Sent this to Laura and Emily because they are both missing Meadowview 🤣
The final Friday...scavenger hunt.
Monty did try to warn of impending danger!
Chip: This is my favourite bed, my absolute favourite. It's really my favourite bed. I love it 😀
Bowie: What are you doing, you little freak! 🤪
Stan: Hey, hey! I will pin you! 😃
As we are expecting very high temperatures early next week, dogs will be given early morning arrival walk only. Neil will erect a garden shade. We will have paddling pools in garden and dogs will enjoy regular frozen yoghurt and banana snacks. The comfort and safety of your babies is our top priority.
Emily's having a love fest today...
Wallace loves the seaside.
Rex: Chip, I gave you a kiss now leave me alone, needy boy! 🙄☺️