Mercy and the Shinx

Mercy and the Shinx Everyone loves Mercy...and the boxers. Sharing our beautiful rescues with the world. If this doesn't make you smile, then look again.

Herc has settled in nicely. He's a crazy boy and fits in perfectly.He loves Stella and loves all the cats, especially Zi...

Herc has settled in nicely.
He's a crazy boy and fits in perfectly.
He loves Stella and loves all the cats, especially Ziggy....and the feeling is mutual.
He's the perfect boy for us, except for when he wants to eat deer p**p and moose p**p and sometimes Stella p**p and occasionally his own p**p. We're working on it. He learns fast and really wants to please us.
We ❤️ Herc!!
Thank you Boxer Rescue Canada.


Herc and Stella love each other. ❤️

Meet Hercules!He's our new baby and he's the sweetest boy ❤️ He's full of love and goofiness and we are head over heels ...

Meet Hercules!
He's our new baby and he's the sweetest boy ❤️ He's full of love and goofiness and we are head over heels for him. This boy is strong but gentle and so fast to learn. He loves cats and Stella and she loves him too, but no one loves him more than Ziggy. It's adorable. He's perfect.

We honestly weren't looking and seriously weren't sure if we would ever be again. We've had a very hard year and it's buried our hearts a bit, but sometimes you have to listen to the universe. Thank you Marta Nettelfield for being that voice telling me this was the dog for us and proving again "you never get the dog you want, you always get the dog you need". Thank you Boxer Rescue Canada for knowing and blessing us. This is our 5th BRC dog.

Thank you Vanessa Foreman for fostering him on his journey to us. And thank you so much Terri Pickett for the amazing support and friendship ❤️

Sparks July 1, 2016 to November 30, 2023It's taken me a while to make this post, too long. My heart wouldn't allow it so...

July 1, 2016 to November 30, 2023
It's taken me a while to make this post, too long. My heart wouldn't allow it sooner.

Sparks was an amazing friend to my brother Jake and sister-in-law Jane. When my brother passed and Jane returned to Ontario, we happily inherited him on August 29. He was a kind and sweet boy who lived for snuggles. He insisted on sleeping in my arms tucked under the covers every night. We miss him fiercely.

Sparks left us very suddenly on November 30. When he was a kitten before he entered, Jake and Jane's life, he was badly mistreated which left him with some lifelong issues. As a result he had a very unique walk, was small in size and we knew that he likely had other internal trauma. His heart was not strong and he had heart disease which, on November 30, threw a blood clot to his spine and paralyzed his back legs. He was in extreme pain when we rushed him to our vet but there was nothing that could be done.

We did not have enough time with Sparks before he left to be with my brother Jake but he made a huge impact. He reminded us that no matter what life throws your way, you can still love and be loved and that is everything❤️
Jane Sumner

Mercy ❤️September 16, 2012 to September 11, 2023(we gave her Jake's birthday because we didn't know her exact date - res...

Mercy ❤️
September 16, 2012 to September 11, 2023
(we gave her Jake's birthday because we didn't know her exact date - rescue)

With the heaviest hearts, we need to share that our sweet little Mercy has left us. For the last while she had been struggling with some heart issues which became too much for her. Thank you to Riverwood Veterinary Clinic for always being amazing. Mercy died peacefully in my arms. To say she was something else is an understatement. So pretty with her striking white fur, piercing blue eyes and the biggest most contagious smile. You could not look at Mercy and not smile.

Mercy came to us very shortly after the flood. We were pretty broken up and we needed Mercy. That's how she got her name and she lived up to it. She raised our spirits and made us smile.

Living with Mercy was like living with a comedian; a hilarious, temperamental comedian. She loved her boxers. Velvet (RIP), Gunner (RIP) and Stella and always needed a dog to sleep with. I believe she thought she was a boxer, she did not stay on the porch, she ran with the big dogs every chance she got and even was known to chase deer off the yard. There was no food, or anything stinky, that she would not try to eat, the stinkier the better. We refered to her as the fun police because she literally would object to any of the other dogs or cats having fun unless she approved it and was involved. Stuffies were not safe around Mercy. She would destroy them, every single stuffy we ever brought into our house, unless it was put on the shelf, was destroyed by Mercy. She was neurotic about it. And if they each got a stuffy, she would steal the other dogs so she would have them all. She was happiest if I would tuck her in with a blanket every night. She owned us and that was okay.

We will miss her forever but smile that she is reunited with Gunner.
Sending love with her to the rainbow bridge for Storm ❤️ Decker ❤️ Deja ❤️ Velvet ❤️ Gunner ❤️

Thank you to BOSTON TERRIER RESCUE CANADA for the honor.

