This week should be love and show gratitude to oneself week...really. We focus so much on how to show love to others: what do we love about others, how do we make others feel loved.... but when do we do the same thing for ourselves. We should take note, self evaluate, and really see...what do I love about me. Please share your own! It would be so good to spread self love for Valentines day! Imagine how the world would look with more love and less fear which = hate. You get what you put out. Love is an action, not simply just a feeling.
❤️ In order to SHARE love.... I must first BE loving. ❤️
💔 In order to SHARE hate.....I must first BE hateful 💔
See how this works, so our first step is to be loving to ourselves. So, maybe for the week we start off simple....because we all know that it's a challenge at times, and sometimes awkward, to truly love oneself. Let's pick one thing a day that we love or appreciate about ourselves
For Monday: I love that I am massively and inherently honest. It gets me into trouble at times. if I know the truth will hurt someone, I may avoid them all together in order to avoid their hurt... that has been something I am working on.. or i can come off as blunt or intimidating, so i am told. Most times overall I am pretty good at keeping communication soft. But it comes with some good lessons for myself, that keep me humble that is for sure.