After a busy few weeks prepping and enduring weather that the south isn’t so equipt for… I finally had a moment of silence to reflect. And it led me to my life, family, and then… Gideon.
Why welcome a blind horse into our crazy life when I barely have to means to……. it’s because he teaches me how to live. How to see when I’m blinded by life.
He teaches me calm when scared, how to trust. He draws to me (and Selah) calmly, wanting love and security in the storm… controlling his instinct to bolt and run out of fear. It’s like he waits in the pasture for whatever moment he gets with us. Craving it. He sees so clearly the important things, while I’m so blinded by the distractions of life. He’s a constant daily reminder of the life I strive for. The person I hope to become. That’s why he’s here, part of our family…