Pack Leader Pet Food

Pack Leader Pet Food We are a local distributor for quality raw pet food at discount prices.

Colostrum treats 😋 a great food topper and chock full of all the goodness for your dog, young or old

Colostrum treats 😋 a great food topper and chock full of all the goodness for your dog, young or old

Hey friends! We are looking for some testimonials on how PL has helped your dog! Please DM with a few words and a pictur...

Hey friends! We are looking for some testimonials on how PL has helped your dog! Please DM with a few words and a picture :) thank you!! ❤️

Sold in our Westchester location and will be shipping soon…. Pick you Gut Guard to heal ease your pet’s discomfort. You ...

Sold in our Westchester location and will be shipping soon…. Pick you Gut Guard to heal ease your pet’s discomfort. You can also add this into your dogs kibble along with some green tripe and fresh fruits and veggies.

I put together information last night about the microbiome and why it is SO important! This morning I woke up to my dail...

I put together information last night about the microbiome and why it is SO important! This morning I woke up to my daily article from Dr. Karen Becker and it's about just that! Give it a read and talk to us about making some changes to your pet's health today.

When your dog's gut is healthy, he's healthier in general, because the majority of his immune system resides in his digestive tract.

What is the microbiome? Why is it important? How do you heal it? Swipe on through to learn more about this VERY importan...

What is the microbiome? Why is it important? How do you heal it? Swipe on through to learn more about this VERY important organ and talk to me about how you can help your dog.

Why I use this and not fish oils 🐟🌼 ahiflower oil is sustainable! It is a regenerative and actually enriches the soil it...

Why I use this and not fish oils 🐟

🌼 ahiflower oil is sustainable! It is a regenerative and actually enriches the soil it grows in. More of this and less of this 🐟 helps our oceans. 1 hectare if ahiflower is the equivalent of 320,000 anchovies 😳

🌸 it is a powerhouse when it comes to your omega 3’s and 6’s. Ahiflower oil is higher in SDA (stearidonic acid) which converts to EPA and DHA more efficiently that ALA (alpha-linolenic acid).

🌻 it contains 5-8% GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) which is not found in fish oil, only plant oils but is an important anti inflammatory.

🐟 fish oils can contain heavy metals and toxins. They also oxidize and can go bad faster.

Talk to me, ask questions, try it out! This is a staple for my dog and people that have tried it out are already seeing a difference 🥰

Raw feeding can be pretty guys 🥰 It’s so overwhelming to know what to do and where to start. Contact me today and I will...

Raw feeding can be pretty guys 🥰 It’s so overwhelming to know what to do and where to start. Contact me today and I will help you get started! Let us at Pack Leader bring out the true dog in your dog by enhancing their life by putting the right stuff in!

Supplementing is overwhelming and hard! Too much of this, too little of that, it’s enough to make you feel 🤯 Let me help...

Supplementing is overwhelming and hard! Too much of this, too little of that, it’s enough to make you feel 🤯 Let me help you, let me make it easier!

First off this duo I call my longevity pair. You can and should give this every single day. Raw or kibble fed dogs! Reach out to me today to get your longevity duo or in your next pack leader order from our Westchester location add these in. I will tell you all about the benefits of mushrooms and ahiflower! Some really amazing stuff here! Rodney and Dr. Becker talk about mushrooms as a longevity resource in their book the Forever Dog too.

🍄 anyone?? We are so excited to be expanding what we offer at Pack Leader and this line of supplements is top notch! The...

🍄 anyone?? We are so excited to be expanding what we offer at Pack Leader and this line of supplements is top notch! The creator of is the best of the best and that’s what you can expect out of every product! We have been using these products for years and I am so excited to bring them to our customers 🥰

Mushrooms 🍄 are getting a lot of press right now for various reasons but the healing power to them is not all that new. We suggest this product for any dog with underlying health issues (especially cancer) but also all dogs to help strengthen their immune system. You do not have to give daily for a healthy dog, it can be more spaced out.

Reach out to me with any questions and contact me to pick up a tub! We have more products being added next week that I am SO excited about!


I have gotten asked before what would our elevator pitch be, in a sense. It’s really very simple! Would you eat a diet of processed foods every day, for every meal? No, right? So why should our dogs 🤷🏼‍♀️ If you look at your bag of kibble, it’s in a nutshell, processed foods. If you wanted to not just live your life but life a healthy life where you feel good, you would probably include fresh, Whole Foods into your diet. Did you know that by adding in just some fresh, Whole Foods your pets chances of getting cancer, diabetes and other forms of degenerative diseases decrease by a lot!

Contact us today and let us consult with you on the benefits of introducing meat, fruits and veggies into your pups diet. We also have great supplements to help heal your dog’s gut and put them on the track to not just a long life but a HEALTHY life too!

