You may sometimes feel like a leash is restricting the movement of your dog, but keeping them on a leash is actually for their own good. Here are the reasons why:
-Staying Cleaner: A leash ensures that they do not waddle into mud or other dirty areas which may carry germs and pests who could lead to an infection
-No Accidental Puppies: If you leave your dog unattended, especially if they are not spayed or neutered, they may end up mating with another animal in heat and cause unwanted pregnancies and maybe even health issues.
-Greetings and Salutations: Your pup is most likely to be on his best behaviour when on a leash, as it means that you are around. Plus it prevents acting upon aggression.
- Preventing Jumping on Others: Not everyone is a dog lover, some people are even scared of dogs. A leash allows your pooch to maintain a safe distance from people, while engaging in safe play.
-Preventing them from Eating Something They Shouldn’t: Dogs explore with their mouth, and may eat garbage or other harmful food that could lead to stomach issues. Leashes make sure they don’t put questionable things in their mouth.
Checkout our wide range of leashes that our comfortable and safe for your furry friend!
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