NOIDA PET CLINIC Noida pet clinic has been delivering dedicated expert quality veterinary services with minimum cost.

Felicitated and Awarded at WSAVA Kochi. Fabulous education event. Attended first  FSAPAI meeting as the Joint Secretary,...

Felicitated and Awarded at WSAVA Kochi. Fabulous education event. Attended first FSAPAI meeting as the Joint Secretary, federation.

आज मुजफ्फरनगर मे अपने अग्रज माननीय मंत्री जी संजीव कुमार बालियान जी और डॉक्टर सुनीता बालियान जी का सानिध्य प्राप्त कर उन...

आज मुजफ्फरनगर मे अपने अग्रज माननीय मंत्री जी संजीव कुमार बालियान जी और डॉक्टर सुनीता बालियान जी का सानिध्य प्राप्त कर
उनके चुनाव प्रचार में शामिल हुए। अनुज डॉक्टर अभिषेक प्रताप सिंह और डॉक्टर शशांक पांडे भी साथ रहे।

Successfully conducted SAVA, Delhi Conference on 31st March, 2024. Glimpses of the event. Fantastic event. SAVA, Delhi h...

Successfully conducted SAVA, Delhi Conference on 31st March, 2024. Glimpses of the event. Fantastic event. SAVA, Delhi has reached new heights in just 1 yr. Great to have blessings of all seniors and love from contemporaries and juniors.



turtle with the deficiency was presented to noida petclinic with the lot of  issues and cracked shell with time. owner w...

turtle with the deficiency was presented to noida petclinic with the lot of issues and cracked shell with time. owner was unaware about how to take care of these creatures. the basic preventive sessions given at noida petclinic help him and the pet recovers well. here are some tipe for my dear clients and colleagues.
in noida in delhi in noida

Deficiency diseases in turtles can occur when they lack essential nutrients in their diet. Turtles, like all animals, require a balanced diet to maintain their health. Here are some common deficiency diseases that can affect turtles:

Vitamin A Deficiency: Vitamin A deficiency is a common problem in turtles, particularly in those fed diets deficient in this vitamin. Symptoms may include swollen eyes, discharge from the eyes or nose, lack of appetite, skin problems, and respiratory issues. Severe cases can lead to blindness and death.

Calcium Deficiency: Calcium is essential for maintaining strong bones and shell structure in turtles. A lack of calcium in the diet can lead to metabolic bone disease (MBD), which causes softening and deformities of the shell, weakened bones, and mobility issues. Turtles with MBD may have difficulty moving or may exhibit abnormal shell growth.

Vitamin D3 Deficiency: Vitamin D3 is necessary for calcium absorption and utilization in turtles. Without adequate vitamin D3, turtles can develop MBD even if calcium is present in their diet. Turtles housed indoors without access to natural sunlight or UVB lighting may be at risk of vitamin D3 deficiency.

Protein Deficiency: Turtles require protein for growth, development, and overall health. A lack of protein in their diet can lead to stunted growth, weakness, lethargy, and decreased immune function. In severe cases, protein deficiency can result in organ failure and death.

Vitamin E Deficiency: Vitamin E deficiency is less common but can occur in turtles fed diets low in this vitamin. Symptoms may include muscle weakness, lethargy, and reproductive issues. Vitamin E deficiency can also affect the turtle's immune system, making it more susceptible to infections.

Fatty Acid Deficiency: Essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, are crucial for maintaining healthy skin, shell, and internal organs in turtles. A deficiency in these fatty acids can lead to dry, flaky skin, shell abnormalities, and impaired organ function.

Preventing deficiency diseases in turtles involves providing a well-balanced diet that meets their nutritional requirements. This often includes a variety of commercial turtle pellets, fresh vegetables, and occasional protein sources such as insects or fish. Additionally, providing access to natural sunlight or UVB lighting helps turtles produce vitamin D3 and maintain proper calcium metabolism. Regular veterinary check-ups can also help detect and address any nutritional deficiencies before they become serious health problems.
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rabbit was presented to noida petclinic sector 72 with high fever 106 F . managed at noida petclinic with fluid therapy ...

rabbit was presented to noida petclinic sector 72 with high fever 106 F . managed at noida petclinic with fluid therapy and required emergency treatment. patient recovers well and managed well. here are some tips for owners and advise to dear junior vets.

