LCN We’re nonprofit organization for animal health care
We have working team with years of experiences.

Ear injured very badly! Khokana ,Lalitpur Hoping for his soon recovery.Please take care of your surroundings 🙏🏻❤️

Ear injured very badly!
Khokana ,Lalitpur

Hoping for his soon recovery.

Please take care of your surroundings 🙏🏻❤️

पशुपँक्षीलाई  असाध्य माया गर्ने लण्डन निवासी रिभर एकेडेमीमा कक्षा ८ मा अध्ययनरत नानी टिया आचार्यको सकृयतामा सँकलित रकम र...

पशुपँक्षीलाई असाध्य माया गर्ने लण्डन निवासी रिभर एकेडेमीमा कक्षा ८ मा अध्ययनरत नानी टिया आचार्यको सकृयतामा सँकलित रकम रू. ५०,००० सहयोग गर्नुभएको छ।
धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद नानु 🙏

प्रत्येक बच्चाहरुलाई जनावरहरुप्रति करुणा भाव राख्न सिकाउनु तथा मानवता सिकाउन आवश्यक छ यहि कुराको राम्रो उदाहरण हुन् नानु 🙏

Lots of blessings ❤️


तिम्रो यो दु:खी र बिरामि ज्यानमा छिट्टै खुशि देख्न पाउने ठुलाे आशा छ बच्चा!

आफ्नो वरपर रहेका बिरामि जनावर हरु लाई माया गरौँ 😊


कतै तपाई छुट्नु भएको त छैन?

मङ्गलबार बाट महानगरपालिकाका ९ वटा वडाहरू (४,७,९,११,१४,१५,२,३१ र ३२) बाट एकै साथ बन्ध्याकरण र खोप कार्यक्रम भइरहेका छन्।

वडा अनुसार निम्न सँस्थाहरुले कार्यक्रम सँचालन गरिरहेका छन् :

१) का.म.न.पा. वडा न. ४- पशुपँक्षी निर्दयता रोकावट समाज, नेपाल।

२) का.म.न.पा. वडा न. ७- काठमाडौं एनिमल Treatment सेन्टर (KAT CENTRE)

३)का.म.न.पा. वडा न. ९- बत्तिसपुतली युवा समाज

४) का.म.न.पा. वडा न. ११- अक्सा नेपाल

५) का.म.न.पा. वडा न. १४- एनिमल नेपाल

६) का.म.न.पा. वडा न. १५- नेपाल जुनेासिस फुड हाइजिन रिसच सेन्टर

७)का.म.न.पा. वडा न. २५- स्नेहा केयर

८) का.म.न.पा. वडा न. ३१- भेट फर योर पेट

९) का.म.न.पा. वडा न. ३२- मण्डला भेट हस्पिटल

आफ्नो वडामा भएका कुकुरहरुको पहिचान गरि कार्यक्रमका लागि आउनु भएका सँस्था वा ब्यक्तिहरुलाइ सक्दो सहयोग गरि समुदायलाई स्वस्थ जनावरमैतृ वातावरण बनाऔँ।

Today!Follow up of chyantey!!


Follow up of chyantey!!

Update of 'Kali' आज उपचार को 3 दिन पछि आफ्नो वासस्थान फर्किएकि छ।काली लाई समुदाय को एकजना दिदिलाई आस्रयको ,खानाको र उसको...

Update of 'Kali'

आज उपचार को 3 दिन पछि आफ्नो वासस्थान फर्किएकि छ।
काली लाई समुदाय को एकजना दिदिलाई आस्रयको ,खानाको र उसको घाउ निको नहुन्जेल सम्मको लागी औषधी को पनि रेखदेखको जिम्मा लगाएर राखेका छौँ।

काली हाम्रो निरन्तर निगरानी मा हुनेछ!

धन्यवाद बैनिWags Tail (Kamala Moktan) कालि लाई अस्पताल चार्ज हेरेर सहयोग गरिदिनु भएकोमा Blessings 🙏

Day today!

Day today!

Picture no: 1,2,3 He was abandoned by his owner at night because of his skin problems.He is an obedient, playful and sma...

Picture no: 1,2,3
He was abandoned by his owner at night because of his skin problems.He is an obedient, playful and smart baby.Why people are so heartless?

Picture no: 4,5,6
Khairey is a survivor. He survived hit and run case which left him with permanent disabilities. Now he is suffering from scabies.His fight is not over yet .

