Beetle. This little guy grew up good! Coming 4. This is about 20 rides.
A huge thank you to Westman Dressage for putting on such a lovely show in a welcoming environment. Rhiannon’s Tango had a great last show of the season. He was the recipient of the highest score award with a 71.852. This horse has the very best mind and attitude. We also stepped out of our comfort and baby zone and did a second level test resulting in a 68.429. I wish I had it on video bc it really was very good. I asked for him to sit a bit more and carry himself a bit more and he responded beyond expectations! This is his high score test. First Level test 3
AS Odinoso just coming back to work. This horse is so darn smooth.
I keep forgetting about this colt. He’s so textbook it’s not even funny. Really just a good boy. He fell through the cracks here as a 3 year old and so just getting started now as a coming 4 yo. This video is from a couple weeks ago. He’s got maybe 15 rides here. AS Odinoso, “Odin.”
How cute is this pony? Second time with a rider. Rhiannon’s Francesco, Frankie.
First changes asked for BRIDLE-LESS. good boy Juno. The snow sliding off the roof got the videographers colt a bit spooked. All good!
Colt season 2023, ride #4 on Beetle. Super fancy 3 year old. He’ll get a few more rides and turned out to grow and develop.
Still working on that sitting thing but improving a small amount each month. This horse has gone way further than I ever thought. He’s only 8 so I think there’s another gear or two in there yet to capture. Best score of the season. 67.03% for those interested in how this looked on paper I posted the test in the comments
Nolan Cairns and I taking colts out for a cruise this morning. Nolan riding Cocoa (3yo with a little under a month of riding. I’m on Bugger who’s 4. Lost track of how much riding but roughly 120 days. This is something we believe whole heartedly in. Riding out. By out, I mean in open spaces. No fences or in fields bigger than 20 acres. When someone pays us to ride their horse we do this as part of the training. Occasionally we come across a horse that isn’t safe to ride out. We discuss this with the client. If you send your horse out and do not get outdoor miles you have wasted your money.
The ol’ grey nag was recruited to ride colts today. This is such a nice natured horse.
Juno Beach, 8 yo gelding. Still a bit weak in left hind but getting better a little each day
A line of 2’s and a couple lines of 3’s
Juno’s first ever attempt at 2’s. Super fun. Thanks for the help Kim Vos