Meet my bestie Squiggle! 😻
I'm such a clever girl and I won't be fooled!😽 (watch to the end!!)
Humum here: I'm pretty sure she can now understand and speak English!!! 😳
Humum and I are still in the Lake District. I'm having such amazing encounters. First sheep, then......look at my new neighbour!
Dilly here! Mum is trying to teach me to spell. Do you think she's succeeding? 😻
Dilly here! Mum is trying to teach me to spell - do you think she's succeeding? There are certain words I do recognise 😸
Hey, exciting news everypurrdy - I've been on a trip! It's all been a little overwhelming for me but that's because we had a long journey from London to Cumbria in a vroom vroom - 8 hours that should have taken 5 or so. But here I am seeing fields and sheep for the first time!! Humum says I've been a very brave girl. Love, Dilly 😻
Paddling in a sun puddle - you can't beat it!
I've received 1,000 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. Humum and I are most appreciative 😻🙏🤗🎉
Lazy Cats Guide to Laser Mouse - as demonstrated by Dilly!
Today I am mostly demonstrating the lazy cats guide to laser mouse. I hope you enjoy 😻
Happy New Year to kitties everywhere and their humans😻
My humum watched the fireworks while I hid under the sofa and appeared again when it was all over 🙀Then I was given extra treats so it was all good in the end 😽
I like kicking the bejesus out of my fishy fish! At other times I snuggle up to it.
Love, Dilly
Dilly & the Queen
I've been keeping hoomum company, watching the funeral cortege of the Queen with her. She's had leaky eyes on and off for the past zillion hours, since Thursday. RIP dear Queen!
Sulking! I don't understand the concept of delayed gratification.....
Sometimes you just gotta kick the b'jeepers out of a fluffy pink inanimate mouse to make yourself feel better!
Helping me with the purrrfect letter.....