Fluid therapy in rabbits is a crucial aspect of veterinary care, especially in cases of dehydration, illness, or surgery. Rabbits are prone to dehydration due to various factors such as inadequate water intake, gastrointestinal stasis, or illness. Fluid therapy aims to restore and maintain hydration, correct electrolyte imbalances, and support organ function.

Here are some important points to consider regarding fluid therapy in rabbits:

Types of Fluids: The choice of fluid depends on the condition of the rabbit and the specific requirements of the case. Typically, balanced electrolyte solutions such as lactated Ringer's solution are used. These solutions help to replace lost fluids and electrolytes.

Administration: Fluids can be administered via various routes, including subcutaneous (under the skin), intravenous (into a vein), or intraperitoneal (into the abdominal cavity). Subcutaneous administration is often preferred for mild to moderate dehydration and can be done using a needle and syringe. Intravenous administration may be necessary for severe dehydration or critical cases, but it requires careful monitoring and expertise.

Monitoring: Rabbits undergoing fluid therapy should be closely monitored for signs of improvement or deterioration. Vital parameters such as hydration status, heart rate, respiratory rate, and mucous membrane color should be regularly assessed. It's also essential to monitor urine output and electrolyte levels through blood tests.

Rate of Administration: The rate at which fluids are administered is crucial to prevent fluid overload or dehydration. The veterinarian will determine the appropriate rate based on the rabbit's condition, weight, and fluid requirements.

Underlying Conditions: Fluid therapy is often part of the overall treatment plan for underlying conditions such as gastrointestinal stasis, renal disease, or infections. Addressing the underlying cause is essential for the success of fluid therapy.

Careful Handling: Rabbits can be sensitive animals, and handling should be done gently to minimize stress. Proper restraint techniques should be employed to ensure the safety of both the rabbit and the caregiver.

Prevention: Preventive measures such as ensuring access to fresh water, providing a balanced diet, and regular veterinary check-ups can help prevent dehydration and the need for fluid therapy.

It's important to note that fluid therapy in rabbits should always be administered under the guidance of a veterinarian experienced in rabbit care. Rabbits can have unique physiological responses to fluids, and incorrect administration can lead to complications. Additionally, the underlying cause of dehydration or illness must be addressed to ensure the best possible outcome for the rabbit.
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Celebrating March, 2024 completing 20yrs of clinical practice with clients, the partners of my success story. Love you a...

Celebrating March, 2024 completing 20yrs of clinical practice with clients, the partners of my success story. Love you all.

exotic care at Noida petclinic since last 20 yrs dedicated to the highly delicate speechless creatures having very narro...

exotic care at Noida petclinic since last 20 yrs dedicated to the highly delicate speechless creatures having very narrow margin of safety and limited options of treatment. under specialised care of Dr. P.D.Sharma

Rabbit with a eye injury was presented in noida petclinic with the history of fight with other rabbit during heat period...

Rabbit with a eye injury was presented in noida petclinic with the history of fight with other rabbit during heat period. GOD saved the tiny creature as no internal injury , only external one. managed at noida petclinic with all necessary medication.
doctor near you expert care near you

african grey parrot in stress was presented to noida petclinic at sector 72 . treated and managed at noida petclinic und...

african grey parrot in stress was presented to noida petclinic at sector 72 . treated and managed at noida petclinic under Dr. P. D. sharma at noida petclinic.

African Grey Parrots are highly intelligent and sensitive birds, and they can experience stress just like any other living creature. Stress in African Greys can manifest for various reasons, including changes in their environment, lack of mental stimulation, health issues, or social factors. Here are some signs that may indicate a stressed African Grey:

A case of ratbite in turtle was presented at noida petclinic in sector 72 with highly traumatised condition . managed an...

A case of ratbite in turtle was presented at noida petclinic in sector 72 with highly traumatised condition . managed and treated at noida pet clinic with great care.
in noida in noida # turtlecare in delhi

If a turtle has been bitten by a rat, it's essential to address the situation promptly to prevent infection and further complications.

Guinea pig was presented at noida petclinic with the history submandibular abscess at noida petclinic at sector 72. mana...

Guinea pig was presented at noida petclinic with the history submandibular abscess at noida petclinic at sector 72. managed and treated under guidance of Dr. P. D sharma.
in noida in noida in noida

Guinea pig was presented at noida petclinic with the history submandibular abscess at noida petclinic at sector 72. mana...

