Over the holidays a few rescues we work with in California came across a few mamas and puppies that were in need.
We have teamed up with them as we all can’t do it without each other sometimes. 🤎
There are 14 puppies in 3 litters, all different ages that we are helping with finding homes.
So much to say, but they all came from dire circumstances and had nowhere to go.
We can start with Primrose, pregnant at a high kill shelter in California. Devan Banks with Pathfinder rescue rescued her from the shelter pregnant. She has 5 healthy puppies who are about 5ish weeks old now. (I’ll have to update with their birthday) so we will be sharing them so they can find homes in Washington. (Marigold has a deposit on her already).
Since mama was in the shelter, we don’t know who the dad might be.
Onto the next mama with babies in need!
Dory came to our attention when she had 6 puppies with a vet appointment, and nowhere to go after that vet appointment. At the last moment Devan agreed to take them temporaily for a week or two until we could move them to another foster. They’re the same age we think as Butternuts puppies. They’re about 2 weeks older than Primroses litter.
(Dory has a deposit on her, which is exciting as she’s the mama!!)
Dorys litter are Eve, Grace, Boots, Flurry, Max and Jasper!
So while it’s raining puppies during our holidays, few days later or so we hear about another mama who gave birth that day, we’ve named the mama Pearl and she gave birth on December 18th to 3 babies who also needed somewhere to go ASAP.. Thankful to Kathie for taking Pearl and her puppies to foster!
So what do we do!? Of course collectively we took her and her babies in too!
Mama pearl has long hair on her ears, and 3 babies two males and one female. (April the female, Louie the tan male, still figuring a name for the other male).
While this is a lot to take in, there are 14 puppies that needed rescue, and will need their own homes!!
Primrose and Pearl will also need a home too!!
*Currently we are only looking for homes in California and Washington. *
Please tag your Washington friends as we have a few homes lined up but definitely not 14!
Will make separate albums for each litter as well to try to stay organized.
Each litter is posted on our website.
And last but not least, if anyone would like to donate puppy food/ puppy pads supplies etc to Devan please reach out. He has Primrose and Dorys litter at his house currently.
Thank you for reading this far in this organized chaos we call Dog Rescue!!! ☺️☺️