Let's do this! Hold on, I see cows... Lol
PHC Ranch Pleasure
Well then, I guess that was a dumb question... I did my best yet as the only 3 year-old in the arena and my 2nd time ever in Ranch Pleasure. When "The blond one" asked me to lope off, I made her proud. I dropped my head and did what I was asked.
Unfortunately, the judges DQ'd me for supposedly having my right front hoof painted with hoof black. They didn't believe me that my right front hoof is ACTUALLY black and my left front hoof is half black......
I was so happy and surprised when Caitlin Raysser asked if I wanted to ride Luna Bear around to cool her down, after she had worked her. Especially, since it was late. Heck yeah!!!
As expected, Luna continues to learn fast and exceed expectations. She's such a sweet girl!!!
In just a little over a week at Shenandoah Bar M Ranch, Luna is doing great and has adjusted well to her new home. Again, thank you Trey and Katie Dove!!!
Luna's first time with a saddle!
Luna's first time on the lunge line.
Tila and Sheppy
Tila and Sheppy still playing at Down Under Colour
Tila & Sheppy
Tila and Sheppy playing at Down Under Colour