We have Big news!! BLUEGRASS GARDEN CENTER has donated a truckload of garden soil and a truckload of compost to the Airdrie Urban Farm collective!! THANK YOU BLUEGRASS!!
If you have never been to Bluegrass go check them out, they are located south of Cross Iron Mills. They have beautiful plants(indoor and outdoor), trees, seeds, and more. Their staff are super knowledgeable and always willing to help. And they are local!!
We will need lots of help this weekend getting the beds topped up with the new soil and compost!
#urbanfarm #AUFC #volunteerairdrie #growfoodgrowpeople #airdriefoodbank #bluegrasscgy #BlueGrassGardenCenter
Eat the Rainbow!!
Fruits and veggies come in so many different colours, the colours as well as the taste and aroma is because they contain phytonutrients. Phytonutrients strengthen not only the plants immune system but also our immune systems, protecting us from chronic diseases. They also have potent anti-cancer and anti-heart disease effects.
At the Airdrie Urban farm we LOVE to grow different colours, last year we grew FIVE different colours of potatoes, this year we have seeds for multiple colours of bean, beets, carrots, and more!!
#growfoodgrowpeople #Eattherainbow #airdriefoodbank #aufc #urbanfarm #volunteerairdrie #growyourownfood #growyourownveggies
#wildroseheritageseedcompany #wildroseheritageseeds