A very unexpected call on the 2nd day into the new year took us to Borrowdale Racecourse where a feral Tom had fallen through a ceiling into an office. The clients tried to leave the doors open for him but he was too scared to leave in the light of day. Lorna set a trap overnight for him to hopefully go in and the client put down water and a litter box also. Early hours of the 3rd Lorna went to check the trap and he didn’t fall for it. Instead she had to coerce him into the trap by making the room bright and the trap dark and safe. He eventually went in after 10 or so minutes of coercion. He was neutered, ear tipped and checked for any injuries and returned late afternoon the same day back home to save him from anymore stress!
What a way to start the new year but we are happy to have helped this Tom and stop him fathering anymore kittens too 😻