Guinea pig was presented at noida petclinic with the history submandibular abscess at noida petclinic at sector 72. managed and treated under guidance of Dr. P. D sharma.
in noida in noida in noida

If you suspect that your guinea pig has an abscess, it's important to take action promptly to prevent further complications and discomfort for your pet. Here are the steps you should take:

Assessment: Carefully examine your guinea pig to identify any signs of an abscess. Abscesses are typically characterized by a swollen, painful lump under the skin, often with redness or warmth surrounding the area. Your guinea pig may also show signs of discomfort, such as reluctance to move or eat.

Isolation: If you have other guinea pigs, consider isolating the affected guinea pig to prevent the potential spread of infection to other animals.

Contact a veterinarian: Schedule an appointment with a veterinarian experienced in treating small animals, such as guinea pigs. Abscesses in guinea pigs require veterinary attention for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment: Treatment for a guinea pig abscess typically involves lancing and draining the abscess under anesthesia. The veterinarian will carefully clean the area and may prescribe antibiotics to help clear up any underlying infection.

Post-treatment care: Follow your veterinarian's instructions for post-treatment care. This may include administering antibiotics as prescribed, keeping the wound clean and dry, and providing pain relief if necessary.

Monitor for complications: Keep a close eye on your guinea pig's condition during the recovery process. Watch for signs of infection, such as increased swelling, redness, or discharge from the wound. Contact your veterinarian immediately if you notice any concerning symptoms.

Prevention: To help prevent abscesses in the future, maintain good hygiene in your guinea pig's living environment. Keep their cage clean, provide a balanced diet, and monitor them regularly for any signs of illness or injury.

It's important to seek veterinary care as soon as possible if you suspect that your guinea pig has an abscess. Abscesses can be painful and may lead to serious complications if left untreated. A veterinarian can provide the necessary treatment to help your guinea pig recover and return to good health.
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african grey parrot in stress was presented to noida petclinic at sector 72 . treated and managed at noida petclinic und...

african grey parrot in stress was presented to noida petclinic at sector 72 . treated and managed at noida petclinic under Dr. P. D. sharma at noida petclinic.

African Grey Parrots are highly intelligent and sensitive birds, and they can experience stress just like any other living creature. Stress in African Greys can manifest for various reasons, including changes in their environment, lack of mental stimulation, health issues, or social factors. Here are some signs that may indicate a stressed African Grey:

Feather plucking or mutilation: One common sign of stress in African Greys is feather plucking or self-mutilation. This behavior can result from various stressors, including boredom, lack of mental stimulation, or anxiety.

Aggression or fear: Stressed African Greys may become aggressive towards their owners or exhibit fearful behavior, such as cowering or hiding.

Vocalizations: Excessive vocalizations or unusual vocalizations can indicate stress in African Greys. This can include screaming, squawking, or other vocalizations that are not typical for the bird.

Changes in appetite or eating habits: A stressed African Grey may show changes in appetite, such as decreased food consumption or refusing to eat altogether.

Lethargy or decreased activity: Stressed birds may become lethargic or show a decrease in their usual activity levels. They may spend more time sitting quietly or sleeping.

Agitation or restlessness: Some African Greys may exhibit signs of agitation or restlessness when they are stressed. This can include pacing, excessive grooming, or other repetitive behaviors.

Changes in body language: Pay attention to your African Grey's body language. Signs such as dilated pupils, fluffed feathers, or trembling can indicate stress.

If you suspect that your African Grey is stressed, it's essential to identify and address the underlying cause. Providing a stimulating environment with plenty of toys, social interaction, and opportunities for mental enrichment can help reduce stress in African Greys. Additionally, ensure that their diet is balanced and that they have access to clean water at all times.

