MSPCA MSPCA's mission is to promote kindness and prevent cruelty to animals through education, advocacy and outreach activities.


Please see photos and posts of our resident animals on this page. Please send us an email on [email protected] OR message us via Facebook to inquire about adoptions and related queries. Please note Facebook is only the means to start communication for adoption, it is NOT “first come, first served” with our cats or dogs. Patience and commitment to the Adoption Process is neces

sary to ensure that our resident cats and dogs find their forever homes, and you to find your forever companion. Visits are scheduled by appointment only. THE MSPCA - Malta Society for the Protection and Care of Animals - is an associated organisation of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). Its mission is to promote kindness and prevent cruelty to animals through education, advocacy and other activities. It runs the oldest home for dogs and cats in Malta . Our centre is currently (as far as we know) the only one in Malta operating at animal welfare and management standards compliant with the Code of Practice for the UK's Association of Dogs and Cats Homes. MSPCA is duly registered with the Commission of Voluntary Organisations in Malta: VO0035.

Behind the scenes 📸 MSPCA pups trying out Prince & Princess Malta Taste of Nature kibble and wet food! 😋🐕      me

Behind the scenes 📸
MSPCA pups trying out Prince & Princess Malta Taste of Nature kibble and wet food! 😋🐕


“Oh no our scales are BROKEN ! “ 😳Turns out Franco & Nelson  are 20% fluff , 30% wiggle, and 50% 'nope, not today!' We c...

“Oh no our scales are BROKEN ! “ 😳

Turns out Franco & Nelson are 20% fluff , 30% wiggle, and 50% 'nope, not today!'

We could really use some working scales to get real numbers. 😅 If any kind souls or vet clinics out there are upgrading or changing their scales, we would be so grateful for any donations! 🙏

Help us keep these pups healthy (and maybe save our backs from guessing their weight)!



Jimbo Needs Your Love and Support 💔Our dear **Jimbo** is battling two painful lumps, and surgery isn’t an option due to ...

Jimbo Needs Your Love and Support 💔

Our dear **Jimbo** is battling two painful lumps, and surgery isn’t an option due to the risk.

We’re committed to keeping him as comfortable as possible, but his future is uncertain.

Jimbo is a senior dog who has given so much love over the years. If you’re considering adopting an older dog, please don’t overlook them during their vulnerable years.

Senior dogs still have so much to offer and deserve a chance to live out their golden years with care and affection. The love they give in return is immeasurable.

Please keep Jimbo in your thoughts and send him all the love and positive vibes you can as we wait for the results of his Biopsy 🔬.

He means the world to us, and every bit of compassion makes a difference. If you would like to support Jimbo get through this difficult time please consider a sponsorship for dear Jimbo 🙏🧡

Bov quick pay : 79530468

Bank: Bank Of Valetta
IBAN: MT97VALL220130000000400204 63713
Account #: 400204 63713

It’s never a bad day with NEMO by your side! He’s the perfect walking buddy, complete with his flapping ears &adorable B...

It’s never a bad day with NEMO by your side!
He’s the perfect walking buddy,
complete with his flapping ears &
adorable Bambi-like strut 💛

Nemo is looking for his person 💌

Please be patient, we will return your message, email or call as soon as possible.  If you cannot contact us on 7953 046...

Please be patient, we will return your message, email or call as soon as possible.

If you cannot contact us on 7953 0468 please send us a message via Facebook. Please note Facebook is only the means to start communication for adoption, it is NOT “first come, first served” with our cats or dogs.

Patience and commitment to the Adoption Process is necessary to ensure that our resident dogs find their forever homes, and you find your forever canine companion.

Visits are scheduled by appointment only.

JOIN THE WORLD ANIMAL DAY CELEBRATION WITH ANIMAL FRIENDS KIDS CLUB ! 🧡💛Over the course of the month, we’ll be engaging ...


Over the course of the month, we’ll be engaging with students across the region to spread kindness, love, and understanding towards animals, and we’d love for your students to join us !

As part of the
Animal Friends Kids Club initiative,
we are looking for:

🍃A group of brilliant students to learn and have fun with us.

🍃A school theatre or auditorium to host our special event.

🍃 Up to 150 students to take part in this exciting opportunity!

This will be a fun-filled, interactive session, that will leave a lasting impression on the young minds.

