Hexadecimal absolutely crushing it at the @officialsuperdogs show at Pet Expo back in June 🤩
We had such a good time!
#cochranepetexpo #superdogs #cochraneevents #cochraneab #cochranepets
Let’s Go!! Is your pet an athlete, or more of a lil potato? Don’t worry, we love them all equally 😜
#cochranepetexpo #cochraneevents #cochranepets #albertaagility #cochraneab
Throwback to last year, remembering all the sweet furry friends and happy faces 🥰 We can’t wait to do it all again June 1st!
What was your favourite part of Cochrane Pet Expo last year? Or what would you love to see this year? Tell us in the comments! 👇
#cochranepetexpo #cochraneevents #cochranepets #dogsofcochrane #cochranecommunityevents #cochraneab #petexpo #agilityalberta