This lovely little screech owl found in Newburyport on the border of Newbury died from rodenticide poisoning. Cape Ann Wildlife, Inc tried to save her but she had bled too much internally. This screech owl had 2 of the second generation (SGARs) and 1 of the first generation rodenticides in her liver. The SGARs are the most problematic as they build up in the tissue of predators leading to eventual death in even a large animal like a mountain lion. These are the rat poisons typically found in the ever-present black boxes outside businesses. TESTING for these poisons is necessary to prove the link between SGARs and the deaths of non-target wildlife like owls, eagles, hawks, foxes, etc. With this proof we will be more successful in restricting the indiscriminate use of these poisons. Your donations to Cape Ann Wildlife, Inc (www.caw2.org) will be life-saving!