Berta a Buldok

Berta a Buldok Fotografie, móda, interiéry, akce / Photography, fashion, interiors, events Nasloucháme přáním našich klientů, jsme mladí, neformální a je s námi zábava.

Berta a Buldok nabízí širokou škálu kreativních služeb, zejména pak fotografování dětí a domácích mazlíčků v trochu novém pojetí. Stejně jako naši klienti i my dobře víme, že domácí mazlíčci bývají často našimi prvorozenými dětmi a děti s námi často vyrůstají jako zvěř. Svojí nezlomnou energií nás dokážou smést k zemi a v dalším okamžiku zase vynést až do nebes. Uvědomujeme si, že malý člověk je p

ředevším velká osobnost, a právě to se snažíme zachytit objektivem fotoaparátu. We are a small, client-oriented team that provides a variety of creative services. After years of doing what we know and love most, we decided to take it to the next level and offer you a hands-on experience with the process of creation. We like both our two-legged and four-legged babies, simply because they make us happy. That's why we strive to make their beauty noticed and why we want to live with them in harmony

Naše služby / Our Services
Fotografování / Photography
Nabízíme jedinečné fotografie Vašich dětí, psů, koček a dalších členů rodiny. Nebaví nás strnulé ateliérové portréty ani počítačové retuše, ze kterých pro samou dokonalost zmizel život. Vydáme se proto s Vámi raději na procházku do ZOO, do parku, nebo třeba k řece či za město. Vymyslíme, kde to bude Vám i Vašim milým nejen slušet, ale kde je to bude i bavit. Nebudeme Vás do ničeho nutit. Výsledkem společné práce bude jedinečný dokument, který můžete darovat svým blízkým, třeba v podobě originální fotoknihy. Our photos of dogs, kids and miscellaneous family members are unique, lively and fun. We will take you out for a walk in the park, to the zoo, or just around town. We will find the perfect place where you will feel good and look great, happy and relaxed. In the end, you will possess a unique artifact and a memory of a grand day out - maybe in the form of an original photo book made by us, for you. Stylové poradenství / Fashion styling
Pomůžeme Vám vymyslet, co bude Vašim dětem na fotografiích slušet, a seženeme to pro Vás. Oblékneme je pro speciální příležitost, vybavíme je stylovými kousky pro nadcházející sezónu, nebo seženeme třeba jen školní brašnu, kterou jim budou kamarádi ve škole závidět. We will help you dress your kids for the photo shoot and get it for you. We will dress them for a special occasion, provide them with stylish pieces for the upcoming season, or just find the perfect cool school bag to show their friends. Interiérové poradenství / Interiors
Navrhneme pro Vaše dítě zbrusu nový pokojíček, nebo ten jeho stávající vylepšíme pár drobnými úpravami. Poradíme, jaké barvy zvolit, a najdeme zábavné, unikátní doplňky, dekorace a hračky. We will design the perfect new room for your kid, or just freshen up their existing one with a few carefully selected bits and pieces. We will help you choose the right colours and source fun, unique accessories, decorations and toys. Akce / Events
Pomůžeme Vám zorganizovat narozeninovou oslavu či piknik s originálním občerstvením, dekoracemi a zajištěnou fotodokumentací. We will help organize a birthday party or a picnic with original refreshments, decorations and photo documentation. Produkty / Products
V tuto chvíli nabízíme zpracování fotografií (nejen) do originální fotoknihy. Časem bychom Vám chtěli nabídnout i další produkty s dětmi související, ať už nové, nebo prověřené časem – například hračky a knížky, které si jako rodiče pamatujeme ze svého vlastního dětství. At the moment, we offer an original photo book and photo prints. Over time, we would like to add more products related to kids, new and with previous experience - such as the toys and books we, as parents, remember from our own childhood.

This Sunday, we celebrated Miss B's 7th birthday with the grandparents, and some interesting facts cropped up. My mom br...

