The wonderful Sarah Caney, veterinary feline specialist, always on hand to offer sensible, sane advice.
COVID-19 IN CATS: Do you have any questions relating to COVID-19 and the care of your cat/s amidst the current lockdown? If so, please join our FREE online meeting with Feline Specialist Dr Sarah Caney this Monday, 30th March, at 4pm GMT, via Zoom. Sarah will give a short talk (approx.15 mins) providing the most up to date information on COVID-19 for cats. There will also be a 30 minute Q&A where Sarah will be happy to anwer any concerns. Feel free to email your questions in advance to: [email protected]. To join, either register for free on Zoom here: https://zoom.us/signup and click our meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/576737611?pwd=QW5pVmViZE05WWdTdmZnL3lxT3gzQT09
Alternatively, you don't need to register, just click: https://zoom.us/join and add our meeeting ID: 576 737 611 and password: 890536
Please note: This talk will be recorded and available on our website for future users. Therefore, by participating in this meeting, you are giving your rights to being recorded. Anonymity in the lecture: There are several options available within Zoom to keep your profile private, such as change your user name; switch video off and still ask a question.