Today is PDWA National Dog Walker Appreciation Day so here's a Shout Out for all the wonderful professional dog walkers out there! 👏👏👏💙🐾
“You are just a dog walker!” – we get told this all the time!!!
In actual fact, we are so much more!
We are trusted guardians who bond, exercise and enrich a dog’s life in all weather!
We enable owners to work or socialise with the knowledge their dog is exercised safely if they themselves have no time, energy or are too poorly to do so themselves.
Not just walks ! We provide enrichment and quality time.
We give owners peace of mind their dog’s welfare is paramount and adapt our days to ensure this during inclement weather for example.
We risk assess constantly but if an accident does happen we are first aid trained to look after dogs in our care.
We keep up to date with PSPO’s, Dog Law etc.
We build relationships with our dogs and know their “normal” so we can recognise changes such as tummy troubles, new lumps, different gait or mood etc., and report them swiftly.
We learn as much as we can about canine communication, seasonal hazards, breed traits and find suitable outlets for each one where we can.
Many of us go on to become groomers, pet nutritionists, trainers, behaviourists, pet photographers etc.
We love the dogs in our care. We laugh at their antics, we worry when they are poorly and we cry when we lose them.
We are so much more than “just a walker” and never doubt that.
Dog Walkers: tell us who you are and where you are based! (members and non-members welcome)
Owners: if you have dog walker help, flag them here and tell us what you appreciate the most about them!
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