Lovasa Italian Greyhounds

Lovasa Italian Greyhounds Hi, I’m Enette and I have found my soul dog. I am excited to share my journey and passion with you.

Well if you won’t give me a runway I’ll create my own!Lovasa Mossie ☺️🐾

Well if you won’t give me a runway I’ll create my own!
Lovasa Mossie ☺️🐾

Beautiful jackets in stock size 41-44cm chest.Price R260.00 excl courier.Normal pricing R330.00Wattsapp 0731586623

Beautiful jackets in stock size 41-44cm chest.
Price R260.00 excl courier.
Normal pricing R330.00
Wattsapp 0731586623

Ever so often a special soul enters your life, and you KNOW your life will be forever changed….

Ever so often a special soul enters your life, and you KNOW your life will be forever changed….

Massimo smelling that it’s going to be a goooood week!

Massimo smelling that it’s going to be a goooood week!

So today we have no fancy caption except that we can’t wait for our next litter 🐾

So today we have no fancy caption except that we can’t wait for our next litter 🐾

We agree 100%!!

We agree 100%!!

Your puffer is not only for breakfast @ Paul in Melrose Arch, a drive on the farm is in order too 😉

Your puffer is not only for breakfast @ Paul in Melrose Arch, a drive on the farm is in order too 😉

We did a thing 😁👏🏻 our puffer jackets now available.R400.00 excl courierDM or wattsapp 0731586623

We did a thing 😁👏🏻 our puffer jackets now available.
R400.00 excl courier
DM or wattsapp 0731586623

Father’s day stop  #2

Father’s day stop #2

Tagging along for father’s day 🐾

Tagging along for father’s day 🐾

Loving the colour on this beautiful girl of ours enjoying spoils at her forever home 🐾

Loving the colour on this beautiful girl of ours enjoying spoils at her forever home 🐾

Oh yes he’s a cutie for sure 😍🐾

Oh yes he’s a cutie for sure 😍🐾

We have winter jackets ready to courier, custom options are also available.Warm sherpa fabric to keep you baby warm.Size...

We have winter jackets ready to courier, custom options are also available.
Warm sherpa fabric to keep you baby warm.
Sizes for 8weeks also available 🐾☺️
R320 excl courier
Wattsapp 0731586623

They choose their human, that is their be all and end all no its not the same as yorkie, poodle, jack russel and the res...

They choose their human, that is their be all and end all no its not the same as yorkie, poodle, jack russel and the rest. If you have never owned an Italian you would not understand.
Think wisely if you can commit to that level of dependance and attention required - Italians are the most amazing beings but I have said before they are not for everyone.

Happy 1st birthday to Izarra and Azurri!We are excited to see what you will be adding to our breeding plan ❤️🐾

Happy 1st birthday to Izarra and Azurri!
We are excited to see what you will be adding to our breeding plan ❤️🐾

Weekend I’m coming for you!Hope everyone had a good mid week celebration 🎉Beautiful Enzo enjoying the run.

Weekend I’m coming for you!
Hope everyone had a good mid week celebration 🎉
Beautiful Enzo enjoying the run.

Happy mothers day to all the fur moms and mom of humans! You’re doing a slendid job! I’m blessed to have both. May your ...

Happy mothers day to all the fur moms and mom of humans! You’re doing a slendid job! I’m blessed to have both. May your day be full of dog hair, kisses and zoomies, and of course cake and spoils 🐾

Mr Midnight is available for reservationWattsapp 0731586623

Mr Midnight is available for reservation
Wattsapp 0731586623

Lovasa brother random meetup!

Lovasa brother random meetup!

But oh we love them 🐾

But oh we love them 🐾

Our vests seems to be a winner this winter!Excited about our puffer jackets coming soon.I promise your IG wants one 😉💪🏻 ...

Our vests seems to be a winner this winter!
Excited about our puffer jackets coming soon.
I promise your IG wants one 😉💪🏻

Wattsapp 0731586623

Here is the beautiful story of Antonello and his   big brother.This is such a beautiful story about how IG’s can bring j...

Here is the beautiful story of Antonello and his big brother.
This is such a beautiful story about how IG’s can bring joy after sorrow.
The day the sibling basset passed was the day Antonello was born!
Imagine the paw parents surprise when they heard after being on the waiting list a pup is now available for them.
We are so grateful that Harry only had to wait 8 weeks before his next best friend arrived. They have been inseperable ever since ❤️🐾

These 2 beautiful brothers d.o.b 9/04/2024 are wondering where their forever couch will be ☺️🐾Whattsapp 0731586623

These 2 beautiful brothers d.o.b 9/04/2024 are wondering where their forever couch will be ☺️🐾
Whattsapp 0731586623

They seem to follow me everywhere 😍.Lovely weekend with family 🐾

They seem to follow me everywhere 😍.
Lovely weekend with family 🐾

Whatsapp for enquiries0731586623

Whatsapp for enquiries

So do entertain us on this. I’m always surprised at the colour preferences prospective parents have….So what is your fav...