Now these babies have LCN on their side…

This playful boy’s wound was getting worse but he was not being ignored due kind hearted people of this community and Mr...

This playful boy’s wound was getting worse but he was not being ignored due kind hearted people of this community and Mr Santosh magar ( dog lover / informer) we were able to provide him with necessary treatment and medication.Sometimes it is heartwarming to see people caring.God bless them all❤️

His transformation is amazing 😻

His transformation is amazing 😻

छालाको रोगले ग्रसित सुनाकोठि ललितपुरको 'च्यान्टे'को अवस्थाको खबर पाउने बित्तिकै हाम्रो टिम पुगेर धेरै समय लगाएर समाएर उप...

छालाको रोगले ग्रसित सुनाकोठि ललितपुरको 'च्यान्टे'को अवस्थाको खबर पाउने बित्तिकै हाम्रो टिम पुगेर धेरै समय लगाएर समाएर उपचार सुरु गरेका छौँ

हाम्रो उपचार निरन्तर रहनेछ, आशा छ चाँडाे निको हुनेछ

“All For One,One Health For All”World Rabies Day Sep:28, 2023! Rabies is a preventable viral disease most often transmit...

“All For One,One Health For All”
World Rabies Day Sep:28, 2023!

Rabies is a preventable viral disease most often transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. The rabies virus infects the central nervous system of mammals, ultimately causing disease in the brain and death.

Thank you so much everyone who helped us to catch dogs for vaccine.

Vaccinated location : Lalitpur Metropolitan city,Chunnikhel ward No.22, Lalitpur.

भगवान् खोज्न किन टाढा जानुपर्छ र आफ्नै मनमा र आफुले गर्ने कर्म मा हुन्छ! आज को शुभदिनमा वहाँ हरुले सानो "KRISHNA" भित्र्...

भगवान् खोज्न किन टाढा जानुपर्छ र आफ्नै मनमा र आफुले गर्ने कर्म मा हुन्छ! आज को शुभदिनमा वहाँ हरुले सानो "KRISHNA" भित्र्याउनु भएको छ।

आज बच्चाले घर पाएको छ,आमाबुवा पाएको छ!

भगवान् को आशिष् सदैब हजुर हरु माथि रहिरहोस्🙏


यो रोग तातो रगत भएका हरुमा लाग्ने प्राणघातक रोग हो।यो रोग पशुबाट मानिसमा समेत सर्ने भएकाले यसलाई जुनोटिक रोग पनि भनिन्छ्।यो रोग RABDO VIRUS समुहको Lyssa virus जातको बिषाणुबाट यो रोग लाग्दछ।lyssa virus अन्तर्गत बिभिन्न 12 प्रकारका बिषाणु पहिचान भएका छन्।

यो रोगको जिवाणु ले केहि दिनदेखि 7 बर्श भित्रमा लक्षण देखाउँदछ। यो रोग लागेपछि कुकुरमा 2 प्रकारका लक्षण हरु देखा पर्दछ:

1, उत्तेजक अवस्था:

• कुकुरहरु अत्याधिक आक्रामक हुने
• अगाडी जे देख्यो त्यसलाई टाेक्ने
• स्वरमा परिवर्तन हुने
• पुच्छर निहुराउनु
• बोलाएको नसुन्ने/ भनेको नमान्ने
• खानामा रुचि नराख्ने
• अन्त्यमा शरिरका मासँपेशि हरु पक्षघात हुने र तल्लो बन्ङगरा झोल्लिने

2, लाटाे अवस्था

• कुकुर निस्कृय र आवाज निकाल्न नसक्ने
• एउटा कुनामा गएर बस्ने
• खाना खान नसक्ने
• र्याल निकालिरहने
• अन्त्यमा मासँपेशिहरु पक्षघात भएर

हाम्रो यो रेविज केस पनि लाटाे अवस्थाको रहेको थियो

समयमा नै आफ्नो घरको र आफ्नो समुदाय वरिपरि का सामुदायिक कुकुर हरुलाई रेविज खोप समयमा नै लगाई सचेत बनौँ।

'पिकाचु' ❤️ गोन्ङ्गबु टाउन प्लानिङ्ग स्थित एक सामुदायिक बच्चा जस्लाई सुनिता प्रधान दिदिले ऊ लगायत रिङ्ग रोड को करिब ५०,६...