It’s the perfect way to celebrate World Animal Day while fostering compassion for animals in the hearts of our future generation.

Would you like your school to be part of this drive? We’d love to have your students on board for this wonderful cause!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
[email protected] 💌 🐕🐾

In case you need to hear this 💛“If you're ever having a bad day, just remember your dog loves you. A lot. How amazing is...

In case you need to hear this 💛

“If you're ever having a bad day,
just remember your dog loves you. A lot.
How amazing is that?” ~ D.T

Pedro still looking for a home 🏡 🥹

RESPECT FOR EVERY LIVING BEING In every paw, a heart so true,  With gentle eyes, they trust in you.  They ask for care, ...


In every paw, a heart so true,
With gentle eyes, they trust in you.
They ask for care, a tender hand,
A safe, warm place to make their stand.

Respect their lives, both great and small,
For in this world, there's room for all.
Though forms may differ, hearts align,
In love and life, all creatures shine.

Acceptance grows when we embrace,
Each being's worth, each soul's own space.
Treat them with kindness, let them be,
In every life, there's dignity.

🌿May we take this opportunity to please remind those celebrating through floriana and Valletta to kindly not forget that our shelter is a place for recovery and NOISE 🔊
can be harmful 🙏

Thank you 💛

Love ,

Franco 🐕

Another two Intakesput on the abandoned list this week . Their eyes reflecting uncertainty. Their pasts remain a mystery...

Another two Intakes
put on the abandoned list this week .

Their eyes reflecting uncertainty.
Their pasts remain a mystery,
but now they are in a place that offers them safety and a fresh start.

Their assessment starts today 🗓️

If you would like to help them through their time at the shelter please consider sponsoring a dog today and help make the difference ,

Thank you 🙏💛

BOV quick pay 79530468

💕 thrifting at our  MSPCA Charity Shops can help save our sheltered animals 🙏

💕 thrifting at our MSPCA Charity Shops
can help save our sheltered animals 🙏

We would like to remind you all how beautiful you all are, just that :)

Both shops will close at 19.00 today

🌟 Meet Jimbo –A Senior in Need of a Loving HomeTomorrow, our dear Jimbo is going in for surgery, and due to his age, we’...

🌟 Meet Jimbo –A Senior in Need of a Loving Home

Tomorrow, our dear Jimbo is going in for surgery, and due to his age, we’re hoping with all our hearts that everything goes well.

Jimbo has been a wonderful addition to our shelter – a gentle soul full of love. It breaks our hearts knowing that he might never find a forever home in these final stages of his life. 💔

We’re reaching out to you, our community, in the hope that someone might be able to offer Jimbo the loving home he so desperately deserves. 🏡

❤️ Even if you cannot adopt, you can still help by supporting his care here at the shelter. Every donation makes a difference in providing the best for Jimbo in these precious moments.

👉 If you’d like to open your heart or contribute to Jimbo’s care, please contact us or visit

Let’s make sure Jimbo feels loved, no matter what happens next.

Thank you for your support. 🙏❤️

Ava, at just 11 months old, has already faced many challenges 💔Rescued from a field alongside her three siblings, she’s ...

Ava, at just 11 months old, has already faced many challenges 💔

Rescued from a field alongside her three siblings,
she’s the only one who hasn’t yet found a home.

Despite her rough start, Ava is full of potential
and just needs the right person to help her build confidence and trust in people.

MSPCA is dedicated to finding that special someone who can provide her with a stable, loving environment.

Ava’s ideal home would be with someone patient and compassionate, who understands her unique needs and is ready to guide her through this next chapter of her life.

Adopting Ava isn’t just about giving her a home—

it’s about offering her a fresh START and the chance to truly thrive with the love and support she’s been missing 💛

If you would like to reach out for Ava ,
Please contact us for a matching form 🙏💌

Cikku the kitten, so small and sweet,  Has found a home, a life complete…With cozy beds and toys to play,  In loving arm...

Cikku the kitten, so small and sweet,
Has found a home, a life complete…

With cozy beds and toys to play,
In loving arms, I’ll safely stay.

My purrs will fill the house with cheer,
A happy home, now that I am here.

Good night baby Cikku 💕
One more Cat safely homed
Thanks to Emma at the MSPCA cattery 🙏

Another visit from Charmaine FarrugiaThank you for your genuine support For our animals , one of Malta’s longest and exp...