This Sunday, we celebrated Miss B's 7th birthday with the grandparents, and some interesting facts cropped up. My mom brought along her 87-year old cousin, a witty, dignified old lady and a great storyteller. She told Berta that her own grandmother was named Berta, just like her; she recalled how her dad bathed her in cold water as a baby and kept making fun of my mom whom she had to watch as a girl, being 17 years her senior. She amused the kids with stories of their granny as a naughty little girl. Then, with our little Osvald Kobra in her arms, my mom revealed what nickname she was given by her own mom when she was a kid... Kobra. She said that because she didn't like the nickname, she never told anyone, to this day. Besides, this is the cousin whose dress Berta wore for the first day of school last September. Exactly 80 years before her, in September of 1937, this cousin-aunt wore the same dress (made by her own mom) on her own first day of school... Sometimes, even without our knowing, the history repeats itself and the family story run in circles.

Today was a day of smooth sailing and rum-drinking pirates roamed the seas.

Today was a day of smooth sailing and rum-drinking pirates roamed the seas.

Heavy skies, beautiful beasts, free-range kids and good times.

Heavy skies, beautiful beasts, free-range kids and good times.

Docela se povedli, už je ale načase, aby začali s**t zase na nějakou novou zahradu. Poslední víkend s miláčkama!

Docela se povedli, už je ale načase, aby začali s**t zase na nějakou novou zahradu. Poslední víkend s miláčkama!

Snapshots from the morning walk. Girls and their fathers, sisters and smiles.

Snapshots from the morning walk. Girls and their fathers, sisters and smiles.

Babies and puppies. The evergreen of cuteness.

Babies and puppies. The evergreen of cuteness.

So, what was it we were doing all winter? This :-)

So, what was it we were doing all winter? This :-)

5,5 years old Berta. Third season on snow, 2016-17.

Dear friends, help the junior CEO at our company win her very own school bag! We need your likes today!

Dear friends, help the junior CEO at our company win her very own school bag! We need your likes today!

Soutěž o školní batoh BOLL SCHOOL MATE!

End of the year drawing near, babies growing up, first snow falling. How deeply happy this family makes me. Yes, this is...

End of the year drawing near, babies growing up, first snow falling. How deeply happy this family makes me. Yes, this is personal.

Badass weekend with these cougars made me young(er) again.

Badass weekend with these cougars made me young(er) again.

Studený léto, těžký mraky, puchýře a kouřová vůně, samý kluci a jedna indiánka. Týpí 2016.

Studený léto, těžký mraky, puchýře a kouřová vůně, samý kluci a jedna indiánka. Týpí 2016.

Kámoši, zlátnoucí obilí, prstýnky z trávy, procházky na rozhlednu a rozbitý kolena. Léto!

Kámoši, zlátnoucí obilí, prstýnky z trávy, procházky na rozhlednu a rozbitý kolena. Léto!

Cousins, caravans and watermelons, mothers, family. So hot.

Cousins, caravans and watermelons, mothers, family. So hot.

This one is a fierce player in the fog. She dances and laughs, she protects and sees things as they are. Half a decade w...

This one is a fierce player in the fog. She dances and laughs, she protects and sees things as they are. Half a decade walking on this Earth. An inspiration. Happy birthday to my first-born!

U jezu v Čerčanech.

U jezu v Čerčanech.



Vánoce odtroubily a vtančili jsme do Nového roku v počtu +1. Černá smečka je zase druhově kompletní a snad nás čekaj jen...

Vánoce odtroubily a vtančili jsme do Nového roku v počtu +1. Černá smečka je zase druhově kompletní a snad nás čekaj jen samý dobrý zprávy.

He walks the line.

He walks the line.

Teaser from yesterday's shoot with my lovely friend Kristyna and her family. The weather was fabulous and so were they.....

Teaser from yesterday's shoot with my lovely friend Kristyna and her family. The weather was fabulous and so were they...

Princesses and puppies. The ultimate definition of cuteness overload. Plus one Schnauzer in his prime.

Princesses and puppies. The ultimate definition of cuteness overload. Plus one Schnauzer in his prime.

Princesses and their horses / that day in the country.

Princesses and their horses / that day in the country.

This is goodbye to the one who has given her name to this page and so much more to me and my beloved. We all miss you. R...

This is goodbye to the one who has given her name to this page and so much more to me and my beloved. We all miss you. Ruzenka, November 22, 2006 – September 15, 2015.

Kites flyin' high / Autumn moving in.

Kites flyin' high / Autumn moving in.

This summer / Dip before the storm / Memories of our childhood.

This summer / Dip before the storm / Memories of our childhood.

The giraffes, the boy and his guardian angel.

The giraffes, the boy and his guardian angel.



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