'पिकाचु' ❤️

गोन्ङ्गबु टाउन प्लानिङ्ग स्थित एक सामुदायिक बच्चा जस्लाई सुनिता प्रधान दिदिले ऊ लगायत रिङ्ग रोड को करिब ५०,६० बच्चाहरुलाई दैनिक खाना खुवाउँदै आउनु भएको छ जस्को धेरै महिना अगाडी बाट छाला रोग लुतो ले ग्रसित थिइन् हाम्रो अलिक लामो उपचार पछि आज उनले पहिला जस्तै आफ्नो रुप पाउँदै छिन्😊

धन्यवाद दिदि सुनिता आफ्नो वरिपरि को बच्चाहरुको आमा बनिदिनु भएकोमा🙏🏻

🐾 Wonderful Update on Browny's Journey 🐾We're thrilled to share some heartwarming news about Browny, the furry friend na...

🐾 Wonderful Update on Browny's Journey 🐾

We're thrilled to share some heartwarming news about Browny, the furry friend named after the stunning shade of his fur! Browny was discovered in a dire state among countless other struggling animals at the Kathmandu Municipality waste site in Teku. Despite the challenges, Browny's story took a remarkable turn thanks to the efforts of incredible individuals.

Paru Gurung didi's unwavering dedication to caring for these abandoned animals caught the attention of Let’s Care Nepal (LCN). With their quick response, LCN assessed the situation and realized Browny was in urgent need of medical care. Romi Lama didi's incredible act of kindness truly shone as she stepped forward to cover all of Browny's medical expenses.

Browny's path to recovery hasn't been easy. Neglected and suffering from various health issues, including E-Canis due to tik-related renal problems, he required intensive care. Thanks to the team's efforts, Browny received essential treatment, including a vital blood transfusion.

Currently, Browny is back to previous place after receive all dedicated care from Animal Medical Center (AMC),Our hope for his recovery remains strong.

Your thoughts, positive vibes, and support have been instrumental in Browny's journey to a happier and healthier life. Let's Care Nepal is immensely grateful for everyone's compassion and contributions that have made this transformation possible.

Thank you for being a part of this heartwarming story and showing that kindness can truly make a difference! 🐶🌟@ PaRu GuRung Lama....

आज यि दुध खाने बच्चाहरु को आमाको काखको न्यानो छुटेको छ, आमाको अपार माया छुटेको छ,पानीझरीमा भिज्न बाध्य छन्।मानवता साँच्च...

आज यि दुध खाने बच्चाहरु को आमाको काखको न्यानो छुटेको छ, आमाको अपार माया छुटेको छ,पानीझरीमा भिज्न बाध्य छन्।मानवता साँच्चै नै हराएको छ।

कोहि किन यति कठाेर हुन सक्छ?
दुध खाने आमा बाट छुटाई कसरि फ्याल्न सक्छ?

यि बच्चाहरुको न्यानो अभिभावक बनिदिनुहोस् 🥹🙏🏻

You can contact us: 9860429574

शुक्लाफाँटा नगरपालिका–७ स्थित वातावरण मध्यवर्ती सामुदायिक वन कार्यालय परिसरमा रहेको शौचालयको सेप्टिक ट्यांकीमा परेर जंगल...

शुक्लाफाँटा नगरपालिका–७ स्थित वातावरण मध्यवर्ती सामुदायिक वन कार्यालय परिसरमा रहेको शौचालयको सेप्टिक ट्यांकीमा परेर जंगली हात्तीको मृत्यु भएको घटनाप्रति हाम्रो गम्भिर ध्यानाकर्षण भएको छ।यस घटनाका कारण एउटा अबोध प्राणीले अकालमै आफ्नो ज्यान गुमाउन परेको तथा एउटा अबोध बच्चाले आफ्नो आमा गुमाउनु परेको हुँदा सामुदायिक वन कार्यालयको लापरबाहीको चरम सिमा नाघेको पुष्टी हुन आउछसाथै सामुदायिक वन कार्यालय जस्तो जिम्मेवर स्थानिय निकायको व्यवस्थापनमा पनि प्रश्न उठ्नु जायज छ।

कुनै पनि पशु माथि हुने पशु हिंसा लगायत पशु प्रतीको अमानवीय व्यवहार र क्रुरताको हामी घोर आलोचना गर्दछौ। यस घटनामा सम्बन्धित निकायहरुको विशेष ध्यानाकर्षण गराउँदै दिवंगत हात्ती प्रति हार्दिक श्रद्धान्जलि व्यक्त गर्दै प्रर्याप्त अनुसन्धान गरि घटनामा संम्लग्न भएका व्यक्तिहरुलाई मुलुकी अपराध संहिता ऐन, २०७४ अनुरुप कडा भन्दा कडा सजायको लागि माग गर्दौ यो विज्ञप्ती जारी गर्दछौ।


We are standing for the justice


Update of khairu!

