*Sold* Breeding Bag available. Heterozygous Blue Snakeskin (25% Blue Cobalt).
PM me if you are interested.
*SOLD* I have two bags of water. The first bag has my Longfin Bristlenose breeding group.
- Three females and one male
- They are around 1.5 years old
- They lay eggs regularly
- Their clutches produce four varieties of Bristlenose
* Longfin Blue-Eyed Lemmon (L144a)
* Shortfin Blue-Eyed Lemmon (L144)
* Shortfin and Longfin Common Bristlenose
The second bag of water has one male common bristlenose (3" long)
PM me if you are interested
Pickup in Airdrie
I imported these European Blue Cobalts and Blue Turqs. I will let them grow out, and hopefully, two or three breeding pairs will emerge.
My Red Marlboros surprised me today. Due to the Calgary water restrictions, I stopped using RO in my breeding tanks. So when this Stendker pair laid their eggs, I expected them to calcify.
Comming soon!
L333 King Tiger Plecos
Coming soon to Airdrie - L333 King Tiger Plecos
Snakeskin pair with four week old Juviniles
My German Red Marlboros at five months
Snakeskin Discus
Day 10
It's a very promising start for this new pair. I think they are going to be excellent parents.