I had posted a schematic yesterday (see 2nd pic) on several suggested changes one could make to a stall/stable layout either as an owner or border. First let me state I don’t advocate stalls/stables for horse keep (quite the opposite) but we all know there are many similar facilities in the horse community. As such I wanted to offer suggestion that with little monetary expense and effort a stall/stable owner could make several changes they may benefit both owner and border, and especially the horses. I have added an addendum (see 1st pic) and offered Option B-2 for your consideration. Additionally I have been working on simplifying domestic equine care principles that one can use to measure against when determining changes to make in your horses care. It’s the M.A.N.A.G.E. principles (Maximize Authentic Naturally Activated Genetic Expression) sounds ominous, but it embraces very basic genetic understanding with some new findings (more on this later). And yes I am the designer of the WORK4FEEDER but regardless of what restrictive free-choice feeder you use the principles remain. I welcome your comments and suggestions. Rick Huffman