So do entertain us on this. I’m always surprised at the colour preferences prospective parents have….
So what is your favourite colour?

Jade’s journey is one I share with most of my prospective parents - we wholeheartedly agree with everything! Worth a rea...

Jade’s journey is one I share with most of my prospective parents - we wholeheartedly agree with everything! Worth a read! 🐾

So it's been almost a year since my last post in this group and I think it's about time I remind you all WHY we should all advocate for our lovely list of ethical breeders. Keep in mind, ETHICAL, is the key word here.

As many of you know, I've been a lover of Italian greyhounds for many years now, and I've been a very happy owner for 5 years this April. While this may seem like a short time to some of you, it has been packed full of a million experiences and learning moments.

The reason I feel like I can comment on this is because my rag tag group consists of a little bit of it all. I have Fred, my old abused rescue, Azura, my ethically bred nutcase and Nova, my backyard bred genetic nightmare. Pictures of all 3 below.

It's seems that IG's are, once again, falling from the sky. Greyhound Welfare and Sighthound rescue seem to have more and more iggies by the day. I'm seeing iggies on the street, meeting people online and at the vet. What worries me about this is, almost none come from the breeders that I know and trust...
They're all supposedly "purebred", short legs, strange coat colours, 20kgs and all.

There's always a story, "we rescued them"... But not from a rescue or welfare organization? "They were rehomed to us" ... for R4000? "They were a gift"... This is a dog not a toy or cupcake. You shouldn't consider a living animal a gift! "We couldn't afford a pup from X breeder"... If you can't afford the initial cost you shouldn't have a dog, certainly not an Italian Greyhound. "The waiting list was too long" ... too long for a 10 year plus commitment? Choosing a companion is a big decision, it's why we don't get dogs via mrD...

I am constantly seeing and hearing from people who are heartbroken that their dogs are sick, have genetic disorders or congential conditions... People who genuinely love their dogs but their hands are tied at the cost of treatments. People begging for help financially. People begging for help with behavioral issues.
People who are desperate for a quick fix for their dogs.

I am beyond wrecked that this issues seems to only be getting worse. I can't possibly imagine what all of you who are running the rescues and welfares are going through. My heart goes out to each and every one of you fight for the health and welfare of this darling breed.

I understand, better than most, what's it's like to love and care for a backyard bred dog with PRA, heart conditions, IBD, multiple allergies and unknown genetic problems etc.
I know what it's like to rush to the vet after hours, on multiple occasions. I know what it's like to do test, after test, after test. To pay vet bill after vet bill and to still have questions. I am well aware of how lucky I am that Nova has a phenomenal team of vets and specialists on her side, all working towards keeping her as happy and healthy as possible. I know how lucky I am that I can afford all of this too.
Beyond all of that, I know what it's like to watch her slowly stop playing with the other dogs because PRA has stolen her ability to see. Nova is 5 on Sunday and her whole world is limited because of someone who selfishly bred her parents for the money her litter could provide them. I try so hard to not to get angry and to place blame but it's nearly impossible. I am angry. The entitled human that brought Nova into this world will suffer none of the consequences of their actions. The one who will suffer is Nova. It's not fair. Getting a dog from a backyard breeder is not fair.

Do I regret getting her? Not for a single second, but she is the reason that I will always advocate for ethical breeders.

Genetic disorders are rife and not something to be underestimated. Nova is 5 and we have seen every specialist under the sun. A canine geneticist is not fun perosn to visit. Congenital disorders are more than the visibly physical, a heart murmur will greatly affect your dogs ability to just be a dog. Don't be fooled by a cute face on a Gumtree ad and don't be afraid to ask for more details. Any breeder worth their salt will have answers for you. You need to know what questions to ask.

I know how hard it is to care for the rescue dog who was so scared of people and loud noises that he just shut down. I tended to the wounds from the operations to repair the damage done to his little body. I force fed meds and sat on the kitchen floor hand feeding every little pellet he could stomach. I had to learn how to force feed a dog to get his weight up. I had to pull myself together and pick him up when he was so utterly terrified that he collapsed into a heap. I spent many hours im the bath to wash the p*e and the p**p from his fur after he lost control of his bowels in fear. I've had to deal with his self inflicted wounds when his anxiety gets too much to handle. Even now, going on 2 years, he's on chronic medication for anxiety. I have to remind myself that he is safe and loved on a daily basis. I know that Fred is living his best life right now. He's happy, fed, loved and even plays with people and toys. This is almost worse than his fear, his willingness to trust people after what he's been through. He will climb right into your lap for cuddles and if your lucky, you'll get a kiss for your efforts.