Another visit from Charmaine Farrugia
Thank you for your genuine support
For our animals , one of Malta’s longest and experienced volunteers .

Franco meets a new friend 💕

Thank you for more lovely donation 🙏

Shop sustainably this weekend at the MSPCA charity shop in Sliema and San gwann 💕With each purchased donation you are 1....

Shop sustainably this weekend at
the MSPCA charity shop
in Sliema and San gwann 💕

With each purchased donation you are
1. Supporting our sheltered animals
2. Contributing to the three R’s reduce, reuse &. recycle
3. Saving money


RILEY WILL NOT BE LEFT BEHIND 💛170 days in a shelter pen,  but Riley Finally finds a suitable home . A thorough rehoming...


170 days in a shelter pen, but Riley
Finally finds a suitable home .

A thorough rehoming process takes 2-3 weeks
This gives everyone enough time to consider all possible factors . Patience , love and commitment to training being seminal to a successful and responsible adoption .

Thank you for saving
1 of the 28 confiscations 🙏💛

WHEN EFFECTIVE COLLABORATIONS WORK . The MSPCA has noticed a rise in pet surrenders, particularly from low-income famili...


The MSPCA has noticed a rise in pet surrenders, particularly from low-income families struggling to support themselves and their pets.

Many of these pets arrive in poor health, as their owners face significant financial hardships. Often, pet owners prioritize feeding their animals, even if it means compromising their own nutrition, resulting in malnutrition.

In response to this growing concern, the MSPCA has partnered with M&Z , sponsoring 80 animals , for the first three months to provide support. Together, we have launched an initiative to supply pet food to individuals who rely on the Foodbank Lifeline, ensuring that pets in vulnerable, VETTED households receive proper nutrition, easing the burden on their owners and reducing the number of surrendered pets.

Moving forward , the MSPCA are looking for additional sponsors to carry this initiative forward .

If you are interested in supporting this cause please contact the MSPCA on [email protected]


Foodbank feeds 250 to 300 families a week, 60 per cent of who own pets


This is little Carmen 🥰Brought into the shelter from a home with another two like her . A home that could no longer support their needs . Carmen is a wonderful little soul looking for a loving home . If you can’t give Carmen a loving home maybe you could help. Support her life at the shelter 💕 quickpay : 79530468Thank you 🙏

What an incredible initiative from Waggo's and Borg Cardona Pet Supplies . Thank you for coming to the rescue 💛🐾

What an incredible initiative from
Waggo's and Borg Cardona Pet Supplies .

Thank you for coming to the rescue 💛🐾

THANK YOU to our speical Volunteer team 🙏When they had no one, you were there,  With gentle hands and tender care.  Than...

THANK YOU to our speical Volunteer team 🙏

When they had no one, you were there,
With gentle hands and tender care.

Thank you, volunteers, for all you do,
For being the light when they had no one but you .

Antonella & Jimbo


Please be patient, we will return your message, email or call as soon as possible.  If you cannot contact us on 7953 046...

Please be patient, we will return your message, email or call as soon as possible.

If you cannot contact us on 7953 0468 please send us a message via Facebook. Please note Facebook is only the means to start communication for adoption, it is NOT “first come, first served” with our cats or dogs.

Patience and commitment to the Adoption Process is necessary to ensure that our resident dogs find their forever homes, and you find your forever canine companion.

Visits are scheduled by appointment only.

MSPCA’s CALL FOR INCREASED INTERVENTION AND IMPROVED PROTOCOLS. 🇲🇹L-appell tal-MSPCA għal interventi u protokolli mtejba...


🇲🇹L-appell tal-MSPCA għal interventi u protokolli mtejba biex jindirizzaw każijiet ta' abbuż fuq l-annimali, b'mod partikolari fil-kuntest ta' rogue breeders, jenfasizza l-isfidi kontinwi fl-infurzar tal-ħarsien tal-annimali. Is-salvataġġ ta' 20 kelb f'Birkirkara mid-Dipartiment tal-Ħarsien tal-Annimali jitfa' dawl fuq il-kwistjoni tat-trobbija tal-annimali domestiċi mhux regolata biżżejjed, fejn il-liġijiet attwali jippermettu lil dawk li jrabbu joperaw mingħajr ebda sorveljanza.

