Super proud of these three after our weekend at Euroa for the VIC state yard dog championships. Vera Slim did his thing managing 2nd in the championship and winning the open. Larnach Moana came away with 5th in the championship and 2nd in the open. Vera Blue getting himself 9th in the championship as well.
Shout out to our sponsor for giving these dogs such a top quality product for them to perform at their best. I appreciate all your support.
Massive congratulations to Áoidh Doyle winner Áoidh Doyle and Cash, it’s a privilege to compete against such a strong competitor who is still able to have a laugh and I look forward to future battles against each other! That Irish lucks gotta run out at some stage 😜
The organisers and judges did a top quality job and really made this trial an excellent experience! You should all be very proud of what you put together. Shout out to Dale and Carolyn Thompson of Broken River Kelpies for supplying the beautiful belt buckle as the trophy!
Finally just a quick shout out to the sire of these three dogs. Hiltons Flyn (Pin) made the top 25 himself and without him I would have these dogs.