
Futterambulanz Ich berate neutral und unabhängig zur allen Fragen bezüglich Futter und Fütterung für Hunde, K


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had a blast at ESAVS Nutrition II with co-course master  Bruckner

had a blast at ESAVS Nutrition II with co-course master Bruckner



Clinical Case Management Nutrition 5 live sessions Management success in “Clinical Nutrition” (Case oriented approach) In the 5 sessions of our online series, we will present a great number of Nutrition clinical cases, which will allow you to take back the experience and knowledge shared by our ...

VETNEX Meeting

VETNEX Meeting



Nutrition Clinical Nutrition II Register registration open   Vienna / Austria 13.05.2024 – 17.05.2024 2.200 EURO .-* 2.100 EURO .-*(early registration deadline: 28.11.2023) * eLibrary access is included in the course fee Total hours: 40 ATF hours (Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland): TBA E...




We are happy to present to you our next discipline in the new Clinical Case Management project. Management success in “Clinical Nutrition”! In the 5 sessions of our online series, we will present a large number of clinical cases that will allow you to incorporate the experience and knowledge shared by the principal course masters Dr. Irene Bruckner and Dr. Stefanie Handl into your daily practice.
The entire series consists of 4 online case discussions, each lasting 90 - 120 minutes, in which several problems are discussed interactively in a live format. You will receive reading material before the start of each session. After each session, an open forum for questions and discussion will be set up for one week and a take-home guide will be provided on our platform. The number of participants is limited to ensure optimal interaction.

These online sessions can be attended by any veterinarian, regardless of their expertise.

First session will take place on 7th November at 19:00 CET

You have a chance to book each session individually for € 65.00 or to book all 5 sessions with a special discount.

For details & registration link in bio or:


live vetinar am 21.09.2023 | 20:00 bis 21:00 Uhr
Ernährung und Darmgesundheit in der Kleintierpraxis

„Gesunde Darmflora, Darmsanierung und Entgiftung“ sind beliebte Schlagworte in der Werbung. Futtermittelunverträglichkeiten und chronische Verdauungsbeschwerden sehr häufige Probleme bei Hunden und Katzen und sind oft trotz sorgfältiger Diagnostik und unterschiedlicher Behandlungsansätze nicht in den Griff zu bekommen.

In diesem vetinar wird besprochen:

• Welche Eigenschaften des Futters die Darmgesundheit beeinflussen
• Welche Fütterungspraktiken häufig zu Verdauungsbeschwerden führen
• Welche diagnostischen Möglichkeiten Sinn machen
• Wie Patienten mit chronischen Verdauungsbeschwerden über die Ernährung unterstützt werden können

Dr. Stefanie Handl: Dipl. ECVCN
Fachtierärztin für Ernährung und Diätetik
EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition

ATF-Anerkennung: 1 Stunde

📌Infos und Anmeldung unter: https://www.vetinare.de/ernaehrung-und-darmgesundheit.html


Ingredients such as lentils, beans and field peas typically used in grain-free dog foods are safe for healthy dogs, according to new University of Guelph research. It’s a reassuring finding for dog…

ESAVS Faculty Meetin, Vienna

ESAVS Faculty Meetin, Vienna

Einladung zum gratis Webinar am 1. März: „Chronische Gastritis und Pankreatitis beim Hund“Sie können sich noch bis 27. F...

Einladung zum gratis Webinar am 1. März:
„Chronische Gastritis und Pankreatitis beim Hund“
Sie können sich noch bis 27. Februar unter http://www.canisbowl.com/webinar dafür anmelden!



Dear friends, we would like to welcome you to the first free webinar in 2023! This webinar will take place on the 16th of February 2023 at 19:00 CET.

Topic: Don’t forget to ask for the feeding! When diet solves the case!

Principal Course Masters ESAVS Nutrition: Dr Irene Bruckner, specialist in veterinary nutrition and dietetics and Dr. Stefanie Handl, specialist in veterinary nutrition and dietetics, Dipl. ECVCN

Webinar overview: Why feeding history is so important in small animal practice - some typical cases and discussion!

The diet history is of utmost importance for all veterinary visits. Owners “want the best” for their pet, but feeding trends, myths and misunderstandings are currently very popular. A wrong diet, but also treats, supplements or other components of the diet can contribute to health problems; therefore, this important information should not be missed.
Foods marketed with slogans like “grain free”, “natural”, “high in meat”, “without additives” are very popular – but some of these companies have little knowledge on legal regulations and nutrient requirements, and their products my cause deficiencies or intoxications.
Foods and treats which are difficult to digest, undercooked foods, but also mistakes in feeding technique might cause gastrointestinal symptoms, which can be easily resolved.

For more information and registration: https://esavs.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nxNhCuDTSvSLDs2JG0KF_Q




Montag 09:00 - 12:00
Dienstag 09:00 - 12:00
Mittwoch 09:00 - 12:00
Donnerstag 09:00 - 12:00
Freitag 09:00 - 12:00




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