Hey YYC! Are you looking for the newest outdoor gear? 🥾 The freshest food? 🥩 The sweetest gifts and accessories? 🎀 Look no further than our online store and our free next-day delivery! 🚚
Serving Calgary and the surrounding towns, we deliver frozen and more - straight to your door! 🚪
And the BEST part? All our famous Doodle perks and rewards are online too! 😍 Your cash back rewards (up to 18% cash back 🤯), frequent buyer free bags and boxes, monthly promos, and flash deals are ALL online! 💸
Beat the heat, cold, rain, and snow with delivery! 🎁
#yyc #yeg #yycdogs #yegdogs #calgary #edmonton #calgarydogs #edmontondogs #staffy #staffy_daily #staffylove #staffordshire #staffordshirebullterrier #rawdogfood #freshdogfood #healthydogfood #canadianbusiness #canadiansmallbusiness
Have you walked inside a local Doodle Dogs Boutique ⁉️ If not, welcome to our beautiful Marda Loop location - just opened 🤩. Not just your favourite brands, but a ton of UNIQUE | CHIC products we scoured the world to bring to you as well. With a focus on a boutique-style shopping experience paired with education 📚- a visit to our shops may not be your normal pet store experience (and we love that 🥰).
Filled with fresh 🥗 food, fun toys and endless enrichment options (not a single Mars 🍫 or Nestle product in sight) - check out one of our 3️⃣ locations in #YYC (an accepting space and female owned, supporting this family-owned biz has never been easier or more fun👋).
🌟 Pop in today so your pet can discover their new favourite store🌟
🌽 WHAT’S IN A BAG ⁉️ 🍚
The marketing giants of Nestle, Mars and Colgate spin some tales!! But marketing is POWERFUL. Did you know that the marketing campaigns for these brands say “it’s not about the ingredients”❓ The “science and trials” is a six month feeding trial where 2 dogs can still die to pass ‼️
Marketing is very convincing when you have this much money 💰. Read you labels, ask good questions and consider why they slander and tell you “fresh food 🥗 “ is “dangerous”. This industry is built on love and emotion, and marketing campaigns play to these emotions.
Take charge of your pets nutrition - and we assure you - ANY FRESH FOOD 🥩 , is better than none‼️ What would you feed human kids ❓
It’s that time again to visit the worlds biggest grocery store and see what is or isn’t worth grabbing for your pets 🐶. There are some great wins and some big losers for us - but what do you think 🤔? Any products you love at Costco for your pets ?
Where should we review next ❓