आज 'खैरु' हिड्न सक्ने भएर आफ्नो वासस्थानमा फर्केको दिन 😊

उस्को घाऊ पुरा निको नहुन्जेल सम्म हाम्रो निरन्तर स्वास्थ्य निगरानी मा रहनेछ !धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद Reena Bohara जि उस्लाई ख्याल गरिदिने हुनु भएको मा😊

एउटा सामुदायिक बच्चा सडक मै जन्मन्छ, हुर्कन्छ, हरेक प्रतिकुल समय सङ्ग जुध्छ अनि सडक लाई नै आफ्नो घर बनाउँछ तै पनि ऊ खुशी...

एउटा सामुदायिक बच्चा सडक मै जन्मन्छ, हुर्कन्छ, हरेक प्रतिकुल समय सङ्ग जुध्छ अनि सडक लाई नै आफ्नो घर बनाउँछ तै पनि ऊ खुशी नै हुन्छ जब बृद्ध अवस्था आउँछ र आफ्नो सन्सार हेर्ने आखाँको ज्योति धमिलिन्छ तै पनि ऊ आफ्नो पेटको लागी सङ्घर्ष गरिरहन्छ हो त्यै बच्चा हो 'खैरु' खुट्टामा धारिलो चिजले काटिएर किरा परेको लाजिम्पाटकाे पिडीत खैरुलाई हामीले जानकारी पाउने बित्तिकै Bhatbhateni Animal Hospital and Research Center Pvt. Ltd. मा लगेर उपचार सुचारु गरेका छौँ।उस्लाई निको भएपछिReena Bohara जि को रेखदेखमा रहने छ।


Greetings everyone,

For some time due to various technical and non technical reasons we are not able to post/update of our continuous progress to help our voiceless friends.
But now we assure everyone that uwe will overcome such hindrance and continue our service.

Approx 2 months old puppy. She’s incredibly sweet, adorable, and intelligent. She’s also been vaccinated for Distemper. ...

Approx 2 months old puppy. She’s incredibly sweet, adorable, and intelligent. She’s also been vaccinated for Distemper. Looking for a home who can provide the best life for her and someone with time and has space for her.
Location: New baneswhor

🐾 Update on Browny 🐾Named after the beautiful color of his fur, Browny was discovered in a heart-wrenching condition ami...

🐾 Update on Browny 🐾
Named after the beautiful color of his fur, Browny was discovered in a heart-wrenching condition amidst hundreds of starving furry babies at the Kathmandu Municipality waste site in Teku. Abandoned by various individuals and organizations, these innocent creatures were left to fend for themselves.
Thanks to the vigilance of Paru Gurung didi, who had been selflessly feeding them for the past five days, LCN was notified, and we immediately rushed to the scene to assess the situation. Upon arrival, it was clear that Browny needed urgent medical attention.
In a true display of kindness, Romi Lama didi stepped forward and generously offered to cover all of Browny's medical expenses. She insisted that we admit him to the Animal Medical Center (AMC) for comprehensive care.
Browny's journey has not been an easy one. Neglected and deprived of proper nourishment and medical care, he has been battling multiple health issues, including E-Canis due to tik-related renal problems. To stabilize his condition, we had to administer one pound of blood, a crucial step in his treatment.
Currently, Browny is under the vigilant care of the dedicated staff at AMC. We remain hopeful for his recovery, and our team is working tirelessly to ensure he receives the best possible care and attention.
Please keep Browny in your thoughts and send positive vibes his way. Your support, love, and encouragement mean the world to us as we strive to provide him with a second chance at a happy and healthy life.
We will continue to update you on Browny's progress, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has shown compassion and contributed to his well-being.

Dear beloved followers,We would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your unwaveri...

Dear beloved followers,

We would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your unwavering support and dedication towards Lets Care Nepal (LCN). With your help, we have been able to make a real difference in the lives of stray animals in our community.

