of places to run, sniff and swim. The humans didn't do that, us doggies did. 🤣
My bestie Little Willow and I played a lot together. Clive drives us girls nuts. Anyway he does his own thing so we weren't too fussed. Puddles, paths and a river to swim in. What more could we want besides treats and spoils. As usual the humans weren't too sure of which way to go, but they seemed to muddle it out between themselves. Mom and her 3 human friendlies were the bestest as they just let us do our thing.
Quick snack with Nana tonight then bed. Happy tired doggie I am.


Heading out for another adventure with mom and my besties Little Willow, Zeta and Clive. Oh yes and my human besties too. 😆Going to find every puddle I can and see if I can be more Muddy and smelly than yesterday. Sssssh don't tell mom my plan. 🤣

If you could read my mind or my facial expressions you would know that I'm a happy rescue doggy. Mom and I headed out in...

If you could read my mind or my facial expressions you would know that I'm a happy rescue doggy. Mom and I headed out into the plantations this afternoon after having lunch with my special Nana at Karkloof Country Club. The huge rain we had last night made the plantations a playground of my dreams. Mud puddles everywhere. Mom had fun foraging for fungi. I was running around like a happy puppy. Between you and I, I think mum was feeling guilty as she went off without me this morning. But she made up for it this afternoon. She let me determine where we would walk and which path to take. I didn't get us lost and we were back where we started without a hitch. I'm getting good at this.
The fungi called Chicken of the Woods mum foraged, we delivered personally to a local restaurant, where we met a special friend of mums. While she had coffee and remember when conversations, I caught up with some sleep at moms.feet. I'm a happy doggy

My bestie Huffer Muttley is exhausted 💕

My bestie Huffer Muttley is exhausted 💕


Friday evening fun with Huffer Muttley. Love it when mom comes home from work and says that four letter word.......WALK. Yes yes yes. So much fun playing in the water and running off lead.
My swimming technique needs some work but what the heck at least I'm swimming now.
Huffer huffed along very well. She is now flat out fast asleep. She not even snoring. She must be exhausted 🤣

These Zebra are really quizzy animals. But they are super protective of the little foal in the herd. It's amazing how th...

These Zebra are really quizzy animals. But they are super protective of the little foal in the herd. It's amazing how they keep the foal away from us as we walked past. Humans must never underestimate the intelligence of animals. We are very clever..


Mom says I'm a grazing Germaid 🤣. She really needs to come to terms with the fact that I'm a special German Shepherd with personality 🤣.

Happy dog. Very happy dog. Morning walk and a romp in the river. Mom and I played peek a boo on the bridge that her dad ...

Happy dog. Very happy dog. Morning walk and a romp in the river. Mom and I played peek a boo on the bridge that her dad built.

Patrol day. Was good to see the Blesbok with the Zebra. Lots of flowers which is just as bad as seeing fungi. Mom wants ...

Patrol day. Was good to see the Blesbok with the Zebra. Lots of flowers which is just as bad as seeing fungi. Mom wants to take photos of everything. I just want to get going checking that all is okay. That's my job.




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