We started small with 10 Australorp hens and have increased in size over the last few years. We are on 40 acres and are surrounded by another 100 acres of cattle property. Our flock is kept safe by our wonderful Maremma Sheepdog, Morganna (who secretly wishes she was a poodle but nonetheless does a brilliant job). She has learned to spot Wedgetail Eagles in the sky and issue a warning to our girls
to take cover. She patrols during the night and keeps wild dogs and foxes at bay. While it would be easier to adopt more factory farming processes, that's not we're about. We love to see our chooks meandering around seeing what they can scratch up or watch them take a leisurely dust bath. They're such happy animals. Why would you want to lock them up? We are registered egg producers. When you buy our eggs, you know you definitely are getting TRUE free range eggs not just by some loose definition but by reality. I hope you enjoy our eggs and can taste the love and happiness that they represent.