The Philosophy
At SuperHappyPets.Com we offer only top-notch, reliable, vet-approved merchandise—at a respectable price. So you get the most value for your money when buying products for your furry household members. Before any product is offered for sale in our store, it must first pass the rigorous two-step PawPrint of Approval evaluation process! Renowned veterinarian Dr. C
hristianne Schelling personally selects products and checks them for quality, durability, safety, aesthetics, and overall excellence. With her years of experience, you can be certain that anything that passes her scrutiny is the best available. Then, our Quality Control Animal Team weighs in. At the offices of we have more critters than people. Human staff bring their pets to work, we have regular animal visitors, and our beautiful offices in the stunning California Sequoias are home to rescues and adoptees.