If the stress persists or if you notice any concerning symptoms, it's crucial to consult with an avian veterinarian for proper evaluation and guidance. They can help determine the cause of the stress and recommend appropriate interventions to help your African Grey feel more comfortable and secure.
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surgery at noida petclinic at upmost priority will be done with highly qualified 22 yrs experienced surgeons with all be...

surgery at noida petclinic at upmost priority will be done with highly qualified 22 yrs experienced surgeons with all best techniques. in noida in noida at noida in noida

Surgery procedures can vary widely depending on the specific medical condition being addressed. However, here's a general outline of what typically happens before, during, and after a surgical procedure:

Pre-operative phase:

Medical evaluation: The patient undergoes a comprehensive medical evaluation to assess their overall health status and to determine if they are fit for surgery.
Preparation: This includes fasting (usually no food or drink for a certain period before surgery), administering pre-operative medications if necessary, and possibly marking the surgical site.
Anesthesia consultation: Depending on the type of surgery, the patient may meet with an anesthesiologist to discuss the type of anesthesia that will be used during the procedure.
Intra-operative phase:

Anesthesia administration: The patient is brought into the operating room and given anesthesia to induce unconsciousness and prevent pain during the surgery.
Surgical procedure: The surgeon performs the necessary steps to address the medical condition. This can involve various techniques such as open surgery, minimally invasive surgery (e.g., laparoscopy), or robotic surgery.
Monitoring: Throughout the procedure, the patient's vital signs are closely monitored to ensure their safety and well-being.
Post-operative phase:

Recovery: After the surgery is complete, the patient is taken to a recovery area where they are closely monitored as they wake up from anesthesia.
Pain management: Pain management techniques are initiated to keep the patient comfortable during the recovery process.
Post-operative care: This includes monitoring for any signs of complications, providing wound care, and administering medications as needed.
Discharge planning: Once the patient is stable and meets certain criteria, they are discharged from the hospital with instructions for post-operative care and follow-up appointments.
It's important to note that every surgery is unique, and the specific details of the procedure will depend on factors such as the patient's medical condition, the surgeon's preferences, and the available technology and resources. Additionally, the risks and benefits of surgery should always be discussed thoroughly between the patient and their healthcare provider before proceeding.
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  in noida   near me   in noida pet clinic   in noidaFeather injuries in parrots can occur due to various reasons, inclu...

in noida near me in noida pet clinic in noida

Feather injuries in parrots can occur due to various reasons, including accidents, improper grooming, disease, stress, or aggressive behavior from other birds or animals. Here are some common types of feather injuries in parrots:

Broken or Damaged Feathers: Parrots may break or damage their feathers if they collide with objects or surfaces, flap excessively, or engage in rough play. Broken feathers can cause pain and discomfort and may affect the bird's ability to fly or regulate its body temperature.

Over-Preening: Parrots are meticulous groomers, but excessive preening can lead to feather damage or even plucking. Over-preening may result from stress, boredom, skin irritation, or underlying health issues.

Feather Plucking: Feather plucking is a behavior where a bird purposefully pulls out its feathers. This behavior can be triggered by stress, boredom, improper diet, medical conditions, or environmental factors. Feather plucking can lead to bald patches, skin damage, and infections if left untreated.

Blood Feather Injury: Blood feathers are developing feathers with a blood supply. If a blood feather is broken or damaged, it can result in bleeding. It's essential to handle blood feathers carefully and seek immediate veterinary attention if one is broken to prevent excessive bleeding and infection.

Feather Cysts: Feather cysts are abnormal growths or pockets filled with keratin, a protein found in feathers. These cysts can cause discomfort and may lead to feather loss or infection if left untreated.

Molting Issues: Molting is a natural process where birds shed old feathers and grow new ones. During molting, parrots may experience feather loss, which is usually temporary. However, molting abnormalities or prolonged molting periods can indicate underlying health issues that require veterinary attention.

To prevent feather injuries in parrots, provide a stimulating environment with appropriate toys, social interaction, and mental enrichment. Ensure the bird's diet is balanced and nutritious, and monitor for signs of stress or illness. Regular veterinary check-ups can help identify and address potential health issues before they escalate. Additionally, provide a safe and spacious living environment with perches of varying sizes and textures to promote natural behaviors and prevent accidental collisions.
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  clinic in noida   petcare in noida   vet services in noida  Unilateral forehead swelling in dogs can be concerning and...

clinic in noida petcare in noida vet services in noida
Unilateral forehead swelling in dogs can be concerning and may indicate various underlying issues. Here are some potential causes:

Abscess: An abscess, which is a localized collection of pus, can develop under the skin due to an infection. This could be from a wound or an infected bite.

Allergic Reaction: Dogs can have allergic reactions to various substances, including insect bites or stings, certain foods, or environmental allergens. Swelling can occur as a result.

