Our furry little feline friends are sometimes a mystery, however here are some facts we do know about them!
While us humans have 206 bones, cats on average have 244. It ranges between 230-250 depending on how long a cat’s tail is and how many toes the cat has.
Adult cats have 30 teeth, while kittens have 26A house cat is genetically 95.6% tiger.
Cats can run around 48 kph (30 mph), but only over short distances.
A house cat could beat superstar runner Usain Bolt in the 200 meter dash.
Cats can jump 5 times their height
An adult cat’s brain is approximately 5 cm (2 inches) long and weighs 30g and has nearly twice the amount of neurons in their cerebral cortex as dogs.
Males are more likely to be left pawed, while females and more likely to be right pawed- some are ambidextrous.
A cat’s tongue contains a number of backward facing hooks known as filiform papillae, these rough tongues can lick bones clean of any bits of meat.
Cats have an extra organ that allows them to taste scents in the air. Each cat’s nose is unique, much like human fingerprints.
Neutered males live 62% longer than unneutered cats, and spayed females live 39% longer than unspayed females.
Between 2002 and 2012 the average lifespan of a cat increased by a year.
Cat whiskers are the same width as their body.
Cats walk like camels and giraffes, both right feet then both left feet.
Cats sleep 12-16 hours per day, and spend 1/3 of their awake hours grooming.
Cats can dream
Grooming stimulates blood flow to the skin, regulates body temperature, and helps them relax.
Cats mark you as their territory by rubbing their faces and bodies against you, marking you with their scent.
If your cat approaches you with a straight, almost vibrating tail, this means that he/she is extremely happy to see you.
When your cat shows their belly, it is a sign of trust and a relaxed cat- this is not an invite for belly rub typically.
A cat’s rear end in your face is a gesture of friendship, while kneading means happiness.
Draping their tail over another cat/dog/you means friendship.
Meowing is a behavior cats developed to communicate with humans, and they can have up to 100 different vocalizations.
A cat’s purr vibrates at a frequency of 25 to 150 hertz, which is the same frequency at which muscles and bones repair themselves.
Grimalkin is the name of a female cat, especially an older one.
An ailurophile is a person who loves cats. The word ailuro is the ancient Greek word for cat.