Ziggy has been with us for a year.I cannot even express how utterly sweet this boy is. It is no wonder that he has a hea...

Ziggy has been with us for a year.
I cannot even express how utterly sweet this boy is. It is no wonder that he has a heart-shaped tuft of fur on his tummy because he is made of pure love. When you walk into a room he screams at you to come closer and pet him. He loves the other cats and loves the dogs but especially Stella. He's completely enamored with her.
He runs so fast, probably the fastest of our four cats and he's always up for playing. Having three legs has not slowed him down at all. We're convinced that he's faster than most cats.
We love him so much and are eternally grateful to Heaven Can Wait Animal Rescue Foundation for blessing us with this sweetheart.

Our beautiful Stella turned 9!She's such a sweetheart. ❤️

Our beautiful Stella turned 9!
She's such a sweetheart. ❤️

Mercy is weirded out that Shinx has decided to share the couch with her. It's only taken about 6 years.

Mercy is weirded out that Shinx has decided to share the couch with her. It's only taken about 6 years.



Oct27/2011 - Nov10/2022Gunner left us today but only physically. His impact on our lives will last us our lifetimes and ...

Oct27/2011 - Nov10/2022
Gunner left us today but only physically. His impact on our lives will last us our lifetimes and we will cherish him in our hearts forever.

Gunner was love, in fact, he's registered under the name Gunna B Your Loveheart because Aaron, Jake and I wanted to name him Gunner and Adam wanted to name him Loveheart. No matter who he encountered, Gunner wanted nothing more than their attention and love.

Mercy will miss her nightly snuggle buddy and Stella will miss her constant companion. The cats will miss his curious sniffs and amazing tolerance to their head bops. He did love when they would reward him by brushing their tails across his face.

When he was a puppy, and we were figuring out Aaron's aspergers diagnosis, Gunner took it upon himself that Aaron was his boy and most days he was the only one who could calm him down. It was fitting that Aaron held him in his last moments today. Gunner left this world with his tail still wagging to the end in the arms of a boy who thanked him for everything he learned from him and for loving him.

Gunner was love and is love and we will miss him so but we are so blessed that we got to experience his love in our lives.

Welcoming him at the rainbow bridge are Velvet, who he cherished, Decker, Storm and DeJa.

Thank you to Boxer Rescue Canada and Terri for gracing us with this precious boy.

Gunner turned 11 today!!!He got snuggles from the kitty, ran around in the snow, and ate some noodles.We're thrilled to ...

Gunner turned 11 today!!!
He got snuggles from the kitty, ran around in the snow, and ate some noodles.
We're thrilled to see this milestone with our handsome boy and at the same time we are brokenhearted to know that it will likely be his last birthday.
We recently found out that Gunner has a tumor around his heart and lungs that is pretty invasive. He's not in pain and he eats and drinks and plays and runs, even though it's not as much as he used to. He's still the lovable, sweetheart that he's always been and still does his puppy head tilt.
We will not put him through any invasive procedures but we will make him comfortable and monitor how he's feeling and love him every minute that we have left with him. Our love for him will dictate if and when he will need help transitioning to the Rainbow Bridge.
Thank you for the love and positive energy ❤️ and thank you Boxer Rescue Canada and Terri for bringing him into our lives.

Sitting in the dark during a power outage and Shinx is trying to scare me!

Sitting in the dark during a power outage and Shinx is trying to scare me!

I'm told it's International Cat Day, so what better day to introduce everyone to Ziggy (but Adam calls him Zippy). And y...

I'm told it's International Cat Day, so what better day to introduce everyone to Ziggy (but Adam calls him Zippy). And yes as in Ziggy Stardust. When I saw Heaven Can Wait Animal Rescue Foundation post his picture and story, it just spoke to my heart and I knew that he was supposed to be with us. Which is absolutely crazy because now we have four cats and three dogs. But he's perfect and just the sweetest little boy. He's 15 weeks old now and fits right in. His leg was amputated because of an injury, before he was rescued, but he's really managing so well and Dr Kibblewhite at Riverwood Veterinary Clinic is the best there is. We love her.

He loves to play and he is so super fast. Shockingly fast. I think playing with his fish is his fav (I'll post a video in the comments). He's figuring things out really well and is so adaptable. He'll be in just Adam's room for a while till everyone figures things out but he really doesn't mind it in there at all. The dogs have all sniffed him, Gunner is enamored by him, so sweet. The cats have all hissed at him, and then licked his head. We all love him so much. He is absolutely perfect and such an example of resiliency for all of us. ❤️❤️❤️

Nikki is 2! This fella is the sweetest most cuddly animal I have ever known. He literally demands snuggles. If I've been...

