I’m going to go out on a limb here and speak for all the moms. We don’t need gifts, we need HELP.
Life is so hard. Life is too busy.
While sitting on the couch on the verge of tears, I get a text… a text from a mom friend. She says “how are you doing?” My response “I’m doing ok. How are you?”. Her response “I’m doing alright. Most days just keeping my head above water…”. Both of our stories completely the same, burned out, overwhelmed, feeling at the end of our ropes physically and emotionally.
I feel I can speak for all moms with complete confidence because even if you’re not there now you have been there, and if you haven’t been there, you will get there… trust me.
Being a mom is the hardest job there is, and that is just the truth. As hard as it is though, it is equally exciting, rewarding, and fun.
I have done a lot of things and worked a lot of different jobs in my life but being a mom is by far my favourite. That doesn’t mean that I don’t get overwhelmed, exhausted, and totally burned out. It is just part of the job.
So All that being said… with Mother’s Day coming up, consider helping the “moms” in your life.
Dads, husbands, friends… wash the dishes, fold the laundry, vacuum the floors, clean her bathroom… the list is literally endless. We really don’t need gifts, we’re not just saying that. It’s not a trap, we just want a little help.