- 8 cool things about the elephant shrew:
1. Namesake:
His long snout looks similar to the trunk of an elephant, and he uses it to find food. His snout can move around, but doesn’t have all the functions of an elephant’s trunk.
2. You can’t see me
The elephant shrew is super shy and will rather flee from a threatening situation than fight. He camouflages himself well in nature, due to the colouring of his fur coat. There are different types of elephant shrews and they all vary in shades of brown, grey, black and even a little red.
3. Catch me if you can
Being one of the fastest small rodents, the elephant shrew can run at almost 29km/h, and he runs this speed along his escape routes – in tall grass and under bushes!
4. What’s for dinner?
The elephant shrew is a bit of a sloppy eater, especially when his prey is on the big side, but he uses his tongue to lick up his mess. His food consists of a variety of insects – he loves bugs, earthworms, spiders, millipedes and centipedes.
5. Small package
The elephant shrew is a small animal and varies between 10-30cm in length, depending on the species. The average weight of the elephant shrew varies between 50 and 500g.
6. Social distancing
Socialising is not at the top of the elephant shrew’s agenda. Although the male and female mate for life, they rarely live together and usually have different nests.
7. Relatives
There are about 19 different types of elephant shrew, including checked elephant shrews, giant elephant shrews, long-eared elephant shrews, round-eared sengis, and four-toed elephant shrews. Then, there is also the Cape elephant shrew, the Karoo rock elephant shrew and the bushveld elephant shrew, to name a few more.
8. Africa is home
Elephant shrews can be found in many parts of Africa and in almost any habitat – from deserts to forests. You might even find an elephant shrew living among rocky surfaces.