Me! And some other cute kitties
This is a video the photo app on mummy's phone made automatically so some of the photos of me are a a bit blurry,and there's thwee other kitties in it, but is too cute not to share. The vewy first photo is of me in the vettie clinic after I was wescued fwom a car engine, I couldn't even lift my head and was vewy ill. But mummy gave me fluids in a needle and took me home to nurse. They all thought I would die, but I'm 4 now!
An update on bruvver Slayer. Him is staying awound teh same weight and health, thank God. His pancreas is a likkle worse but no diabetes be showing yet. Kidneys and liver about the same. Him has surpwised his vetties. Mummy now gives him his B-complex and appetite injections at home and will give him fluids thwough a dwip-line when he gets a bit worse. He's so bwave and good!
His palliative care will stay at home until the end if pawsible, and when we help him cwoss the Wainbow Bwidge it will hopefully be at home. For now him is comfy, loving and vewy adored.
Thank mew for all the pawsitive thoughts and pwayers you has been sending, he was supposed to pass away weeks ago so his continued good days are a likkle miracle, and such a blessing!!!
Here iz another video of baby bruvver Sherbie, thiz time him is westing in hiz daddies hand and getting snuggles <3
Sherbet doing his Sherbie Stomp routine. Him is a dinobirdie!
Oh my catness! Mummy is in the stink becoz with all the fuss of planning her 2nd wedding anniversary she forgotz my Gotcha Day! 2 years n one week ago I came into teh vettie clinic a feral kitten stuck in a car engine space, and muumy tooked me home to twy and save me. The vettiez didn't think I was going to make it coz I waz so dehydwated, weak, and overheated.
I waz so shy and afwaid , and so ill dat it took 3 dayz just for me to drag myself myself awound. But look at me now!
Here's some blastz fwom the pastz
I is wuving sitting on teh couch and watching the peepers as they learn to do chickeny stuff. Little Blue Peeper is standing and toddling now, and teh hobbles and flipper can come off in a few days <3
Teh head wounds on the other chookies scalps are healing well, and it's making mummy vewy happy. Extwa happy mummy means she gets even looser wiv the kitty tweat jar MOL
My birdy bwuvver Sherbet is on antibiotics for the crop infection dat has made him so hard to feed, but seems to be feeling a bit better. He's getting cuter evewy day, just watch him in his back chewing his likkle claws <3
Hwoohoo! I found the water bucket mummy put aside to fweshen up the fishy tank. Fun fun! I wuv attacking my water bowl, and dis was 1000x better! >^.^<
Charlie Boo playing kickball
Wiv Harry's sad passing, mummy wanted to show you a wescue that had a happier ending.Charlie came fwom an abusive home and then several foster homes that couldn't handle her. When mummy laid eyes on her at a foster home it was wuv at first bite MOL. She didn't intend to adopt a bird at all, but mummy couldn't leave her, they formed an instant bond. Charlie was weally thin because she barely ate, plucked herself, screamed for hours and swayed constantly. 2.5years later Charlie doesn't feather pluck or beat her head against walls anymore, hardly screams or sways, and she's a snuggle bum wiv mummy (just still afraid of most people and bites when afraid). She can't fly, even tho her wings are ok to fly, mummy and the vets don't know whether it's mental twauma welated (she used to be kicked and had beer cans thrown at her). But Charlie loves to climb, dig and play wiv her toys! She's only 7 or 8 so has maybe 40 or so years wiv my mummy to get better and better! <3
Fun fun fun fun fun! Apart from snuggled next to my foster pawrents, teh play corner is my favorite place ever! The best thing is when I is all tired from playing and have a nap on teh couch wiv mummy <3
Speaking of sleeping, night night my lovely friends, headbumps and kisses to you all >^_^<