Talking about obesity a lot! It’s one of the biggest problems our dog faces today. Obesity leads to a variety of disease...

Talking about obesity a lot! It’s one of the biggest problems our dog faces today. Obesity leads to a variety of diseases for your dogs and all of this is preventable!

Im using sarge as an example to show you how to check your dog to see if they are overweight. When he stands you see the slope between his chest and belly? That’s what you want to see. In the 2nd pic you can see an outline of his waist, also what you want to see! When I run my hand along his sides I feel his ribs, I don’t see them and I don’t need to push on him. This means he is not under or overweight, he’s just right!

I will help you get the weight off your dog in a health way with great supplements to heal their guts and a healthy diet of fresh whole food. It’s not just feeding them smaller amount of food it’s feeding the right foods that their body allows them to utilize properly.

One of my favorite things about our food is how buildable it is! Our product is fantastic on its own but it’s so easy to...

One of my favorite things about our food is how buildable it is! Our product is fantastic on its own but it’s so easy to spice it up! Sarge is a picky eater and enjoys his food with accessories 🤪

As I’m making my family breakfast this morning I added some leftover egg shells to his food, sardines and some apple cider vinegar. He licked this bowl clean!


One of the Best Foods to Slow Dog Aging: Spinach!🍃🐶

Folate is an essential B vitamin💊 found in food. It helps with the production of DNA and without folate new, healthy DNA cannot be created. Cell biologist and longevity researcher Rhonda Patrick, PhD, maintains that “a deficiency in folate is equivalent to standing under ionizing radiation due to the DNA damage it causes.” And DNA🧬 damage is a BIG contributor to aging.

More recently, folate has also been shown to play a role in protecting telomeres, those important structures at the end of chromosomes that are shortened with age and lifestyle choices; shorter telomeres are associated with shorter lifespan and higher incidence of disease. Being highly heat-sensitive🔥, folate is one of the first nutrients to be inactivated in processed pet food.

In addition to its many vitamins and minerals, spinach provides antioxidants tied to anti-inflammation and disease protection. These include kaempferol, a flavonoid shown to reduce the risk of cancer, as well as slow its growth and spread. Another, called quercetin, has been linked to possible protective effects on memory🧠 as well as heart disease🫀 and type 2 diabetes. Two of the lesser-known glycoglycerolipid components of spinach🍃 include sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol (SQDG) and monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG), which are known for their anti-cancer activity. Overall, spinach contains the second-largest quantity of total glycoglycerolipids among other popular vegetables!

How to prepare spinach🍃 for you and your dog?

Scientists say the best way to consume spinach for maximum lutein intake may be puréed. That’s because when spinach is chopped into small pieces, more lutein is released from the leaves. Older research found that cooking also impacts the folate content of spinach; boiling slashed this B vitamin level by nearly half. Steaming, however, resulted in no significant loss of folate! Cooking also diminishes the vitamin E levels in spinach (and reduces oxalates, if you want to reduce oxalate consumption) but actually increases the amount of beta carotene. So it can be served cooked or raw.

Looking for an easy recipe to get spinach into your dog? Try making our Spinach Longevity Cubes! 🍃🧊🐾


* 5 ounces of fresh or steamed spinach🍃 (preferably organic)
* 2/3 cup of water (even better, try bone🦴, beef🐮 or chicken🐔 broth, preferably organic)


* Add spinach and water (or broth) in a blender and puree. If the mixture seems too thick, add in extra broth.🍵
* Pour the puree into ice cube trays and freeze until solid.🧊
* Store in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Add 1 ice cube🧊 per 30lbs of body weight🐕 a day to your dog’s meal.

This is one simple and powerful way to add longevity benefits to your dog’s bowl! Looking for more ideas or recipes? Check out our new book The Forever Dog with dozens of other suggestions available here:

This is a very important article. We have dealt with supply chain issues throughout the pandemic and our biggest thing i...

This is a very important article. We have dealt with supply chain issues throughout the pandemic and our biggest thing is being transparent with our customers. We would rather wait on the product than offer sub par alternatives. This is from us, a raw, small company but think about your big companies or your kibble companies who can swap things out and not need to tell you. Pay close attention here or find a small company like us that will be upfront and honest with you and your pet :)

...but not to us.

Do you feed a variety? If you are currently feeding kibble or if you are feeding one protein source here is why you shou...

Do you feed a variety? If you are currently feeding kibble or if you are feeding one protein source here is why you should switch that up!

