Back to the Monday blues. ☔️
A few announcements I want to make!
1. Summer is officially over! We are getting less drop-ins throughout the weekend and more during the weekdays. I’m offering our $20 drop-ins until summer starts back up so if you’re interested in getting on the schedule Monday through Friday, let me know asap. I only have a few spots left depending on time!
2. From this moment forward I am recommending clients to schedule their dates and times in the PocketSuite app. Therefore there are no miscommunications on when I’m supposed to be there, it is also extremely important that you look at your invoice before you leave to ensure all needed visits are covered.
3. Invoices should be paid the day before services start, I have been very lenient on invoices. A finance charge of 10% per month will be added to unpaid balances 5 days after services have been completed.
Thank you if you stayed for all of this! I wear all the hats here and it can be extremely stressful when I’ve got 5 clients asking me for 5 different dates all on the same day as I’m also out running to and from visits. I love PocketSuite for myself but it also gives my clients a great app to navigate so you don’t have to sit around waiting for a text back from me.
Lastly, I just want to add in that we have been nominated again for Baldwin’s best of best, our 3rd year in a row being nominated. Both previous years we made it into the final round. Nominations are from now until Oct. 9th then voting starts on Oct. 23rd until Nov. 20th. You can nominate and vote once every single day until it ends. Here’s a direct link to nominate us!