Hi guys the following dog is up for rehoming. Very nice young solid black Malinois. Already trained and titled in sharp obedience, tracking and protection in the sport of IGP. Would make somebody a good working prospect for sport or easily could transfer to a home guardian. Below is a great description of the dog.
Videos available
Private msg me for more details.
Belgian Malinois (black)
DOB: 2021/08/28 (3 years)
Approximately 70 lbs
Intact male
Ghost has been training in the sport of Schutzhund for the past 2 years. He has a great foundation in sport tracking, obedience, and protection.
As a puppy he was initially intended to be a detection dog. Although not imprinted on a specific odor profile, he understands basic search foundation.
Possesses great environmental stability. Will jump/climb on anything. No issues with slippery or shiny surfaces. Loves escalators/elevators. Never had an issue in public or with loud noises. Was raised in busy transportation terminals such as YVR, BCFerries, and FedEx hangars.
Is same s*x dog aggressive if off leash and given the opportunity to engage. However if on leash, can focus on task at hand and work with the handler. Not lunging at other dogs.
Currently has an IGP1 title.
Has not been exposed to novel protection situations. Has not been trained to engage on a vertical target, only been presented horizontal bites on a sport schutzhund sleeve. As this was all we needed for the sport, we never worked on anything different. However I believe with training he could learn to engage in a novel situation and different target presentations. Only concern would be that he may not engage with an offender if they presented as a serious threat. He may retreat. But again, I’m not 100% sure as we never needed to train for that… could come with scenario training.
Might be best suited for a detection type role or a visual deterrent. Has a bark command.
Has never had osteo x-rays but there has never been a concern for related health issues and never had any injuries.
Has not lived with children but would likely be fine to work with children present. Not people aggressive just overly excited.