Can someone tell me if this is actually a dog?! It’s the strangest most adorable noise ever!😂🥰
#miniaustralianshepherd #dogsofinstagram #oklahomagroomer
#petstylist #petgrooming #petgroomer #doggrooming #doggroomer #doggroomersofinstagram #oneononegrooming #oneononegroomingsalon #tinygroomingsalon #homebasedbusiness #homebasedgroomer #smallbusiness #groomersbest #simplegroom #farahshears #shernbaousa #wahlanimal #petedgeproducts #happyhoodiefordogs #absorbertowel #groomloop #showseasonpetproducts
Carding the coat! It’s beneficial to the dogs skin and coat by removing the dead undercoat and allowing the skin to breath while leaving behind the beautiful glossy guard coat! It promotes new hair growth and the sebaceous glands to do their job. A lot of sporting and terrier breeds benefit greatly from this. 😊
Please note: this should be done with 2 hands holding the skin taught. For recording purposes I did it with one and it didn’t go through the coat as smoothly as it would holding the skin taught.
#aaronco #longhairdachshund #coatcarding #dogsofinstagram #oklahomagroomer
#petstylist #petgrooming #petgroomer #doggrooming #doggroomer #doggroomersofinstagram #oneononegrooming #oneononegroomingsalon #tinygroomingsalon #homebasedbusiness #homebasedgroomer #smallbusiness #groomersbest #simplegroom #farahshears #shernbaousa #wahlanimal #petedgeproducts #happyhoodiefordogs #absorbertowel #groomloop #davismfg #affordablegroomingshears
Stella decided she’s just going to chill. 😂
Good morning!
#petstylist #petgrooming #petgroomer #doggrooming #doggroomer #doggroomersofinstagram #oneononegrooming #oneononegroomingsalon #tinygroomingsalon #homebasedbusiness #homebasedgroomer #smallbusiness
Snickers’s coat is gorgeous! 😍
A lovely gift for me and Vera from Myrtle's Market
I received some delicious treats from Pretty Baked this morning!😋
Stick tights are the devil! 😂
Old man is feeling frisky after his haircut! 🥰
When you don’t hold and pet Snickers he’s let’s you hear about it! 💙
#yorkiesofinstagram #yorkshireterrier #dogsofinstagram #oklahomagroomer
#petstylist #petgrooming #petgroomer #doggrooming #doggroomer #doggroomersofinstagram #oneononegrooming #oneononegroomingsalon #tinygroomingsalon #homebasedbusiness #homebasedgroomer #smallbusiness #groomersbest #simplegroom #farahshears #shernbaousa #wahlanimal #petedgeproducts #happyhoodiefordogs #absorbertowel #groomloop #davismfg #affordablegroomingshears
Hope y’all are enjoying the weather as much as these two! 😂🐾🍁🍂
A little ASMR! I love getting a fresh order of shampoo! Can’t wait to try Davis Manufacturing- Veterinary & Grooming Products!