Hey everyone!!!
I’ve not written on here in a while !! So this may be an essay!! 😂
Thank you everyone for being so patient while I took a few weeks out this 6 weeks to concentrate on my babies being off school/preschool! We have had the most wonderful time off making memories together!!
Normality resumes from Wednesday this week ! (7th)
I am so excited to welcome back all of my regular daycares!! ♥️ the house has been pretty quiet without them !!
There will be a few changes to come !! …
First! We will be having a price rise from October for Home visits! I have had the same prices since I started in 2017!!
Daycare will stay at £15 per day 🥰 but I will be introducing a late pick up amount of £5 past 6.30pm
(I will do a separate post on prices so look out for that !)
Secondly! Boarding 🥺 - I am going to no longer be offering home boarding!
I am so sorry to those who’s babies are super comfortable here, we will be having some changes this next year and it will no longer suit us as a family 🤍 maybe this will change in time, but for the foreseeable I will only be offering daycare and home visits …. AND … 🤍
Thirdly - I am going to have a day (or 2!) where I can officially WALK dogs!! Yes!! Pick up and walk them!! CHILD FREE 😂 I will be working on a price list and how this is going to work over the next few days!
I look forward to seeing all my regular babies this coming week ♥️
Thank you so much! You and your fur babies are a really big part of mine and my children lives! 🥰
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