It is your generosity that has enabled us to provide food, shelter, and medical care to countless stray dogs who would otherwise have been left to fend for themselves on the streets. We are incredibly grateful for your kind donations, your volunteer work, and your unwavering commitment to our cause.

We understand that stray dogs cannot speak, but they feel from the bottom of their hearts and express their gratitude by shaking their tails. Thanks to you, we have been able to see these wonderful moments of joy and happiness on the faces of these innocent creatures.

However,we have recently become aware of some individuals who are misusing different Esewa accounts and pretending to be from Lets Care Nepal (LCN) to collect funds.We want to remind you that our official Esewa account is 9810338288, and our banking details are as follows:

Bank Account Number: 18901050001649
Account Name: Lets Care Nepal
Bank Name: Nepal Investment Mega Bank
Location/Branch: Khusibu

Please be aware of such fraudulent activities and only donate to our official account or Esewa. By doing so, you will ensure that your contributions reach the real needy and beloved stray dogs that we aim to help.

Once again, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support, kindness, and generosity. Let's continue to work together to make a positive impact on the lives of our furry friends.

Thank you,
Lets Care Nepal (LCN)

𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧_𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐭!!Looking for a "HOME"If any one is interested in giving these poor male puppies home then please kindly c...

Looking for a "HOME"

If any one is interested in giving these poor male puppies home then please kindly contact us.

Location: Tikathali
Breed: Mix Speez
Age : 65 days
Contact number: 9803627917

Only serious adopters contact us. Your small help can change these puppies' life so please adopt them.

Please help us by sharing this so that these helpless animals get a place.




यहि मिति २०८०-१-१५ गते देखि स्व.बी.यस राणाको परिवार नन्दनीको घर धापाखेल बाट सेरू हराएको हुनले जो कोहीले देख्नु हुने महान...

यहि मिति २०८०-१-१५ गते देखि स्व.बी.यस राणाको परिवार नन्दनीको घर धापाखेल बाट सेरू हराएको हुनले जो कोहीले देख्नु हुने महानुभावले ९८६९२५३०५३ मा खबर गरी दिनु होला।
सेरूको घाटीमा नीलो बेल्ट लगाएको छ।

Case Update: The dog which we all prayed for to recover fast has gone through a successful surgery. Our team would like ...

Case Update: The dog which we all prayed for to recover fast has gone through a successful surgery.

Our team would like to thank all the supporters who donated to get this dog a pain free life compared to before.



बुजु नाम गरेको पोथी कुकुर मिति २०८०/०१/१३१:०० देखि ४:०० बजे बिच सुक्र गल्ली (ENT Hospital पछाडी) बागबजार बाट हराएको हुदा...

बुजु नाम गरेको पोथी कुकुर मिति २०८०/०१/१३
१:०० देखि ४:०० बजे बिच सुक्र गल्ली (ENT Hospital पछाडी) बागबजार बाट हराएको हुदां देख्नु हुने तथा पाउनुहुने महानुभावहरू निम्न फोनमा खबर गरी दिएमा उचित पुरस्कार दिने जानकारी गर्दछौं।

बीरेन्द्र प्रसाद श्रेष्ठ 9941456624
तारा श्रेष्ठ 9841352438

यो पोस्ट लाइ बढी भन्दा बढी शेयर गरी दिन हुन
अनुरोघ गर्दछौं ।

Spay & neuter program(Birth control) done right by collaborating with Sahara Animal Care in Biratnagar.KEEP SUPPORTING U...

Spay & neuter program(Birth control) done right by collaborating with Sahara Animal Care in Biratnagar.



१ वर्ष देखि  उपचार गर्न खोज्दा पनि   बिभिन्न कारणले समाउन नसेकर आज बल्ल उपचार गर्न पाएको छौ।धन्यबाद मेरिना ढुङ्गना ज्यु ...

१ वर्ष देखि उपचार गर्न खोज्दा पनि बिभिन्न कारणले समाउन नसेकर आज बल्ल उपचार गर्न पाएको छौ।

धन्यबाद मेरिना ढुङ्गना ज्यु जसले उपचार गर्नमा सहयोग गर्नु भयो🙏🙏🙏

Yesterday we saw a post on Facebook saying “There is a dog who was hit by a vehicle, need help asap”When we saw the post...

