Carrot fertilization Guide
It is always recommended that a soil and water analysis be done prior to planting carrots. This will ensure that all factors, including pH are taken into account thereby reducing fertiliser waste and
eliminating the risk of oversupply and possible risk of fertiliser burn of the crop.
👉On mineral/sandy/light soils, apply up to 110 kg N/ha.. Apply two-thirds of the nitrogen before planting and the balance side-dressed when plants are 10 cm tall. The purpose of side-dressing is to supply additional nutrients during the growth of the crop. On heavier soils apply up to 60 kg N/ha, broadcast, prior to planting.
Phosphate fertilizers are usually low in toxicity because a large portion of the phosphate is precipitated in the soil before it can reach the plant roots.. As a guideline 80 – 150 kg/ha are applied.
200 – 300 kg of Potassium should be applied, 50% before planting and the remainder can be worked in with nitrogen applications.
An application of 30 kg per hectare of CaO (calcium oxide) applied pre-plant can reduce the symptoms of calcium deficiency.
If Magnesium is deficient, 30 kg/ha of actual soluble magnesium can be applied. If the soil pH is below 6.0, the application of dolomitic lime can help.
Visual symptoms and plant analysis are useful to predict boron requirements in plants. A boron deficiency can cause necrosis in the growing tip or internal breakdown in carrot roots. Boron is
recommended on new organic soils at a rate of 2.6 kg actual boron/ha with the fertilizer
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