It has been quite some time since I have sent a message to the group; life has been extremely hectic and time has not allowed me to make a major contribution to the site until now.
Rest assured, I am making contributions to the resource library, web page content, and fielding email questions from users on a weekly basis but I have had too many commitments to establish the full structure for our planned certification program or conduct a comprehensive rewrite of all web content; the site is quite large and I am the sole webmaster.
The general motto of the VASG is “Do what you can, when you can”; we all contribute based upon what life will allow.
I did want you to know that I have recently updated the VASG homepage: it now features a summary of options for how the US veterinary profession can best cope with the ongoing opioid shortage.
It also includes a new Timely Topic that summarizes our practice’s experience with Cerenia (maropitant) given PO the evening before our patients undergo anesthesia or procedural sedation.
We appreciate your support of the site. Keep your ideas coming; I use your input to prioritize my efforts.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Bob Stein
Fear Free Certified
Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist
Certified Veterinary Pain Practitioner
Certified Canine Rehabilitation Therapist
Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist
Diplomate, Academy of Integrative Pain Management
Past-President, International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management
VIN Consultant Editor, Anesthesia/Analgesia & Rehab/Chronic Pain Boards
Executive Director www.VASG.org
"Do No Harm - But First, Do Not Hurt."
This site is maintained by veterinary professionals who have made a commitment to anesthetic and pain management excellence. We want this site to be a centralized resource for our colleagues engaged in small animal private practice.