spas… grooming… doggy daycares… and Max’s Biscuits woowoo!!! Max's Biscuits are healthy and homemade for your best friend! There are small and medium sized biscuits in beef or chicken flavor
$22.50 gives you 30 very healthy and natural medium biscuits with your choice of flavors and these are perfect for medium to large dogs.
$27.50 gives you 100 small healthy and homemade biscuits with your c
hoice of flavors that are the ideal size for all small breeds. And… yes, there’s more, isn’t this so awesome??? Only for $1.00 more Max’s Biscuits also has
flax seed
peanut butter
I know! And the best part is that Max’s Biscuits are in Spruce Grove Alberta – if you live in Alberta or B.C the shipping and handling is half of what you would normally pay because Max’s Biscuits would MUCH rather make sure your dog is well taken care of than anything else in the whole entire world. I know a lady that has a dog that gets the runs when he eats regular dog food and treats. The dog is highly allergic and extremely picky (I would be picky too if I got the runs with everything I ate!)
Now seeing that Max’s Biscuits are Healthy and Homemade, the lady decided to try them as she had nothing to lose. Low and behold, her dog LOVED them and did NOT get the runs! Need I say more? Place your order today! Accepting paypal and money orders