It-tħassib tal-MSPCA huwa doppju: li niżguraw li l-annimali jitneħħew minn ambjenti ta' ħsara u jingħataw ċans għal futur aħjar, iżda wkoll jippromwovu liġijiet u regolamenti aktar stretti u ġusti li jittrattaw l-annimali bħala esseri sentenzjenti aktar milli sempliċi proprjetà. Il-prattika li l-annimali jinżammu bħala evidenza waqt li jiżvolġu l-proċedimenti legali, ħafna drabi twassal biex l-annimali jinżammu fil-limbu, li jista' jkun ta' detriment għall-ġid tagħhom.

Fir-rigward tal-investigazzjonijiet u l-akkużi f'każijiet bħal dawn, huwa kruċjali li l-awtoritajiet mhux biss ineħħu l-annimali minn ambjenti ta' ħsara iżda wkoll jiħdu azzjoni legali kontra dawk responsabbli għall-allegat abbuż. Proċessi legali effettivi li jżommu lit-trasgressuri responsabbli u jżommuhom milli jkomplu tali prattiki huma meħtieġa biex jipproteġu l-annimali minn ħsara futura. L-enfasi tal-MSPCA fuq il-ġustizzja għall-annimali sfruttati tissuġġerixxi ħtieġa għal riformi leġiżlattivi li jiżguraw trattament f'waqtu u ġust tal-annimali u jimponu penali sinifikanti fuq dawk li jiksru l-liġijiet dwar il-ħarsien tal-annimali.

Ir-riżultat tal-konfiski huwa mod tajjeb ħafna biex jitkejjel kemm is-sistema attwali tindirizza b'mod effettiv kwistjonijiet bħal dawn u jekk hemmx lakuni li jridu jimtlew biex jiġu żgurati l-ġid u l-ġustizzja għall-annimali involuti.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿The MSPCA’s call for increased interventions and improved protocols in dealing with cases of animal abuse, particularly in the context of rogue breeders, highlights the ongoing challenges in animal welfare enforcement. The rescue of 20 dogs in Birkirkara by the Animal Welfare Department shines a light on the issue of under-regulated pet breeding, where current laws allow breeders to operate without any oversight.

The MSPCA’s concern is twofold: ensuring that the animals are not just removed from harmful environments and given a chance for a better future, but also advocating for stricter laws and regulations that treat animals as sentient beings rather than mere property. The practice of holding animals as evidence while legal proceedings unfold, often results in the animals being kept in limbo, which can be detrimental to their well-being.

Regarding investigations and charges in such cases, it is crucial that authorities not only remove animals from harmful environments but also pursue legal action against those responsible for the alleged abuse. Effective legal processes that hold offenders accountable and prevent them from continuing such practices are necessary to protect animals from future harm. The MSPCA's emphasis on justice for exploited animals suggests a need for legislative reforms that ensure timely and fair treatment of animals and impose meaningful penalties on those who violate animal welfare laws.

The outcome of confiscations is great way to measure how effectively the current system addresses such issues and whether there are gaps that need to be filled to ensure welfare and justice for the animals involved.

3rd intake in two days . Another abandoned dog .Day 1️⃣of quarantine and observation  . 🐕

3rd intake in two days .
Another abandoned dog .

Day 1️⃣of quarantine and observation .



St. Francis Ravelin Street

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 15:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 15:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 15:00
Thursday 08:00 - 15:00
Friday 08:00 - 15:00
Saturday 08:00 - 15:00
Sunday 08:00 - 15:00


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Contact The Business

Send a message to MSPCA:



More about us

THE MSPCA - Malta Society for the Protection and Care of Animals operates the only NGO shelter in the Maltese islands with accommodation for dogs, cats, puppies and kittens. Through our rehoming and neutering work we help over 600 animals every year.

We also work behind the scenes to promote kindness and prevent cruelty to animals through education, advocacy and other activities.

MSPCA is duly registered with the Commission of Voluntary Organisations in Malta: VO0035 and licenced by the Veterinary Regulation Department as an animal sanctuary as required by law. We fully meet and well exceed the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act regarding sanctuaries. Please note that we do not handle animal enquiries via facebook as the fastest and most accurate way to obtain help is with a phone call.

- All our animals for rehoming are on our website and in the photo albums on this page. If you are interested in adopting an animal, call the rehoming centre on 2123 0468.