३५ दिने मन्त्रि मुर्दाबाद!
Rest in peace 🙏
Rest in peace 🙏
The poor dog was suffering from Ascitis ( पेटमा पानी जमेको ) , the dog was between life and death , we requested taxi but neither of them agreed then we somehow managed human ambulance and take the dog to hospital but durring the treatment the dog died . We are sorry we could not save you . May you rest in heaven .
Finally sheru has been rescued and provided shelter in sneha care. He has been free from torture which was being done by his owner continiously , Now he will be treated well and get good family .
Thanks to without you this rescue ooeration will not be sucessful . SrNa RnJt , Lesley Mapstone , अविनाश भाल्टर . Leshley will help to provide forever help to sheru .
काठमाण्डै माहानगरपालिका समार्ट सिटिको Smart Dog Shelter , न राम्रो खाना छ , न राम्रो औषधि उपचार , न ढल निकासि , सटाफको कमि , चिसो कोठा ।
सेलटर किन खोलियो कुकुरलाई बचाउन कि झन रोगि पार्न ।
को जिम्मेवार छ येसमा नगरपालिकाको मेयर कि पशु शाखा? माहानगरपालिकाको काम पार्किङको पैसा मात्र उठाउन्ने हो कि खोलिएको सेलटरको राम्रो संग व्यवस्थापन गर्ने । व्यवस्थापन गर्न सकिदैन भने किन खोलिदैछन देखावटि सेलटर ।
We are feeding the streets animals and you?
Major cause of disease is lack of proper food and nutrition . Feed the animals of your locality , Leftover kitchen food can also help them to cope up with hunger.
The calf is rescued on joint effort of NVSA and cow shelter.
We have sucessfully vaccinated 2000 dogs againts rabies and 500 againts distemper.
Case details
Both dogs were emaciated , one dog was highly dehydrated and other have respiratory problems(pneumonia) . We did treatment of both dogs by providing vitamins , respiratory stimulants and saline as well prescribed medicine for further use.
Thanks to Pooja Manandhar Lama for prividing them foods and taking care of them.
"FREELANCE PLAYCARD MOVEMENT" #nvsahicastplaycardmovement
This is the video where we have shown the play-card of all the participants of the "Freelance Play card Movement" and we are happy and thankful to all the participants for your love and support to NVSA, HICAST.
The results will be out after the lockdown is over.
Till than stay home, stay safe and save lives.
Thank you!