Shockwave therapy is a type of sound energy wave that travels through the body. As the waves pass through the cells, it causes a release of healing proteins which can help to increase localized blood flow. This can help to modulate inflammation and provide short term pain relief.
Shockwave therapy can be used to improve the healing process of tendon and ligament injuries. It is also commonly used in cases of back and neck pathology to decrease inflammation and help break the pain cycle.
The actual treatment only lasts a few minutes. Because the machine is quite loud, some horses may require mild sedation to stand for the procedure. Ultrasound gel is placed over the location of treatment and a set number of shocks at an appropriate level is selected.
The response and healing effects post treatment start to occur immediately and can last for 2-4 weeks. Most cases require up to three treatments at 2-3 week intervals to provide the optimal benefit.