Insect Bite or Sting: If a dog is stung or bitten by an insect, such as a bee or wasp, it can lead to localized swelling in the affected area.

Trauma: Trauma to the head, such as blunt force trauma or a foreign object injury, can cause swelling.

Dental Abscess: In some cases, a dental issue such as an infected tooth or gum disease can lead to swelling in the face or forehead area.

Tumor or Growth: Although less common, a tumor or growth in the forehead area could cause swelling.

Inflammatory Conditions: Conditions such as cellulitis or autoimmune diseases can lead to inflammation and swelling in various parts of the body, including the forehead.

It's important to have a veterinarian examine your dog if you notice any swelling, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, redness, or discharge. The vet may recommend diagnostic tests such as blood work, imaging (such as X-rays or ultrasound), or a biopsy to determine the underlying cause of the swelling and appropriate treatment. Swift diagnosis and treatment are important for your dog's health and well-being.
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This is the revolutionary work for the welfare of veterinary fraternity. Special thanks to Dr. Umesh Sharma , Ex. VCI pr...

This is the revolutionary work for the welfare of veterinary fraternity. Special thanks to Dr. Umesh Sharma , Ex. VCI president Sir for his continuous efforts towards this goal. Under his leadership only this bold step is possible.

A case with soft shells in turtles was presented to noida pet clinic near me at noida . managed well and the pet recover...

A case with soft shells in turtles was presented to noida pet clinic near me at noida . managed well and the pet recovered well. vet near me, turtle doctor near me, turtle clinic near me

Soft shell, or shell deformities, in turtles is a common health issue that can arise due to various factors. The shell is composed of bone covered by a layer of keratin, which can become weakened or deformed for several reasons. Here are some common causes and treatments for soft shell in turtles:

Nutritional Deficiencies: One of the most common causes of soft shell in turtles is a lack of essential nutrients, particularly calcium and vitamin D3. Calcium is crucial for shell development, and vitamin D3 is necessary for its absorption. A diet lacking in these nutrients can lead to soft shell formation.

Treatment: Adjusting the turtle's diet to include a variety of calcium-rich foods such as dark, leafy greens, calcium supplements, and foods fortified with vitamin D3 can help correct nutritional deficiencies. Additionally, providing exposure to UVB light is essential for vitamin D3 synthesis in turtles.

Improper Lighting and Temperature: Inadequate exposure to UVB light and incorrect temperature gradients in the turtle's habitat can inhibit proper shell development. UVB light is essential for calcium metabolism and vitamin D3 synthesis, both of which are necessary for healthy shell growth.

Treatment: Ensure that your turtle's habitat includes a UVB light source and a basking area with appropriate temperatures to support proper calcium metabolism and shell development.

Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD): Metabolic bone disease is a condition characterized by weakened bones and shell deformities due to improper calcium metabolism. It can result from long-term nutritional deficiencies or inadequate UVB exposure.

Treatment: Treatment involves correcting the underlying nutritional deficiencies and providing adequate UVB light and proper temperatures. In severe cases, veterinary intervention may be necessary to administer calcium supplements or vitamin D3 injections.

Genetic Factors: Some turtles may be predisposed to shell deformities due to genetic factors or developmental abnormalities.

Treatment: There is no specific treatment for genetic shell deformities. However, providing optimal husbandry conditions, including proper nutrition, lighting, and habitat parameters, can help minimize the impact of genetic predispositions.

If you suspect that your turtle has a soft shell or any other health issue, it's essential to consult with a veterinarian experienced in reptile care. They can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment to improve your turtle's health and quality of life. Regular veterinary check-ups and proactive husbandry practices are crucial for preventing and managing shell deformities in turtles.
For more info visit us at

recently a parrot was presented to noida pet clinic with the history of severe itching and flakes coming out of skin. ma...

recently a parrot was presented to noida pet clinic with the history of severe itching and flakes coming out of skin. managed well at noida pet clinic and recovered well .
near me

Skin infections in parrots can be caused by various factors including bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, and even environmental irritants. These infections can manifest in different ways, such as redness, swelling, lesions, feather loss, or abnormal growths on the skin.

Common skin infections in parrots include:

Bacterial Infections: Bacterial infections can occur due to wounds, scratches, or bites from other birds. Bacteria such as Staphylococcus and Streptococcus can cause skin infections in parrots.

