It's the look of Shock. When he drops his chew !! So funny, bless him lol 🤣😂
Jnr having a dream. I'm never usually anywhere near quick enough to catch him "mid dream" bless him lol.
This was quite amusing on our Evening walk. The wee Munty wasn't the least bit bothered by Mac, until he trotted over 🤣😂
Mac didn't realise they name cows in
"His Size" lol #gottaluvim
Mac showing "just what" an evil killer he is.................................
Not !! lol. Zoom in and watch till the end. The wee bunnies just Weren't bothered a bit !
Mac having great fun at the wee stream in the middle of a good run out !
Jnr having a deep snooze after a great run .
This swarm of bees have taken up residence in one of my Bird boxes. I am told they're the New Zealand strain of Honey bees. Only been stung the once and to be fair hardly felt it. Neuropathy is a Wonderful thing .................Not 🤣
Mac having a great time getting biscuits out of his "Treat Ball"
Look at all these Beautiful Tits !! I just love them 😉 xx
I can't believe this wee "Squeaky Squirrel" is still squeaking. He's had this toy well over 6 months. As you can see, he enjoys it ! 🤣😂
This'll make u smile folks. My Cocker/Springbok Pup lol 🤣😂
Mac "Just In" from a good walk. Obviously not far enough hey ? 🙄
Junior working in the mist !
The wee fellas are busy as usual tonight ! X
He's usually s##t scared of cats lol xx #gottaluvim
Make sure your volumes switched up, to enjoy this one 🤣😂. Gotta 💕 him lol.