The current weather we are experiencing can lead to many challenges in caring for our equine companions. This post outlines some helpful tips to keep in mind to understand how to help your horses ❄️
NUTRITION 🌾 one of the best ways to help your horse stay warm is to provide good quality forage in the form of hay or cubes. Allowing them to constantly graze on hay will power up their microbial fermentation in the large colon to provide heat from the inside out. Consider adding more hay (if not on a round bale) during this cold snap to provide extra calories to use towards keeping warm.
WATER 💦 check your water troughs and automatic waterers daily to make sure they have not frozen. During the winter months it can be critical to have a water heater to keep things thawed. Because we feed mostly hay diets in the winter which are lower in moisture, horses require more water to help digest their feed. In addition when water temperatures are too cold, horses often drink less which could lead to colic, dehydration and other complications.
SHELTER ⛺️ horses should have 24/7 access to a shelter or sheltered area (trees) to protect themselves from winds and driving snow. Make sure that if you have a herd or group that there is enough space for all the horses to seek shelter.
BLANKETS 🧶 most horses that are healthy with no underlying health issues can grow a good winter coat that will protect them and keep them insulated through our winter months. However, there are some circumstances where we may need to provide additional protection such as if the natural coat has been clipped or a horse has a poor body condition. Owners should consider blanketing older horses with poor muscle condition, less fat cover and underlying health conditions which may cause them to use additional energy.
Checking in on your horses more frequently during this cold snap to recognize abnormalities and illness is important! Contact your vet with any concerns ❄️❄️