Fungal Infections: Fungal infections, particularly caused by Candida or Aspergillus species, can affect a parrot's skin. These infections may result from poor hygiene, inadequate living conditions, or exposure to contaminated environments.

Viral Infections: Avian poxvirus is a common viral infection in birds, including parrots, which can cause skin lesions, nodules, and scabs on the skin and beaks.

Parasitic Infections: Parasites like mites and lice can infest a parrot's skin, causing irritation, itching, and sometimes secondary bacterial infections. Scaly face mites and feather mites are particularly common in parrots.

Environmental Irritants: Exposure to certain environmental factors such as chemicals, toxins, or allergens can lead to skin irritation and infections in parrots.

Treatment for skin infections in parrots typically involves identifying the underlying cause and addressing it accordingly. This may involve topical or oral medications prescribed by a veterinarian, along with improving hygiene and environmental conditions to prevent further infections. Regular health check-ups and proper hygiene practices are essential to maintaining the overall health of pet parrots and preventing skin infections. If you suspect your parrot has a skin infection, it's important to consult with an avian veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.. For more info visit us at

CATS ARE NOT DOGSPoor kity with the severe skin infection was presented to noida pet clinic with severe itching. managed...

Poor kity with the severe skin infection was presented to noida pet clinic with severe itching. managed well at noida petclinic.

some tips fot the owners

The treatment for mites in cats depends on the type of mite infestation your cat has. Here are some common treatments:

Ear Mites (Otodectes cynotis):

Topical medications: Your veterinarian may prescribe ear drops or topical medications containing ingredients such as selamectin, moxidectin, or imidacloprid to kill the mites. These medications are typically applied directly into the ear canal.
Cleaning: Your veterinarian may recommend cleaning your cat's ears to remove debris and discharge caused by the mites.
Demodex Mites:

Treatment of underlying conditions: If demodicosis is suspected, your veterinarian will likely treat any underlying conditions contributing to your cat's weakened immune system.
Medications: Treatment may involve topical medications or oral medications such as ivermectin or milbemycin to kill the mites. These medications may need to be administered over several weeks.
Cheyletiella Mites (Walking Dandruff):

Topical medications: Your veterinarian may prescribe medicated shampoos, dips, or sprays containing ingredients such as pyrethrins, selamectin, or fipronil to kill the mites and soothe the skin.
Cleaning: Regular grooming and bathing can help remove mites and alleviate symptoms.
Sarcoptes Scabiei Mites:

Oral medications: Your veterinarian may prescribe oral medications such as ivermectin or selamectin to kill the mites and alleviate symptoms.
Topical medications: Medications containing ingredients such as selamectin or fipronil may also be used topically to treat sarcoptic mange.
In addition to these treatments, it's essential to follow your veterinarian's recommendations for cleaning your cat's environment to prevent reinfestation. Regular grooming, vacuuming, and washing bedding can help eliminate mites and their eggs from your cat's surroundings.
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A labrador was presented to noida petclinic with the history of not opening the eyes and heavy dischrge from the eyes. m...

A labrador was presented to noida petclinic with the history of not opening the eyes and heavy dischrge from the eyes. managed at noida petclinc

A turtle having white spots on the shell and shedding white flakes was presented to noida pet clinic and managed at noid...

A turtle having white spots on the shell and shedding white flakes was presented to noida pet clinic and managed at noida pet clinic under care of Dr. P.D.Sharma.
vet near me doctor care treatment
turtle clinic
here are some tips for the owners and fellow vet
Shedding and white spots on a turtle's shell can indicate several potential issues:

Natural Shedding:
Fungal or Bacterial Infection:
Shell Rot:
Calcium Deficiency:

If you notice white spots or flakes on your turtle's shell, it's essential to address the underlying cause promptly. Here are some steps you can take:

Ensure proper habitat conditions, including clean water, appropriate temperature, and adequate UVB lighting.
Provide a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D3 to prevent deficiencies.
Regularly clean the turtle's habitat and monitor water quality.
If you suspect a fungal or bacterial infection, consult a veterinarian who specializes in reptiles for diagnosis and treatment.
Inspect the turtle's shell for signs of injury or parasites and take appropriate action if necessary.
Prompt veterinary care is crucial for diagnosing and treating any health issues affecting your turtle.
For more info visit us at


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Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
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