Nikki is 2! This fella is the sweetest most cuddly animal I have ever known. He literally demands snuggles. If I've been gone anywhere the first thing I hear when I get home is his meowing that sounds exactly like " mom mom mom mom" and he's literally in my face insisting on a snuggle. When he's not snuggling me, he's sniffling Shinx.
He's brought us so much joy and we can't imagine life without him. Thank goodness he found us.

Gunner is so handsome, even when he's rolling around outside in the dirt, which has been his favorite pastime lately ❤️

Gunner is so handsome, even when he's rolling around outside in the dirt, which has been his favorite pastime lately ❤️

The illusive Navi.So pretty.

The illusive Navi.
So pretty.

Mr Shinx takes nap time very seriously. He always prefers to be tucked in. ❤️

Mr Shinx takes nap time very seriously. He always prefers to be tucked in. ❤️

Mercy just popping in to say hi.

Mercy just popping in to say hi.

National Black Cat DayandNavi's second Gotcha Day.This is a busy day at our house plus Gunner's birthday.Nikki and Navi ...

National Black Cat Day
Navi's second Gotcha Day.
This is a busy day at our house plus Gunner's birthday.
Nikki and Navi love to climb to the top of this cabinet in my craft room to sleep in my baby doll carriage I had when I was a kid.
There's no stopping them so I put a climbing tree beside it so they wouldn't ruin the cabinet. Nikki sits on top of the climbing tree and stares at me. It gets creepy. But I love them ❤️

GUNNER IS 10 TODAY!!!He still acts like a puppy. He's goofy and cuddly and a heartbreaker! The master of the head tilt a...

He still acts like a puppy. He's goofy and cuddly and a heartbreaker! The master of the head tilt and a huge daddy suck.
We love you Gunner!
He got doggie donuts that he shared with Stella and Mercy.

Mercy and Shinx have honed their begging skills.

Mercy and Shinx have honed their begging skills.

Happy Gotcha Day to Stella! 7 years ago today she came into our lives. She's the sweetest girl who lives on love and we ...

Happy Gotcha Day to Stella! 7 years ago today she came into our lives. She's the sweetest girl who lives on love and we are so blessed to have her. Thanks always to Boxer Rescue Canada

Nikki and Navi love this really big macrame plant hanger that we found thrifting. It's a perfect cat hammock.

Nikki and Navi love this really big macrame plant hanger that we found thrifting. It's a perfect cat hammock.

Friday was Nikki's first Gotcha Day. A year ago we found our friend in the ditch. He is such a sweet sweet baby. He love...

Friday was Nikki's first Gotcha Day. A year ago we found our friend in the ditch. He is such a sweet sweet baby. He loves snuggles more than any other animal I've known and that includes snuggling with his best friend Shinx. He loves the dogs and tries to rub against them whenever he can, whenever they let him. Navi and him play relentlessly but no snuggles, she only loves Adam. He misses us when we aren't home and always insists that we Boop his nose with an eskimo kiss when we get home. We definitely hit the jackpot with this boy.
One year of love and blessings from this sweetheart. ❤️

Pretty cozy in their bunk bed.

Pretty cozy in their bunk bed.

Stella is the happiest rolling in the grass ❤️

Stella is the happiest rolling in the grass ❤️

Nikki is one...or so!When we found this little fella in a ditch last year, we had no idea how much we needed him. He is ...

Nikki is one...or so!
When we found this little fella in a ditch last year, we had no idea how much we needed him. He is the sweetest snuggiest most adorable little boy we can't imagine being without him. ❤️
At the time, we estimated how old the vet thought he was and it was pretty close to Aaron's birthday so they share a birthday.

"Not easy being this beautiful." - Navi

"Not easy being this beautiful." - Navi

Gunner (and his buddy Shinx, who he has finally decided he can sit close to) wants everyone to know that he has no cance...

Gunner (and his buddy Shinx, who he has finally decided he can sit close to) wants everyone to know that he has no cancer. We are so relieved. The growth he had on his 'pe**ee' was quite large and because of where it was they were not able to take large margins. We knew that going in and still had to have it removed because we didn't want it to snag on anything or get ripped off heaven forbid. But our phenomenal vet did an amazing job and all the margins are clean. He also had a growth behind his ear that changed a lot over the last year so we had that removed as well and clean margins on it too. He has a few other small bumps here and there but we didn't want to put him through too much recovery because he's getting older, don't tell him. I cannot say how much I adore our vet. We've had different vets over the years that have been amazing, but Dr Kibblewhite at Riverwood Veterinary Clinic is at the very top of our list.

Send positive energy for Gunner today. He had some lumps removed. Pray for clean margins.

Send positive energy for Gunner today. He had some lumps removed. Pray for clean margins.





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