Yesterday we saw a post on Facebook saying “There is a dog who was hit by a vehicle, need help asap”

When we saw the post we realized that he was in need of emergency help . So today morning at 5am we went to Tikathali,Lalitpur to rescue him.

Knowing in-depth about the situation we found out that he was mercilessly hit by a truck that Carried water. The hit was directly to his head that is why the eyes came bulging out.

We must operate his eyes very soon.
The poor dog is having a really tough time.
We hope he will recover soon enough.

You can donate to help.
Please share this post to spread the word.

Please be careful while you drive.

खुसीको खबर!!😊😊😊विभिन्न समस्याको कारण आफूसँग राख्न नसकिने भएपछि स्व. बि. एस. राणाका परिवार बाट हामीले उद्धार गरेर ल्याएको...

खुसीको खबर!!😊😊😊
विभिन्न समस्याको कारण आफूसँग राख्न नसकिने भएपछि स्व. बि. एस. राणाका परिवार बाट हामीले उद्धार गरेर ल्याएको थियौ। डेढ़ महिना पछि समस्या केही हद सम्म समाधान भएपछि आज फेरि शेरू पुन: स्व. बि. एस. राणाका परिवारको घरमा नै पुर्याउन सफल भएका छौं।
शेरूको आगमि दिन हाँसीखुसी साथ बितोस् हाम्रो तर्फ बाट हार्दिक शुभ कामना।🙏

सुपर आमा❤️११ वटा कुकुर र १ वटा बिरालोको आमा जो आफ्ना सन्तानहरूसँग एकदमै खुसी हुनुहुन्छ। आमा त्यो होईन जसले आफूले जन्म दि...

सुपर आमा❤️
११ वटा कुकुर र १ वटा बिरालोको आमा जो आफ्ना सन्तानहरूसँग एकदमै खुसी हुनुहुन्छ। आमा त्यो होईन जसले आफूले जन्म दिएको सन्तानलाई मात्र माया गर्छिन् ,आमा त्यो हुन् जसले जुनसुकै र जोसुकैको बच्चालाई पनि आफ्नै बच्चा सरहको प्रेम र ममता प्रदान गर्न सक्छिन्। ❤️
आज माता तीर्थ औंशीको शुभ अवसरमा परोपकारी मनका धनी आदरणीय कोहिनूर सुवेदी ज्यु र श्री सिलवाल ज्यूको सहयोगमा आमालाई आवश्यक खाद्यान्न सहयोग गर्न पाएकोमा हृदय देखि खुसी लागेको छ । उदार र विशाल मनका धनी आदरणीय दुवै जना प्रति हार्दिक आभार साथै सम्पूर्ण जगतका आमाहरुलाई माता तिर्थ औंशीको लाखौंलाख शुभकामना।


Yet another hit and run case this month.

Exceedingly uncontrollably speeding up is a major problem that causes the majority of the road accidents. Becoming a responsible as well as an accountable driver will shorten these sorts of problems.

We were informed by the locals that this dog was hit by a vehicle. The dog was a little aggressive when we were trying to take it for further treatment. Special thank you to for providing shelter to another helpless animal.



We want you to imagine yourself exchanging life with this super woman just for a day. We went there for a few minutes to...

We want you to imagine yourself exchanging life with this super woman just for a day. We went there for a few minutes to treat her dogs and this is what we felt within those short minutes.

A single poor woman without a basic place to live for survival, a single poor woman who doesn't know if she is going to get another good/bad meal or not, a single poor woman without a proper clothing to protect herself from the burning sun and the aggressive rain, a single poor woman who has managed to properly pet around 10-12 dogs al on her own.

Women like these are simply meant to be respected! She clearly doesn't know what challenge the next minute is going to bring. So if your soul truly wants to help her along with the dogs, it would simply be life changing.



Totally amazed and stunned by seeing man's excessive inhumanity! This is a case of Gatthaghar, Bhaktapur. Some monsters ...

Totally amazed and stunned by seeing man's excessive inhumanity!
This is a case of Gatthaghar, Bhaktapur. Some monsters attacked this furball with sharp weapon and tried to kill her .😡Fortunately, a beautiful soul inform Team LCN and we reached there. This dog is now admitted in Animal Hospital and undergoing through treatment. Hope, she will be well very soon. Everyone, Please pray for his speedy recovery and help us in his recovery by showing your small support.







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