- first, taste! Let your dogs have different foods so they don’t get bored! We look forward to our meal variety, let them do the same
- a more complete and balanced diet. Different proteins are higher in different things so feeding your dog a variety of foods will allow them to naturally get all their vitamins and minerals
- less likely to develop an allergy or intolerance to a specific food. Studies have shown that over time if your dog eats the same protein source their body will eventually have an issue with it. Rotating proteins prevents this from happening. *research has also shown a true allergy of some kind is more rare than we believe*

So add that spice to your dogs life, feed them raw and feed them a variety! They will enjoy mealtime more 😋

I cannot stress this article enough!!! Raw food has LESS recalls than kibble! Finally the research is catching up to wha...

I cannot stress this article enough!!! Raw food has LESS recalls than kibble! Finally the research is catching up to what we all know :)

Despite fearmongering from media outlets, raw food diets have fewer recalls for potentially pathogenic bacteria and mycotoxin contamination, compared to kibble.

Super excited to announce Pack Leader will be carrying this line verrrry soon 🤗We have been using these products for yea...

Super excited to announce Pack Leader will be carrying this line verrrry soon 🤗

We have been using these products for years and love them! Not only are the products themselves fantastic but the company makes them with the health of our planet 🌎 in mind too. We can’t wait to get these amazing supplements into your pups bowl!

We look forward to building Pack Leader to be your one stop shop to a healthier dog 🐕

If you have not heard of this way of feeding your dog check out Dr. Becker's article below. It's something you can do wi...

If you have not heard of this way of feeding your dog check out Dr. Becker's article below. It's something you can do with a healthy adult dog, it's not recommended for growing puppies or pregnant/nursing mama's. If your dog is overweight absolutely check this out as it is a great and healthy way to help your dog lose weight :)

New research suggests that feeding dogs just one meal a day may help reduce their risk of several significant age-related diseases.

Another reader of the pack article continuing our discussion on the dangers in your pets kibble. Give it a read, give it...

Another reader of the pack article continuing our discussion on the dangers in your pets kibble. Give it a read, give it a share, ask any questions you might have on the topic :)

If you go on google and type “poisonous materials used in dog food” there is an actual list. The list includes; melamine, BHA, BHA, Exthoxyquin, propylene glycol, carrageenan, MSG, foody dyes. These are just to name a few. Let’s ask ourselves first, why is this such a popular topic that there ...

Did you know these poisonous items have been found in your pets food? This wasn't the first time or the last time either...

Did you know these poisonous items have been found in your pets food? This wasn't the first time or the last time either. Know what you feed your dogs guys, switch them to real food :)

Have you ever heard of melamine or pentobarbital? Well, if you haven’t melamine is a small nitrogen containing molecule. Some of the ways melamine is used is as a flame retardant, an industrial binding agent, a fertilizer in some parts of the world and is used as a polymer for making utensils and ...

Looking ahead to 2022! 2021 brought a lot of heartbreak and challenges but there was joy too ❤️ we look forward to the n...

Looking ahead to 2022! 2021 brought a lot of heartbreak and challenges but there was joy too ❤️ we look forward to the new year and all it brings to everyone. Remember to find the joy in the sorrow, the light in the dark and the stillness in the chaos…. Happy New Year to you all and happy trails to the year ahead 🥂

As the year comes to a close we want to wish everyone a happy holiday! We want to especially thank all of our amazing di...

As the year comes to a close we want to wish everyone a happy holiday! We want to especially thank all of our amazing distributors that helped us grow over the last year. It hasn’t been easy, we had to table a lot of things we had originally planned but we have continued to grow and change the lives of so many dogs! We look forward to doing the things we had planned this coming year and continuing to grow ❤️

A few takeaways from this article from Susan Thixton (if you do not subscribe to her site do it ASAP!).I am ALL for savi...

A few takeaways from this article from Susan Thixton (if you do not subscribe to her site do it ASAP!).
I am ALL for saving the planet and finding environmentally friendly ways to produce our food and our pet's food but this is not it! Here are some quotes from this article that should horrify you all the way it horrified me.

"China's new technology to turn industrial emissions into animal feed at scale."
"It's hard to imagine how anyone would believe that synthetic protein made from toxic industrial emissions would be suitable nutrition for an animal"
"Producing synthetic proteins for animal feed at a large scale would also help China in its decarbonization program, they added, a major policy goal for the communist party."

USA, you guys aren't necessarily the good guys in this either.

"Dr. Steven Solomon, director of the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine, stated "we do not believe that the use of diseased animals or animals that died otherwise than by slaughter to make animal food poses a safety concern and we intend to continue to exercise enforcement discretion."

"FDA does NOT believe pet owners should be informed if their pet's food contains the above illegal (per federal law) ingredients."

Educate yourself, make some noise about these horrors and stand up for our pets.

Synthetic protein produced from industrial emissions.

Don’t be fooled! Your dogs need natural, real meat

Don’t be fooled! Your dogs need natural, real meat

Lab Grown Meat: 👍👎?
Check out the full article in the comments section.


28 Edgewood Road
Katonah, NY


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