Very excited to announce……on Sunday at Burbank KC show, under Judge Mrs. Linda Hurlebaus, our puppy was WB for her first major win. “Lacey,” aka Summerland’s Queen of Hearts, made her debut and at just 6mos and three days old as she caught the eye of the judge. In the ring for WB, Mrs. Hurlebaus asked me to put the puppy back up on the table for a second examination, there we were awarded WB. 🎉 Afterwards Mrs. Hurlebaus took a moment to explain what it was that she loved about Lacey. 😍
It was a hot🔥 but great weekend as the breeder of two fine females at the end of my leads! 💗🙏🏻
My heart is full of gratefulness to all of the breeders that have dedicated themselves throughout the pedigrees of my beautiful girls. Decades of dedication from many others go into being able to breed and show quality purebred dogs. 🙏🏻
A SPECIAL thank you to Cindy Forbes for allowing us to have had Cindy Bear and to breed her to the ever so handsome Gianni. 😍
Thank you Sheri for taking this darling photo. Thank you Keylee, Christine, Donna and Kathy for a fun weekend. 🥰
Lacey is co-owned and resides with Kendall, she is my granddawgter. 😉
“Summerland’s Queen of Hearts”
Gianni x Cindy Bear.