This is not a breed that is meant to be "outside dogs". They are soft and need the company of their family. They get cold and will sleep under the covers all day of you let them. They're not a breed that takes to punishment. A raised voice will result in a house full of drooping tails. They will love you for all your faults but they shouldn't have to love you through their neglect.

I've had the bouncy little puppy who gave me grey hairs while couch surfing. The little monster that took on everything with a brave face and all her teeth (even the cats when they were twice her size). I have done the house training, puppy classes, 2am zoomies and her using anything and everything to get relief from her teething. Azura is will be 3 soon and she still lole to pur everything in her mouth. I see how she can run full sp*ed and bark and play with new people and dogs. She runs circles around the other dogs and can always be found encouraging some kind of chaos, like teaching Fred to dig in their sandpit.
She broke her leg almost a year ago in a freak accident and was back to her bouncy self almost immediately. I had the support of multiple breeders, rescues and other iggy parents. I still get messages checking up on her and it means the world to me. She seems immune to eating strange things and has an endless amounts of energy. Azura is what all Italian Greyhounds deserve to be: healthy, loved and safe.

Don't get me wrong, I love all of my pups with all that I am, but the road we have traveled has NOT been an easy one.
Many lessons have been learned.

The fact that so many people are doing what they do without a single worry for the impact it I'll have on generations of Italian greyhounds and the people who love this breed just drives me insane.
I am ready to grab people and shake them until the light goes on...

Many of you will complain about the cost of an ethically bred puppy. I hear it all the time, "Why should I pay R5000 for a puppy?". All of the above is a testament to exactly WHY.
Ethically bred Italian Greyhounds are being bred by loving humans who are giving their all to ensure their health and wellbeing! These ethically bred puppies (and adults) are fed the best food to help with them stay big string and healthy. They are vaccinated to keep them safe from sickness and disease. Parvo and distemper are horrible diseases to watch any dog suffer through. These pups are microchipped to ensure they will always find their way home. They are loved and cherished from the moment the are born until long after they have left the loving arms of their breeders. Azura is living proof of this.
There's a reason the wait is so long! Our ethical breeders are so few and far between. As the popularity of the breed grows, so does the demand for puppies.
I don't know of a single good breeder who will do an unplanned mating or a mating without possible parents lined up.
Instead of breeding their females over and over, they are rested and allowed time to properly recover before even considering another mating. Each mating is carefully selected and usually involves pouring over their bloodlines, medical histories and the individual's personalities. All of this is done to ensure YOU are getting the best puppy possible in terms of health and temperament. All of this is time, money and dedication from our lovely breeders and so few of us consider this when complaining about the "cost" of a puppy.

Let me share me personal costs with you: (roughly everything I've spent on each dogs from initial costs to medical expenses. Further breakdown availableif youd like)
Nova (BYB) - 5yo
- R90 000.00 plus to date, most of which medical costs and wasn't covered by pet insurance because it's genetic/congential disorders
- R1300.00 roughly pm for chronic meds

Fred (Rescue) - 13yo
- R4000.00 to date
- R120.00 roughly pm for anxiety meds

Azura (Purebred from Ethical Breeder) - 3yo
- R11 000.00 to date, excl her broken leg as pet insurance covered it.

You tell me, is a backyard bred dog really cheaper?

There is a reason being approved for a puppy can feel like an interrogation scene from a movie. After putting their blood, sweat and tears into their dogs, how can you possibly expect any less, from an ethical breeder, than ensuring you will be the perfect home for one of their puppies? Knowing what can happen to a dog in the wrong hands is all the motivation needed. It takes months, if not years to get approved to adopt a human child, surely answering a few questions and taking a few photos should be expected when adopting a puppy. Most welfare organisations insist on it and require a physical "homecheck" to boot!

All of the "struggles" are for a good reason and are for your benefit and for the benefit of your dog long-term.

I have said it a million times before and I'll say it again, I am so beyond thankful for our amazing rescue/welfare orgs and our wonderful breeders and all of the good work you do for the sake of the dogs.
Many of you go above and beyond for the dogs in your care and for us, often undeserving, owners.
Thank you for the continued efforts to protect and maintain this magnificent breed. We are all better off because of you🐾

Like always, if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask. I am an open book when it comes to my pooches and their colourful stories.

Jade Wepener’s beautiful pack still enjoying their vests ❤️ new range available dm for more info

Jade Wepener’s beautiful pack still enjoying their vests ❤️ new range available dm for more info

Look at these beautiful handcrafted yerseys just like your grandmother would I’d say a must for your IG fur baby 😍

Look at these beautiful handcrafted yerseys just like your grandmother would I’d say a must for your IG fur baby 😍




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