Blueberry Unicorns

Blueberry Unicorns Forever home for Equines and Animals , adoption schemes, private boarding, Education

I love spring

I love spring

Dine with me .

Dine with me .

Spring is upon us, now is the time to get the track in motivation. Paddock paradise is an amazing concept and done well,...

Spring is upon us, now is the time to get the track in motivation. Paddock paradise is an amazing concept and done well, the results are healthy happy moving horses with little to no issues of laminitis . .
Is it hard work ? Yes , it’s alot of effort and needs constant care and daily routine maintenance.
Is it worth it ?
Yes if you don’t want your horses to die of laminitis or obesity.

The face of a 28yr old Taken a week agoLooking fly Charlie old boy Happy birthday 🤩         #28

The face of a 28yr old
Taken a week ago
Looking fly Charlie old boy

Happy birthday 🤩


‘God created the horse so pure and so tolerant of the human that they allow it’

Evening feeding           Monika Pilátová

Evening feeding
Monika Pilátová

Happy first SnowFall .The Jennifer Anniston of ponies modelling this weeks forecast very well …charlie brown .          ...

Happy first SnowFall .
The Jennifer Anniston of ponies modelling this weeks forecast very well …charlie brown .

Snug as bugs in rugsWe Welcome the first autumn chills with the first rugs of the season. To rug or not to rug? A very c...

Snug as bugs in rugs
We Welcome the first autumn chills with the first rugs of the season.
To rug or not to rug? A very controversial topic among equestrians . I believe my seniors do better with the shedding and growing of hair if they don’t have to worry about keeping warm . Also arthritis is less aggressive to warm and moving body’s and like our grandparents, they start to feel the cold more, immunity weakens .
All the seniors begin to have their lighter rugs for evenings and taken off by day so they can still adjust to grow the winter coat needed .
There are some young horses that just don’t grow enough of a winter coat and also need the extra warmth
And some horses can go their whole life without ever being rugged which is true for a clients 23hr old mare . .
Well wishes for all of you as we enter the autumn transition of freezing our butte off while admiring how warm and cost our horses look 😆

Dear Mothers , I see you, you are heard, i resonate with your strength and resilience… . When was the last time you dran...

Dear Mothers , I see you, you are heard, i resonate with your strength and resilience… .

When was the last time you drank an entire cup of coffee without having to reheat it multiple times throughout the day ?

When was the last time you didn’t have to think about then and what next ? .

Do you know what being present looks like ? .

Do you have a safe place where you can talk about all the darkness that comes parallel with the happiness from birthing a human into this world ? .

Do you want to be heard and be seen for your authenticity without masking ?

Listen beautiful mother.. I got you !.. read more to understand
Overcoming my own traumatic birthing experiences and the battle of postpartum I have become more aware of how important than ever for women to feel safe and seek out fellow sisters for wisdom , love and support through such a life altering experience childbirth forces us to endure. . What does this have to do with horses ?
Horses are profound with their resilience and ability to adapt to unfamiliar situations and trauma. (Like you and I had bringing life into this world )
For the most part Horses only live in the present and can therefore adapt quickly but it takes a herd to raise a foal as it does a village to raise children . . . Can you relate ?

Time to introduce Healing …

I invite you all to come and have coffee with horses and to share space with other mothers.

You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to , you can take your coffee and go sit alone in the pasture and reflect , cry, scream or laugh , I open a space for every mother to feel safe supported and explore the freedom to be authentic , no masking no judgment .

Coffee with horses is a time for you , to be present , to be around the most powerful healing beings on the planet and be with your sisters to share a motherhood story

Did you know horses have a coherent heart rate pattern? This pattern is associated with feelings of happiness joy and low stress so when we are near Horses they can start to help us feel calmer , more relaxed and joyful with that enormous electromagnetic field .

You don’t need to be an equestrian, you don’t need to physically interact . Just being near them is enough to receive the power of healing .

Coffee with Horses will Start Wednesday 6th September 9:30- 11am In unetice Prague 6

I ask only a minimum donation of 180kc to help support the senior horses care. You are welcome to also bring any treats if you desire they enjoy apples carrots and dried bread

🔅Coffee and snacks
🔅Grooming , meet and greet interaction with the horses (optional)
🔅Be in nature
🔅No set agenda
🔅relaxed approach
🔅indoor areas for warmth (weather dependent)
🔅cosy open fires (when we welcome autumn )
🔅no experience with horses needed

For mothers who are not able to come alone , there is a safe area for crawlers and walkers to play ( originally set up for my 10month and 2.5year old) and it’s possible I will make a separate coffee with horses for mummy’s and babies…

You can contact me here

I’m really excited to be hosting such an important activity

Love and light

Herd of Unicorns .

Herd of Unicorns .

Swinging into summer and loving it !

Swinging into summer and loving it !

Very very sad but so very common . Feeding horses without owners supervision or permission is so deadly . 😓

Very very sad but so very common .

Feeding horses without owners supervision or permission is so deadly .


Complacent From time to time we fall into the illusion that we are safe around our Horses. To a certain degree yes we ar...

From time to time we fall into the illusion that we are safe around our Horses. To a certain degree yes we are but it so easy to forget that these strong beautiful animals can cause serious harm and sometimes a fatal outcome.
Having said that, I believe accidents fall under human error almost always.
Today I was checking on Maccabeo’s hoof - all good , we are happy to be touched, hoof pick, all cool for the Mule .
While doing so I noticed he had some sweet-itch rashes on his tummy .
Normally he has no issues with a belly scratch. So I reached to give him a gentle rub … what happened next threw me into panic shock and fear , then pain , and then feeling so foolish and stupid !
He kicked my head ! Never have I ever experienced anything like this . The pain ! (And it wasn’t even full force but a cow kick sideways )
The minute it happened I was so disappointed in myself I had set him up to fail. I didn’t ask his permission, I didn’t warn him, I didn’t test the boundaries of how he was feeling about that area , I didn’t set out to reinforce , I didn’t have him tied up , and I didn’t face his head when checking a sensitive area !
What was I doing !!! 😰
We all make mistakes and most are made with our ego and becoming too confident in our actions around horses . Yes , over confidence isn’t always a good thing as an equestrian you can forget to be humble, you forget to communicate, I assumed Macci would be ok with me touching him because it was always ok for him. So I didn’t bother to ask .
Rookie error and one that I immediately apologised for to Macci soon after.
Sometimes the universe gives us a lesson when we start taking things for granted . I had my lesson today. I’m ok ! Bruised , above the eye But extremely lucky !
Stay safe with your horses, respect, ask permission and listen all the time!

Monday was Pedicure day, Mare friends Milagros and Bambi catching up on gossips .

Monday was Pedicure day,
Mare friends Milagros and Bambi catching up on gossips .

Our first YouTube ! Enjoy ! (Be Kind 😅) I am a writer not a speaker , completely out of my comfort zone but comfort bloc...

Our first YouTube ! Enjoy ! (Be Kind 😅) I am a writer not a speaker , completely out of my comfort zone but comfort blocks growth , so let’s see where this new way of sharing the Horses and our daily life with you takes us

Hello, Welcome to Blueberry Unicorns I hope to begin sharing more content about life with senior retired horses and to reach out to fellow equine enthusiasts...





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