Don’t forget your why.
We unconditionally commit ourselves to this sport. We sacrifice enormous parts of our lives, and ourselves because we are so passionate about what we love.
But whilst we work, grind and graft to become the best riders and owners we believe our horses deserve, we sometimes forget the most important thing...we forget why.
Why we get up at 3am for a competitions, why we forgo new clothes so our horses can have special shoes, why we get up 2 hours earlier than “normal people” because stables don’t clean themselves, why we invest our hard earned money in saddles, entry fees, supplements and rugs.
We do it because once upon a time, a little kid fell in love with a horse and never looked back.
We do it because these animals bring us incomparable happiness.
They lift us up from the darkest of places and they give us a reason to get out of bed.
They push us, challenge us and shape us into better people by teaching us lessons we’d never learn anywhere else.
They unlock a whole part of us that we never knew existed. A stubborn, determined, strong willed part that refuses to give up.
They keep us grounded, reminding us that sometimes even though certain things may be out of our control, our own actions and emotions never are.
They make us laugh, when we don’t even feel like smiling. They are like warm soup for the soul, they fill our hearts without even trying.
So next time your in the saddle, just take a moment. Breathe, smile, laugh... and don’t forget why.