I have given horsemanship lessons for 38 years. I have had some of the best clients and horses in the world. As many of you know I have been dealing with breast cancer for the last year. In another 6 months this should all be behind me. During the last year Savannah Hudson who has been under my training for over 10 years has done a stellar job of running the farm. After much thought I have decided it is time for me to step back from the farm. Ridgeview Farm will now be Southern Equine Performance. I will no long be associated with the horse farm on a day to day basis. However the same horses and the same arena will remain a learning center and a memory maker. Thank you to all of my clients for allowing me to have the best job in the world for 38 years.
Please remember
be safe FIRST
Heels down toes out
Eyes up look where you are going
Find a horse to match your ability
Every time your horse does something wrong you either did not do something you should have done or did something you should not have done.
When working with your horse. Don’t stop asking until you get a response! Because the release is used to tell the horse he did the correct thing, it’s important that you don’t stop asking until you get a response. In the beginning reward the slightest try!! The last thing you want to do is apply pressure and get absolutely no reaction, and then give up. Doing so tells the horse, “Yes, thank you for ignoring me! That was great! Do it again!” Be prepared to escalate the pressure if you need to, and consider taking a step back and asking for something a little easier if you are really having trouble … but once you’ve asked your horse to do something, you’re committed!
Savannah I can not think of a better person to leave my legacy to!
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