Take advantage of the Early Bird discount before June!
Paypal "Pay In 4" option available!
If you are interested in a dog spot, don't forget to fill out the dogspot form, all the details can be found on our website https://bouncek9.com.au/
I remember before Covid, we had so many international trainers visiting Australia, I was called the "Seminar Ju**ie" a lot. 😅😅 But because we had all these amazing trainers generously sharing their knowledge with us, in a relatively short period of time, many Australians including myself were able to see a lot, learn a lot, and put some of the techniques into practice.
During covid these things came to a pause, obviously travelling wasn't an option for these international trainers. And many of them started doing online courses, as a seminar ju**ie, of course I signed up to many of these online courses too. But it was never the same. A big part of dog training and learning the craft is about reading the dog and feeling the dog, even when I didn't have a dog spot, I was always able to absorb more in a seminar than in an online course, purely because I could watch the whole thing in person. To be honest I really miss this kind of learning environment and am just grateful that we are now in a position to have dog training seminars again.
I am excited to have a world class trainer visiting Australia again. It's really not easy at all to bring an international trainer to Australia. Anyone who has organized a seminar event would know. Australia is just sooooo blooooody faaaaaaaar! 😁If you are into obedience, protection sports, or even just wanting to learn how to train your dogs to perform with heart and soul, the learning opportunity is right here, I hope you don't miss this seminar! 🤩